About Strathbungo

Strathbungo is one of Scotland’s pre-eminent conservation areas with magnificent architecture and a classical Victorian street plan bordering Queen’s Park to the south east and the railway line to the north west. Back lanes are wedged in between the ‘squares’ which play host to beautiful blond and red sandstone fronted terraces of regional, national and international importance.

But to residents, Strathbungo is not simply a few streets containing houses of historical and architectural interest to passing architectural students and affectionardos. It is a healthy, vibrant, safe and stunningly beautiful place to live and for some, to work.

Strathbungo plays host to our families, our friends and our community. It is where we live, where we eat, where we shop and where we socialize. It is where we take our dogs for walks, where we garden and where we relax.

Strathbungo is home to students and university professors; to medics and firefighters; to entrepreneurs and to civil servants; artists and craftsmen. It is home to Scottish, English, Welsh, Irish, American, Italian, Lao, Thai and Indonesian and others. It is home to Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Bahai’s.

It is a microcosm of much of what we find interesting and delightful in the world.

Strathbungo belongs collectively to the residents. The Strathbungo Society promotes a community spirit and a community cohesiveness that will distinguish Strathbungo from other areas in Glasgow and Scotland, not just in its architectural significance but also in its strong community spirit. The Bungo Blog is the official website of the Strathbungo Society.

We don’t expect you to agree with anything that we put on this blog. Indeed we would be very disappointed if you did for that would mean that the blog is so bland it doesn’t upset anyone. But we do hope that you can start to engage more with each other through the blog. The web team doesn’t see its job to populate the blog with articles to amuse and entertain you. We see our job to stimulate healthy community engagement, share information and promote Strathbungo as a vibrant, healthy, safe and interesting place to be.


And if you are visiting here out of an interest in the history of Strathbungo, try our sister site Bygone Bungo, which has a wealth of information and articles on the area’s past, including a database of addresses and their former residents.


  1. Caroline Scott

    Looking at the map of Strathbungo and notice that it excludes Niddrie Road.
    The historic centre of Strathbungo was at the intersection of Alison St. and Pollokshaws Road. and my early 20th century map has the text ‘Strathbungo’ covering pretty much my house across from Arnold Clarks. I hope to reclaim my place in the village of Strathjbungo and hope you would alter the map accordingly.

  2. Paul

    Quite right Caroline. Some years ago the council put up new street signs that said ‘Strathbungo’ on them around the historic Strathbungo village.
    The Strathbungo Society kicked up about the ones around Niddrie Road and Niddrie Square – anywhere east of Pollokshaws Road basically.
    As a result, we had the daft situation where the ‘Strathbungo’ bit of the signs were covered up. You can still see them today.
    Strathbungo isn’t just the conservation area!
    I’d say the west side of Craigie Street should be considered the Strathbungo border. What does it say on the side of St Bride’s Primary – ‘Strathbungo’!

  3. Emma

    Does anyone have any information or photographs of the police station that was once on March Street. I’ve heard a few people mention it and you can see where the cells were at the back of the building. Any information would be great.

  4. Sheryl

    I must stay I did wonder about the boundary and about the awful mess that the council had made of the Balvicar Street sign on my house. It is interesting, in fact a bit surprising to me, to learn the the Strathbungo society was responsible for that.

    While I appreciate the ‘conservation’ area excludes my house it appears to me that it is a rather elete society that you operate. I live in a B listed building (only a fraction of Strathbungo is B listed) and just because my house is in G42 rather than G41 I am excluded from the Strathbungo society despite the fact that my house overlooks much of Strathbungo and was built in the same era and indeed in Strathbungo by the looks of things.

    I used to live in Strathbungo and the architecture of my new B listed flat if far superior to that of my Strathbungo B listed one. Would it be possible to ammend the information of your site so that is clear that you map refers to the ‘Modern Strathbungo Conservation Area’ rather than the ‘Strathbungo Historic Area’ which is what I was mislead to believe was covered by your society.

    For historical accuracty you might even like to consider in the future increasing the boundary of your map and indeed the society to include the parts of the historic Strathbungo that are currently excluded.

  5. Matt

    As I remember it, some of the signs that were covered said Crosshill and not Strathbungo, so it can’t have been down to the Strathbungo Society. How would they object anyway and under what piece of legislation/byelaw? Seems unlikely to me that the council would spend money covering signs when asked by a non-statutory body such as the Strathbungo Society.

    Sheryl, you say only a fraction of Strathbungo is listed. Of course this depends on the definition of Stathbungo we’re all debating here.Also, anything less than 100 per cent is a fraction so even if 95 per cent were listed, only a fraction would be listed. What do you mean by a fraction? I’d estimate that over 50 per cent of the houses in the area marked as Strathbungo on this web site’s map are A or B listed. All the streets in the conservation area are A or B listed, except Marywood Square. The map does say “Conservation border” to make clear where the conservation area is.

    Can any of you give a definitive border to Strathbungo? I’ve not seen one in any of your comments. It’s no use complaining without giving a solution. List the streets, please.

  6. Bungo Blog

    By way of some background to the present form of the Strathbungo Society and the boundary of its remit, it is important to remember that in 1994 the previous ‘Strathbungo Conservation Society’ was reconstituted as the current Strathbungo Society. The Conservation Society for 20 years had concerned itself with planning issues and limited its membership to the listed terraces (Moray Place, plus the ‘squares’ of Regent Park, Queen and Marywood). Although conservation remains important, the new Strathbungo Society did extend its membership to all of the terraced streets leading off Queens Park, including the red sandstone ‘Garden’ streets built in the early 20th century and the Victorian tenements that form the logical boundaries. Any consideration of extending its boundaries further would have to be properly considered at the forthcoming AGM.

    The AGM is on the 19th August at 7.30pm at Queens Park Parish Church on Queens Drive. Everyone is very welcome to attend and start a discussion on this subject.

  7. Caroline Scott

    Matt, check out the map link from the Shawlands and Strathbungo Community Council website and you’ll see the entire wedge between Victoria Road and Polloshaws Road is included as Strathbungo. This includes: Niddrie Road; Craigie Street; parts of Calder Street & Alison Street; Torrisdale Street, Prince Edward Street and a bunch more. Not an insignificant number of households. Indeed, those excluded from the ‘Strathbungo’ (rather than the Strathbungo Conservation Area’) of the the Strathbungo Society probably outnumber those included

  8. isabel

    Hi myself and my family have been living in queen square for 2 years now. We love our home, the surronding areas and the community atmosphere. Unfortunaly, we have had problems with neighbours since we have moved in and recently one of our other neighbours was beaten up by them and myself and partner have been spat upon. Police and community officers are involved but without mentioning any names i was wondering if anyone else has suffered as we have by the same family. Is there someone i/we could speak to within te society that may help?? many thanks x

  9. abrown

    Is anyone else really annoyed and offended by the massive “Bigger Fatter etc” hoarding at Crossmyloof station – an absolute disgrace, can no one in S Glasgow get this removed?

  10. Chris Jay.

    Letter published in the Herald on December 12th., headed ‘Wrong approach to landslips’.

    Landslips have recently disrupted the West Coast railway line. You might have thought that Network Rail would have identified potential landslips, undertaken a risk assessment on each and taken steps to secure them. Instead, it spends its time and money on uprooting vegetation on embankments and erecting high weldmesh security fences along the roadside, regardless of historical or aesthetic considerations. Of course, the dangers of fallen leaves and trespassing must be eliminated if possible, but Network Rail knows only this one brutal solution. It will not countenance discussion with local residents about other ways of securing the line – and there are many. At present, the Greek Thomson terrace in Strathbungo is threatened with this treatment, but the problem is nationwide. Network Rail appears to be a law unto itself, accountable to no one. Should this be allowed to continue.

    Chris Jay. 11 Moray Place.

  11. Marion ben-amir furst

    I grew up at 20 nithsdale road in the 40’s and 50’s. I wrote a very short memoir ( a page) of the street as I remember it. Who would be interested in reading it?

  12. Sally

    The (red) Homework book of JULIA HUNTER P5/4 has been found in the Back Lane linking the East End of Queen Sq. to Regent Pk Square. *I live locally; If anyone knows who Julia is, please tell her that I found the jotter; It’s clean & dry, undamaged. There’s a plastic protective cover over a front cover which features a drawing on cut-out white paper of a Pokemon Dragon? I know that even if she’s already started a replacement jotter she may still want this back. 45yrs later I wish I still had one or two of my own early schoolbooks. They’re great to look back on when you’re older : )

  13. Stephe J Butler

    I was born just round the corner of March Street, at no. 30 Nithsdale Street in 1948 and was aware of the police station you mentioned but believe that it ceased to be one prior to 1948 when I was born. I played football and headers in the backcourt which just over the wall was the station’s courtyard. Occasionally our ball would accidentally stray into the yard but being a wee nipper it was relatively easy to climb in and out to retrieve our ball! I can only assume that the prisoners would be handcuffed to a warden each time they were allowed out for a walkabout. Two families I remember who lived in the station block were the Menzies and the Popes. If you look up on Urban Glasgow’s website, it shows photographs of the cells below! @Emma

  14. Stephe J Butler

    Anybody have any gen or info on the iron horse’s head & neck that adorned the embankment of the old Strathbungo Railway Station? What happened to it? what was the history behind?

  15. Stephe J Butler

    I would be since I was born at 30 Nithsadle Street in 1948 until I was moved away around 1967.@Marion ben-amir furst

  16. Heather Alexander

    @Stephe J Butler
    Your best bet may be to contact our sister blog, Bygone Bungo. They may also be interested in your recollections of the police station.
    You’ll find it at http://bygone.bungoblog.com/wp/strathbungos-history-welcome/

  17. Dianne Cheevers

    My mother went to Strathbungo school in the 1920’s, she said that there was a piano on the landings and the children marched upstairs to the piano music. She had a teacher called Miss Sertes (Certies?) who taught French I think. I wondered if anyone else’s parents may have shared memories of those days? I don’t remember all the names she mentioned but there was a Jean Fife in her class.
    My mothers’ family came to Australia in 1928 when my Mum was 15.

    • Doris Morton

      My uncle attended Strathbungo in the 30’s and as you mentioned the piano being played as the pupils marched to their classrooms, I attended Shawlands Academy in the 50’s and it was one of the pupils that played the piano as we marched to our classrooms , I always remember the Toreador song from Carmen was the one I liked best, but I used to think it was a way of checking to see if our shoes were polished.

      • Dianne Cheevers

        Hello Doris,
        My mum’s name was Doris too, they lived on the top floor of 31 Dixon Avenue Queens Park.
        Perhaps all your schools had piano players, we didn’t get any music to march into school here in Australia, just a teacher shouting left, right, left right!! Not quite the same.
        Cheers, Dianne.

    • Morag Barclay

      I have only just found this site. I went to Strathbungo School in the 1960’s. My mother was born in 1922 and went to Strathbungo as well. We shared the same teachers Miss Drysdale, Miss Dewar and Miss Dunnet oh and a Miss Stevenson.

      She is 97 and fortunately has a great memory. I will ask her if she remembers the French Teacher.

      My mother has mentioned having to march into school to the sound of the piano

      • Jean Watson nee Babes

        I. Attended Strathbungo in the 1960s was the French teachers name miss Hay p e teachers Mr Percy and Miss Mcfarlane Miiss Stevenson was my Geography teacher

      • Bill heilbron

        Would you be morag wingate.formerly

        • Jim. Mack

          I remember seeing the name MW in the school magazine of 1960. My two older sisters(Barbara and Margaret)attended Strathbungo as did myself-who left in 1963. Mrs.Stevenson didn’t like it when you continually clicked your pens. There were also Miss Shearer and Mr.Mundy, and many others. Good memories. Jim Mack

          • Tommy Hamilton

            I was at Bogie from 1963/65 then Hillpark. Mrs Stevenson, now there was a TYRANT. I had broken my left arm, the one that I wrote with, and she made me write everything down with my right hand. Talk about hieroglyphics.

            Tommy Hamilton

      • Hazel Allan

        I attended Strathbungo Senior Secondary School in the late 1950’s to early 1960’s. During my time, Mrs Drysdale taught English; Miss Dewar (of the Dewar whisky people) taught Science; Mrs Sharpe and Mrs Duncan both taught French and German; Mr Jones taught Latin and ran a badminton class after school hours. I recall Miss Stevenson teaching history and Mr Gibbs was the Geography teacher.

        Hope this helps.

      • James Docherty

        I went to “Bogie” as we used to call it 64-67.
        I remember ” Mistress Stevenson” as she forced us to call her.
        She was a very sweet old lady and way past retirement when I knew her.
        I was in her class when she fell down the steep, worn stairs. She staggered up to the class, head bleeding and excused herself. Poor auld bugger
        Never saw her after that day.
        My name is James Docherty
        I live in New Mexico now. My phone is 720 662 6992

        • Anna Mathers

          Hi James…I remember you! I was in “Stevie’s” class too, and can recall very clearly the day she had her accident! I am Anna Mathers (nee Knight). I have been living in Australia since ’75, but still keep in touch with Linda Cartwright (nee McMillan) and visit her when over in the “old dark”. They were good days at “Bogie” 🙂

      • Tommy Hamilton

        I remember Miss Stevenson also Mr McNair, Mr Percy (from the gym) and Mr Katznell and Bella Bunsen (both science teachers). Do you also remember Davie Gilmour the “all round sportsman”?????

      • Dianne Cheevers

        Hello Morag,
        I just found this site again. My mum was born in 1913, a good few years before your mum. Miss Sertes (not sure of the spelling) was the only teacher mum mentioned, she must’ve made a lasting impression!
        I think that she went to school there until 1927 when the family left to come to Australia.

      • Marlyne Burns

        When I went to Strathbungo ,eaving in 1966, the French teacher was Mr Harris.

      • Tommy Hamilton

        I was at “Bogey2 from 1963 – 1967. Miss Stevenson made me write with my “Other hand” when I broke my wrist. If i remember rightly one of the science teachers was nicknamed “Bella Bunsen”

      • Diane McKane (Loughlin)

        Hi, I also went to ‘Bogey’ in the mid ‘60s and had Miss Drysdale and Miss Stevenson. Always remember ‘Fanny’ Drysdale didn’t give you lines for not doing homework, she’d make you write out spelling words from Approaches to standard English, even think it was pages 105, 6, 7, 8 & 9. That’s how often I had to do it.

      • Gloria rossi

        Did you know a Margaret ford and Christine ford?

  18. Paul Mac

    Can anyone please advise where and when the next Strathbungo Society AGM or meeting will be held?

    • adownie

      Monthly meetings are on the calendar on this website, next one has been brought forward to 12th June in The Bungo, Nithsdale Road – I’ve just corrected this. The AGM is usually in October.

  19. Ketron Judith Neesham

    Just to set the record straight re 2007/8 Strathbungo comments by Caroline Scott, Paul, Sheryl and Matt. Matt was correct, the signs said Crosshill. Why? Well, in 2006 Glasgow City Council had a Crosshill Conservation Area Appraisal done. Look up Crosshill-Glasgow City Council where you will find the PDF file. The area outline map, where the main road tenements etc. are included was what caused the confusion. At that time, our local councillor, who may have lived in Queen Sq. and went everywhere by bicycle, was councillor for Roads and Transport. Considering this, I thought it was rather funny, so I phoned up The Glaswegian and told them, hoping, naively, that they would print it and we would all have a laugh. The council were out double quick to cover up the mistakes. As for the Boundary Line, c Local gov. boundary commission for Scotland. GCC area electoral arrangements, Ward 68 -Strathbungo. Defunct.

  20. Ian Stewart

    I attended ‘Bogie’ 1960- 65 and played in goal for the under13s/14s/15s football teams. Our strip was gold with a broad navy hoop. Team below used an all-black kit.
    Teachers I remember include Mr Percy PE, Mr Dunbar Science, Miss Dinning Maths, Mr Tait Science and Mr McIntyre English.
    I now live in Northamptonshire.
    Anyone else got memories (good or bad!) from these times?

    • James Mack

      Hi Ian I just discovered this last night Sat.16/10/21. I went to Bogey 1960-63. Was in classes 1c,2c,and the infamous 3r with Jim Soutar and Stewart Sheds in.Also knew Andrew Gentle,Jack Sharp Davy Walker(hank)and many others.I now live in Prestwick but know Northants pretty Kettering and Peterborough.My phone no. is 01292 671590 call sometime. Not Garry street. Jim Mack

  21. Norma McGauley

    I to went to Strathbungo from 1962, I remember Mistress Stevenson, she brought history alive for me although she terrified me, also Miss Hay taught French, Miss Mugdock English she was wonderful, I got my love of theatre from her, she gave me and my friend free tickets to the Citizen Theatre, Mr Gibb taught Geography.

  22. Sadie McCafferty (née McDonald)

    I attended strathbungo between from 1965 until 1967 and then on to Hillpark secondary. Mistress Stevenson was old fashioned and wore a black gown she gave me the belt for forgetting a history book. Nowadays a bit over the top

    • Diane McKane (Loughlin)

      Hi, I think we were in the same class. We’re you friends with another McDonald & Liz Hoy?

  23. Ian Cleary

    Mr Speirs the maths teacher had a hit parade of his own. NOT TOP OF THE POPS.You forgot your homework book .He gave his hit parade.Ten of the belt .Percy was a pyscho. Extremely strong disiplinarian.But the best adult of my youth.I still run jogging to this day.And advanced in life far beyond my roots

  24. Maggie Hunter (prev Margaret Whittaker)

    I attended Strathbungo from 1960 to 1963. Does anyone remember Mary Fulton? My pal, who also went to ‘Bogie’, is trying to get in touch with her. They were great friends at school.

  25. Arlene Young (Whittle)

    My mother was born in 1913 and went to Strathbungo. I also went there in 1950s.
    and remember going to badminton after school. nam now in my 80s Anyone still around from that time.

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