Category: Strathbungo Society (Page 3 of 18)

Notice of Strathbungo Society AGM


Tuesday 29th October 2018 7.30-8.30pm

Queen’s Park Church Hall 170 Queen’s Drive


  1. Welcome, introductions and apologies
  2. Minute of last year’s AGM Monday 29th October 2018
  3. Matters Arising: Chair
  4. Network rail vegetation management
  5. Future of Crossmyloof Resource Centre site on Titwood Rd
  6. Other topical issues: bin collections (please notify of others before meeting)
  7. Trustees Report
  8. Accounts
  9. Election of Officer Bearers/Trustees
    • Chair; Vice-chair; Secretary; Treasurer;
  1. Election of Committee (up to 15 places)
  2. AOB

Tea and coffee from 7pm and refreshments afterwards

Response to Network Rail’s attempt to justify vegetation clearance along Moray Place

Background and update

After the Strathbungo Society heard that Network Rail proposed to clear all vegetation along Moray Place, we wrote to them copying in our local elected political representatives and politicians to express our concern.  Ten days ago Network Rail responded to us 20 Sept Strathbungo Society NR Response.  The Strathbungo Society has carefully considered this and believes that it raises far more questions than it answers so on Friday we responded to them.   Set out below are what  we believe are the substantive issues at stake.  We would welcome comments either on social media or to   We hope  local residents, and other people living along the Glasgow -E.Kilbride Line who will be affected by the proposed works, find it helpful and that it helps with further lobbying/campaigning.

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Network Rail new plans to destroy the trees along the railway

(Statement from Fiona Mackinnon on behalf of the Strathbungo Society)

Network Rail are planning to cut down every tree along the 11 miles of track between East Kilbride and Glasgow Central.  Their timetable starts in September i.e . now.  When the chainsaws and giant chippers plan to arrive to work all night in Strathbungo, we do not know.

The Chair, Treasurer and Secretary of the Society and a number of local residents went along on Monday  night to Network Rail’s ‘drop-in information’ session but came away shocked by the potential scale of destruction planned but also by the lack of detail from Network Rail about what they will do and when.  Most importantly there was no real explanation why.
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Volunteers welcome

The Strathbungo Society and its events are run entirely by volunteers and we always welcome new people who want to help in any way they can. It’s important that volunteers are able to move on, so we are always looking for people to take on roles, from the small to the not-so-small, but also to develop new initiatives. Our Committee Meetings are open to all and advertised under the events sections of the bungoblog and Strathbungo Facebook page, so if you have ideas or want to know more do come along.

Current volunteering opportunities include:

  • Stewards for Window Wanderland 23rd February. We have stewards at larger events just in case anything goes wrong (stewards are briefed beforehand and we have a pick up point for lost children). Don a yellow bungo jacket for part of the evening and wander the streets. If interested either contact or come to the Committee Meeting on 19th February
  • The Spring Fling. A small group is responsible for organising this event (co-ordination of craft stalls and events on the day) and would welcome someone else to join the team Contacts
  • The Bungo Committee. At our last AGM several people retired and were not replaced. We need more people on the Committee to keep going and have up to five vacancies. Do contact our Chair, Jane Carolann, at or come along to our next meeting to see what is involved.
  • Newsletter delivery. Our distribution co-ordinator, Imelda Devlin, is always looking for new people to distribute our newsletter (3-4 times a year) whether to take on a street permanently or to act as a reserve when people are away.
  • Newsletter production. Our newsletter designer has indicated she would like to step down after many years. We now have a thriving editorial team who produce the copy so we are looking for someone who has layout skills.
  • Brighter Bungo. This is one of the easiest and most social ways to help with no commitments! Simply turn up on the day with your friends or family and help other volunteers keep our backlanes clean (all equipment provided). Next event will be probably be in April. More details from

The Strathbungo Society
January 2019

Window Wanderland 2019


On Saturday 23 February 2019, Strathbungo Window Wanderland will once again transform the streets of Strathbungo into a spectacular outdoor gallery for all to enjoy.

As always, the success of last year’s event was down to the incredible efforts of residents and their wonderful window displays… From performances in front rooms to amazing projections onto buildings; mischievous monkeys, polka dot parties, disco balls, bubble baths, mythical creatures, intricate installations, pop up bingo halls and tattoo parlours, fantastical faraway lands and music filling the streets…. It was beautiful! We can’t wait to see what 2019’s event brings!

Simply create a window display in the front windows of your flat, house, business or shop. Please don’t feel intimidated! A ‘display’ could be as simple as a candle, book, fairy lights or image in a window. Or you could go all out and stage a performance in your front room! Simple or spectacular… it’s completely up to you.

Strathbungo Window Wanderland is organised entirely by volunteers in their spare time. If you have any questions or would like to help spread the word about the event, please contact Sarah Reid at

You can follow the event on Facebook.

Strathbungo Window Wanderland was inspired by and is part of the wider Window Wanderland programme which was set up in Bristol in 2015. If you would like to run an event in your area, go to

Supported by the Strathbungo Society and Pollokshields Area Partnership.

Bungo biking – Glasgow consultation on street storage lockers

Each locker can take 6 bikes

Glasgow City Council are consulting on the introduction of “bread bin” type cycle storage lockers on streets to encourage more people to cycle (see here).  There is a questionnaire that can be accessed through the link.  After asking some information about respondents, such as whether you own a bike, there are two key questions.  Whether you are in favour of on street secure cycle storage, even if this means a loss of parking spaces, and how much you would people be prepared to pay.  £1.50 a week is being mooted which seems a lot when car parking is free.

The Strathbungo Society has previously discussed on street secure cycle storage, particularly for the Nithsdale Rd/St/Lane area,  as part of the Pollokshields Charrette.  The general view is that it could make a big difference for people staying in tenement flats, not just in terms of saving space but also saving people from lugging bikes up stairwells.    That is not to say other streets might not be interested.   We would like to hear what you think, particularly if you respond to the consultation or would be interested in using a bike box.  If enough people are interested we can facilitate a meeting and help make the case to the Council that Strathbungo should be included in the initial trial.

I have offered to act as contact for this until we get a “bike officer” on the Committee!   You can contact me at

Lesley McCallum

The Strathbungo Society was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Lesley McCallum last Sunday. Lesley was a stalwart supporter of the Strathbungo Society and former Committee member. Lesley organised and ran the Society Bottle Stall at every ‘Bungo in the Back Lanes’ event since its inception and also hosted many ‘Bungo at the Bells’ events at her home at the corner of Queen Square and Moray Place. Lesley’s help and encouragement of the Society’s work will be sorely missed and the Society passes on its sincere condolences to her husband David, brother Alistair and nephew Jack. Rest in Peace.

Kevin Kane
Chair, The Strathbungo Society

Strathbungo Society AGM Monday 29th October

AGMs play a vital democratic function.  In the Strathbungo Society’s case it helps ensure we remain accountable to all of you in the local community whom we represent and is also an important means of enabling new people to get involved – without this, the Society and all the events we organise would not happen.   So, please think seriously about coming along to our AGM (details below).

We try to make our AGM as informative and enjoyable as possible.  It provides plenty of opportunity for people to contribute – we want your ideas – besides offering tea, coffee, a glass of wine and a chance to meet other people living in the area.  This year we have arranged a speaker from Sustrans, who are leading the work on the South City Way (see here) – an opportunity to talk about other ideas for improving walking and cycling links on the southside.    We will also have small group discussions about local Green Space, focusing on Queen’s Park – Glasgow City Council is currently consulting about its Open Space Strategy (see here), which is essential for everyone’s quality of life.  We would like to feed your ideas and views into that with the aim of improving what we have currently.

The formal business consists of consideration of

The four office bearers act as Trustees for the Charity and report to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator each year.  We are looking for at least one new Office-Bearer, to replace our current Chair, Kevin Kane who is standing down – as he had intended to do last year – and also for new Committee Members.

The formal agenda is set out above.

If you have any questions before the meeting please contact or

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