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Thank you to all who helped make Bungo (NOT) in the Back Lanes possible

First, a big Thank You to all who took part today:

  • the talented musicians (hope their busking was well rewarded!)
  • the stall holders (especially those local stall holders responding through the day)
  • and everyone who had a party, lunch, glass of wine or water or cuppa, and celebrated all things Bungo on their own, with family or with suitably distanced friends

In normal times, BITBL is put together by the Society’s committee and many other willing volunteers & local business. This year was a wee bit different. Well, a lot different.

So there are three special Thank Yous:

  • A huge Thank You to Bungo-ites Mark & Mandy Reid-Foster from Submarine who put together the online market for us, as well as the supporting BNITBL pages on our website. An amazing job, and a LOT of work.
  • Massive thanks to Crawford Smith of Southside Sessions for pulling together the music schedule and keeping it all on track today (as well as finishing with a set of his own!).
  • From the initial suggestion of “we should do something in our gardens/homes on the day”, one committee member in particular picked up the idea and made this event happen. So another big Thank You to Paola Rezzilli for the vast amount of work she put into making this event possible and keeping things on track through today.

We hope everyone enjoyed their virtual BITBL today, and will carry on visiting our our market! [open until 8pm Sunday 21st June]

It’s Bungo (NOT) in the Back Lanes TODAY!


Every year, the Strathbungo Society organises the community summer festival that is Bungo in the Back Lanes. This year, we’ve had to be a little more inventive.

We couldn’t physically hold the event this year, so the Society has organised an online version of it to create a little of what the event brings to our community, complete with stalls, live music and virtual participation!

The online market will be here  from 12noon until 5pm. You can listen to the music and contribute photos or videos of your own celebrations in our Facebook event.


Neighbours entertaining neighbours on Titwood Road

It may have escaped the watchful eye of the Bungo Blog but since lockdown a musical event has taken place every Saturday evening on Titwood Road. Following the initial Thursday “Clap for the NHS”, all of the neighbours on Titwood Road from the corner of Pollokshaws Road to the corner of Thorncliffe Gardens/Waverley Street got together in an attempt to soften the blow of isolation.

Those residents who can play a musical instrument (and/or sing) entertain the others who are more than willing listeners during an historic, unique and never to be forgotten period in the lives of all of us. All of this is enhanced by the presence of one of the neighbours Grant Parfery who is a professional photographer. During each concert Grant has captured the atmosphere in photographs and videos which have come to the notice of the Royal photographer, the Daily Record and Glasgow Live.

Those in attendance vary in age from toddlers to octogenarians. The occasion has become one to savour and eagerly anticipate for all of us. We share glasses of wine, beer and whisky whilst keeping each other good company at distances well in excess of the 2 metres recommended. Friends and relatives have heard about the concert by word of mouth and are adding to the friendly atmosphere by their attendance albeit still maintaining a safe distance. The event takes place – whilst Lockdown is with us – each Saturday evening between 6.30 pm and approximately 8.00 pm. Images can be obtained from the Facebook page of Grant Parfery.

Grant Parfery Photography Grant Parfery Photography 3 Grant Parfery Photography 2

Bungo (NOT) In The Back Lanes 2020

We can’t hold Bungo in the actual Back Lanes this year, so we’ve gone online!

Right now, we’re planning the last details (like the music schedule) but here are the headlines:

  • we’re holding it on the day we’d already planned: Saturday 20th June, from 12-5pm
  • there will be an online market of stalls, live music online and hopefully your contributions of what you are doing to celebrate all things ‘Bungo
  • if you would like a stall, you can bag one here (there are two types: one for those with an existing online presence, and one for those without)
  • on the day, the market will be here
  • on the day, the music will be here, and that’s also where we’d love your contributions to the day

So… put the date (back) in your diary, book a stall if you’d like one, and plan what you will be doing on the day! With the easing of lock-down, you could even invite another household to join you if you have a garden (suitably distanced, of course).

Bungo in the Back Lanes 2020

Fellow ‘Bungo dwellers and visitors from further afield:

It will come as no surprise, with all that is happening – and all that is not happening – during these unprecedented times, that the Strathbungo Society has regretfully decided that we won’t be able to hold Bungo in the Back Lanes on 20 June as planned.

The safety and health of our community and its visitors are paramount. We cannot put our community at risk by welcoming hundreds of people from far and wide to our summer community festival in ‘Bungo’s narrow back lanes. We don’t know what the Government’s guidance will be over the next couple of months but, even if the rules were to be relaxed, we feel that people will still be nervous about attending a crowded public event in June. And – being purely practical – normally we’d be in full swing right now preparing for the event, lining up bars, music and stalls, but all of that has been put on hold and we wouldn’t be able to organise the event in time.

We don’t yet know if we can postpone this event to a later date this year. We will continue to monitor both government guidance and the public mood over the next few months. There is a risk that there will be no Bungo in the Back Lanes in 2020 (along with Wimbledon, the Olympics and many other events) but we will keep you posted on that, and on any alternatives that we might plan.

We hope that the Strathbungo community are safe and well. Please stay at home, and take all precautions if you need to venture outdoors.

Piatto – 44 Skirving street

Subscriber post:

I would like to make you aware of the wonderful , thoughtful and amazing job the staff at piatto (Italian street food takeaway) and the community of Shawlands are doing.
They have started a pay-it-forward scheme for people to pre-pay for meals which all NHS staff can come down and get some tasty food to thank them for the amazing job they are doing on the frontline!

They have had an overwhelming response (while following all government guidelines in the current climate) and have over 50 donated meals !

They have also opened it up to anyone who is out of a job and maybe struggling to eat. They just today delivered pizza to the children’s hospital for the staff to enjoy. Furthermore they are collecting for local food banks which has also been very successful.

Being a small business themselves and under the pressures of this horrific situation they are doing everything in the power to help their community and show thanks to our frontline workers.

I believe they deserve some gratitude themselves for doing such an amazing and commendable job!!

Many thanks
Nicola Curran


Glasgow City Council – coronavirus update

In case people aren’t aware of it, the Council has created a page showing the changes to services during this period. For example, changes to refuse collections (no brown or purple bins being emptied until further notice) or parks (all car parks now closed). You can find all the details at:

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