Author: The Strathbungo Society (Page 1 of 5)

Traffic disruption

Expect traffic disruption over the next few weeks…



Dear Member,

I can advise that we will be undertaking high priority roadmarking refurbishment works on Pollokshaws Road between Allison Street and Minard Road in January. These works will also include Minard Road, Abbot Street and a short section of Langside Avenue will also be undertaken between Pollokshaws Road and Tantallon Road.

Works will commence on Tuesday 7 January 2025 between Marywood Square and Springhill Gardens with further sections being undertaken each week thereafter. These works are dependent on favourable weather conditions, but we are hopeful these works will be completed by the end of January.

To facilitate the works, temporary restrictions and lane closures will be in place and will be managed by the Councils appointed traffic management contractor who will be present on site for the majority of the roadmarking works. These works will inevitably cause some disruption until they are complete. SPT have also been advised of the programmed works.

A letter drop is being carried out to notify residents and businesses of the pending works (attached below) in addition to advanced notice signs, temporary restriction notices, yellow parking suspension boards and yellow “No Loading” cones. Parking Attendants will also carry out enforcement of the temporary restrictions for the duration of the works to mitigate obstructive parking which could delay progress.

I trust this is of assistance at this time.

Andrew Beglin
Group Manager – Parking Services
Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability

Autumn 2024 Newsletter is here

The latest newsletter has arrived, just in time for our AGM! If it hasn’t made it through your door already, you can

Read it now!

Note there’s an error in the printed version of the newsletter; the AGM is next Tuesday, 12th November, not 19th as stated in the headline. Apologies.

If you want to write something for the newsletter, or even better if you fancy helping edit it or laying it out, please get in touch.

You can also find the newsletter, and old ones back to the 1990s, at the BygoneBungo Newsletter Archive.

Summer 2024 Newsletter is here

The latest newsletter has arrived, just in time for Bungo in the Back Lanes! If it hasn’t made it through your door already, you can

Read it now!

As well as Back Lanes news, there’s an update on parking restrictions, Queens Park Arena, and local news.

Thanks again to Kem Gammie for editing. If you want to write something for the newsletter, or even better if you fancy helping edit it or laying it out, please get in touch.

You can also find the newsletter, and old ones back to the 1990s, at the BygoneBungo Newsletter Archive.

Parking Update

Cllr Ghani has passed on a communication from council officers on the enforcement of the ban on pavement parking. It clarfies the council’s current position very well.

Essentially they have divided Glasgow’s roads up into ones where they will enforce the ban, becasue there is no issue (e.g. Pollokshields Road, Titwood Road) and those where they will defer enforcement while further work is undertaken (e.g. most of Strathbungo’s Squares and Gardens).

Our interpretation is that pavement parking will remain technically illegal, but there will be no enforcement, and no further nagging warning notes, until further notice, on roads coloured green. I suspect that might be for quite a while given the scale of the task.

Note there are some exceptions. The ban will be enforced on Titwood Road, Nitshdale Street, and at some of the entrances to the Squares, where the road is wider. Check the map; purple streets will have the ban enforced, green will not.

Excerpt from council map of streets

Map showing which streets will have the ban enforced (purple).

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Spring 2024 Newsletter is here

The latest newsletter has arrived. If it hasn’t made it through your door already, you can

Read it now!

It’s a mixture of Window Wanderland, the history of Moray Park (where?), bins, Southside U3A and Bungo at the Bells.

Thanks to Kem Gammie for getting this one out. If you want to write something for the newsletter, or even better if you fancy helping edit it or laying it out, please get in touch.

You can also find the newsletter, and old ones back to the 1990s, at the BygoneBungo Newsletter Archive.

Window Wanderland is back!

We are thrilled to announce the return of Window Wanderland to the streets of Strathbungo on 24 February 2024. This beloved community event transforms the neighbourhood into an outdoor art gallery for one magical night.

Window Wanderland showcases the community’s incredible creative spirit and talent, filling the streets with families, friends, and art lovers as they wander about admiring the creative window displays. The event provides a platform for residents to express themselves, whether young or old, artistic or not, and share their creativity with their neighbours and spectators.

But the magic of Window Wanderland doesn’t happen in isolation; now is your chance to get involved! No matter your skills or experience, start brainstorming how to transform your windows into a work of art for the community to enjoy this February.

Join our Workshop!

Not sure where to start? We plan to host a collaborative creative workshop on 10 February from 2-4 pm to help spark your imagination, encouraging seasoned veterans and event newbies to share ideas and window decorating techniques.

Volunteering is a great way to meet neighbours if you’re a budding artist. Come along to The Point, Queens Drive on 10 February and lend your talents to help others create eye-catching windows. To get involved, express your interest by emailing:

Window Wanderland, Saturday 24 February, 6pm-9pm.

Rubbish Issues – Solve them with this one clever trick (sort of)

Yeah OK, we don’t have solutions to all the ongoing issues with rubbish.

While we have had comlaints about overflowing bins, we don’t see too much of a problem in the Squares and Gardens, but suspect the main problems are on Pollokshaws Road and in the park.

There is one simple thing that can help a little, with minimal input from you, yet it isn’t widely known. So here goes.

Every GGC street bin now has a QR code attached. Scan the code and it takes you to a page where you can report an overflowing or damaged bin. It takes three clicks (scan, tick, submit) and you’re done. Your contact details are purely optional.

This has two advantages:

  1. The Council will (well, should) come and empty the bin
  2. The Council build up a picture of the most troublesome spots and can modify practice accordingly

So please lets all start reporting bin problems, and it might get more attention from the refuse folk at the council.

Would this work on domestic bins too?

Strathbungo Society AGM 2023

The AGM of the Strathbungo Society is set for tomorrow, Tuesday 7th November. The event is again in Queens Park Church of Scotland over on Queens Drive, and will begin at 7.30pm. Doors will be open from 7.15pm, with tea and coffee available beforehand and wine afterwards.  Do come and meet fellow residents of the area.

The principal business of the evening will be the Society’s report and accounts for the year. We also welcome Iain Morrison from consultants Ironside Farrar to talk about the southside consultation on improvements to Queens Park.

Documents here:

We are always looking for new blood on the committee. Every community organisation needs to reflect the diversity of the people living in the area, and always needs a variety of different talents to make the machine work. We meet 10 times a year, in the den of The Bungo Bar on Nithsdale Road, and you can contribute as much or as little as you like, according to your interests and skills. Beyond committee work, we also need volunteers to take part in Bungo Cleanups, to help organise local events like Bungo in the Back Lanes, or even introduce new ideas for other events. Have you any time that you can give to your local community? Have you new ideas, but need some help to get them going?

The Society is only as strong as those who contribute, so it needs your support.

Please contact us for further information, before, during or after the event.

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