Author: Bungo Blog (Page 1 of 27)

Autumn 2022 Newsletter

The latest newsletter has arrived. If it hasn’t made it through your door already, you can

Read it now!

Details of our forthcoming AGM, changing Strathbungo, meet Cllr Zen Ghani, local news, new businesses and more.

Thanks to Sharon Schweps for editing this one. If you want to write something for the newsletter, or even better if you fancy helping edit it get in touch.

You can also find the newsletter, and old ones back to the 1990s, at the BygoneBungo Newsletter Archive.

Strathbungo Society AGM 2022

Calling all Strathbungo Residents – Your Society Needs You!

The AGM of the Strathbungo Society is set for Tuesday 8th November. The event is again in Queens Park Church of Scotland over on Queens Drive, and will begin at 7.30pm. Doors will be open from 7pm, with tea and coffee available.

The principal business of the evening will be the Society’s report and accounts for the year. We also hope to have a discussion about making changes to traffic management in the area, when the new road bridge at the end of Moray Place is opened next year.

Next on the agenda will be the election of the new committee. Every community organisation needs to reflect the diversity of the people living in the area, and always needs a variety of different talents to make the machine work. We meet 10 times a year, in the den of The Bungo Bar on Nithsdale Road, and you can contribute as much or as little as you like, according to your interests and skills. Beyond committee work, we also need volunteers to take part in Bungo Cleanups, to help organise local events like Bungo in the Back Lanes, or even introduce new ideas for other events. Have you any time that you can give to your local community? Have you new ideas, but need some help to get them going?

Can I also remind people that we have had a vacancy for Secretary for the past year? The Secretary is one of the senior officers, and is responsible for the committee administration and minutes, as well as being a trustee.

We also need a fresh newsletter editor. The editor is responsible for bringing the content of the newsletter together, editing, and preparing copy for publication. Currently we publish four editions a year, usually in advance of other society events, like Bungo in the Back Lanes. Do you have any skills in writing, editing or design? Fancy an outlet for your skills?

As chair I’m also coming up to five years in the job, and apart from one year (thank you Sharon) I have rarely been in a position where we also have a Secretary. I think that it’s time for a change and I welcome nominations for the position of Chair as well.

The Society is only as strong as those who contribute, so it needs your support.

Please contact me for further information, or if you want to volunteer we can arrange a nomination for the AGM.

Oh, and when we get through all that there’s a glass of wine on offer. So come for that alone and meet the neighbours.

Crime Update

Rhiannon Spear has provided the following summary of the recent meeting with the Police regarding crime in the area (see previous blogpost)

Meeting Report

Over the last couple of weeks the Queen Square WhatsApp group has seen an increase in people reporting thefts from their cars, so I organised a meeting with local Councillors and Police to discuss what was going on in the area. Councillors John Molyneux, Norman MacLeod and Zen Ghani all attended the meeting as well as Community Policing Inspector Cennydd Smith, all of their contact details can be found at the bottom of this report.

The biggest takeaway from the meeting is that when we believe there has been a theft or an attempted theft you must report this to the Police. The Police have crime statistics for the area and Cennydd brought these with him but it was clear at the meeting that there was possibly more happening within the Strathbungo area than was actually being reported to the police. Cennydd stressed the importance of reporting to local policing as resources are deployed based on the need in local areas. If things are not being reported local policing will allocate resources to areas with higher reports of crime. If there is an emergency or you see an ongoing incident call 999, otherwise call 101 to make a crime report, this can be done retrospectively.

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Crime in Queen Square

The Society has been made aware of a recent spate of criminal acts in and around Queen Square, mostly car break-ins, but also an episode of serious fire-raising behind the tenements.

Queen Square residents report several car break-ins in the last month. These are seemingly without violence, suggesting the use of unlocking devices, although surprisingly without much being taken, and no thefts of cars themselves. Several incidents have been reported to the police. We are unsure if other streets have been affected also.

Furthermore, this week someone set fire to bins behind both Pollokshaws tenements at the entrance to Queen Square, requiring prompt action from the fire brigade to prevent a more serious incident. We are also grateful to the council for prompt action in replacing the bins.

As a result, Strathbungo resident (and former councillor) Rhiannon Spear has requested a meeting with councillor Zen Ghani and a police representative to discuss the issue. The meeting is on Saturday 1st October 2022 at 11am in the den at The Bungo, Nithsdale Road. If you have similar experiences, you are welcome to attend. This is not a Society meeting, but we hope to report any outcome.
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Strathbungo to Shawlands Primary School Bike Bus

A bike bus is a group of people cycling, scooting or wheeling together along a set route. Since 29th October a new bike bus has been taking primary school children from Strathbungo to Shawlands Primary School. It departs from the junction of Thorncliffe Gardens with Titwood Road at 08:30 every Friday. From Friday 3rd December there will be a new first stop at 08:25 at the Nithsdale Road phone box.

This has been loads of fun and hugely successful with about 7 families taking part each week and both children and their parents loving it. By travelling as a bunch parents can work together to keep the children safe while the children have fun with their friends and encourage each other. There is plenty of space for more parents and children from across Strathbungo to join in and we’d love to welcome you aboard the bike bus! The route is shown below and you are also welcome to join us on route.

Map showing route of school bus through Waverley Park

Route of the bike bus

This initiative was inspired by a joyful video of a similar bus in Barcelona, which should give you a good idea of how much fun this is.

It’s good fun in Glasgow too. If you’re not convinced, read more about it on Katherine Cory’s blog.

Cyclists approach the school in a group

Approaching Shawlands Primary School

If you would like to join the coordinating WhatsApp group please email

You can also follow the bus on Twitter.

Online planning

Glasgow City Council has put details of planning applications and building warrant applications since 2007 online. This includes all the paperwork that is usually found in applications, such as the forms, the plans, supporting documents from the applicant, comments from interested third parties such as neighbours, community councils, amenity societies and anyone else who might have an opinion on the application.

Because this information is available on the Council website, all old posts containing planning application notifications on the blog have been deleted. The blog can still be used to highlight local applications of interest to Strathbungo.

Planning applications can also be made online – see the Planning section of the Council website for details.


Bungo Blog Survey

Since the October Strathbungo Society AGM when many of you indicated that the Bungo Blog could be improved, a few volunteers have offered to refresh the website. But rather than impose our own ideas we want to hear what residents of Strathbungo would like to see on the site.

The survey is just five quick questions which won’t take you five minutes to complete and we promise to post the results of the survey on Bungo Blog to show what everyone said.

We are doing our best to refresh the Bungo Blog so constructive criticisms and ideas are welcome in equal measure. But best of all of course is if you are interested in volunteering to write periodically for the Bungo Blog please do get in touch. Thanks very much in advance for completing the survey.

Click here to take the survey.

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