Looking for info on the Back Lanes this Saturday?
See our dedicated Events pages, including updated map.
Looking for info on the Back Lanes this Saturday?
See our dedicated Events pages, including updated map.
Bungo In the Back Lanes 2024
Sat 22 June, 1-5pm
All events take place in the back lanes between Nithsdale Rd & Vennard Gardens.
See you there!
See also our FAQ pages for further info.
Only two weeks to go! What are you planning for Bungo in the Back Lanes this year?
Saturday 17th June 2023, 1pm-5pm.
There will be the famous society tombola and bottle stalls, residents’ stalls, two tea gardens, two bars, two live music venues, a children’s garden and a craft fair.
There’s plenty of guidance on the FAQ page, from setting up stalls, to food hygiene, to donations. But, please, no sale of alcohol, nor drinking of alcohol in the lanes – it’s illegal and may get us all in trouble.
We are always on the lookout for volunteers to help out for a bit on the day, setting up, taking down, running our stalls, etc. See the volunteers page for details.
We are also looking for donations to our tombola and bottle stalls. If you can contribute details for this year are as follows:
Tombola donatons welcome at 21 Regent Park Square – Harriet Steynor (07729 451917)
Bottle stall donations welcome at 53 Queen Square – Teresa Mooney
Bungo in the Back Lanes will finally be returning to Strathbungo after a 2 year hiatus, circumstances permitting.
This year it will be Saturday 18th June, 1-5pm. Watch the event pages for more details as they appear, or get in touch if you want to help out, volunteer, or run a stall.
The pandemic is still with us, as is the uncertaintly it brings. So after the success of last year, once again we will be holding our Bungo NOT in the Back Lanes event on Saturday 19th June, with stalls and live music, and the stalls will be open on the Sunday too.
The event has its own page with all the details. If you wnat a stall you can register your interest there. Just follow the arrow…
The music has come to an end, but we’re extending the online market until 8pm tomorrow (Sunday) night.
You’ll find the stalls at http://bungoblog.com/bnitbl/ so, if you were out enjoying the sunshine and missed your chance today, head over there now and see what’s still on offer!
PS you can also watch most of the musicians on catch-up in the event at https://www.facebook.com/events/590808154972852/.
Every year, the Strathbungo Society organises the community summer festival that is Bungo in the Back Lanes. This year, we’ve had to be a little more inventive.
We couldn’t physically hold the event this year, so the Society has organised an online version of it to create a little of what the event brings to our community, complete with stalls, live music and virtual participation!
The online market will be here from 12noon until 5pm. You can listen to the music and contribute photos or videos of your own celebrations in our Facebook event.
We can’t hold Bungo in the actual Back Lanes this year, so we’ve gone online!
Right now, we’re planning the last details (like the music schedule) but here are the headlines:
So… put the date (back) in your diary, book a stall if you’d like one, and plan what you will be doing on the day! With the easing of lock-down, you could even invite another household to join you if you have a garden (suitably distanced, of course).
Fellow ‘Bungo dwellers and visitors from further afield:
It will come as no surprise, with all that is happening – and all that is not happening – during these unprecedented times, that the Strathbungo Society has regretfully decided that we won’t be able to hold Bungo in the Back Lanes on 20 June as planned.
The safety and health of our community and its visitors are paramount. We cannot put our community at risk by welcoming hundreds of people from far and wide to our summer community festival in ‘Bungo’s narrow back lanes. We don’t know what the Government’s guidance will be over the next couple of months but, even if the rules were to be relaxed, we feel that people will still be nervous about attending a crowded public event in June. And – being purely practical – normally we’d be in full swing right now preparing for the event, lining up bars, music and stalls, but all of that has been put on hold and we wouldn’t be able to organise the event in time.
We don’t yet know if we can postpone this event to a later date this year. We will continue to monitor both government guidance and the public mood over the next few months. There is a risk that there will be no Bungo in the Back Lanes in 2020 (along with Wimbledon, the Olympics and many other events) but we will keep you posted on that, and on any alternatives that we might plan.
We hope that the Strathbungo community are safe and well. Please stay at home, and take all precautions if you need to venture outdoors.
A huge thanks to all the Society members who put months of planning in to this year’s event, the volunteers who helped setup, steward, and take down, the imaginative stall holders, the musicians, and everyone who came along to make the event another great success. Here’s a few random snaps of the day, with thanks to Craig Johnston for several of them.
And if you want to get more involved, planning starts again in the den at The Bungo on Tuesday 16th July, 7.30pm. There’s no let up. Come along if you have any great ideas to improve this or any other of our events!
If you have any good pictures, you can email us, or use the submission form, Write!
See you next year.
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