That bridge again

The reasons Network Rail say the footbridge at Strathbungo has to go are

  • It is too low to allow clearance for the electric overhead wires.
  • It is too dangerous as members of the public can poke objects through the lattice and risk electrocution.

Network Rail have proposed a higher bridge, with glass sides for protection.

A local, Seamus Phillips, created an interesting alternative approach, raising the existing bridge, and providing glass protection panels.

It is such a shame Network Rail have no prior experience of such a project.

Meanwhile, in other news

Here’s how Network Rail raised and restored the footbridge at Stirling Station to allow for electrification. How clever!

Bridge replacement at Stirling Station

You can read more about it on their website.


  1. SR

    I am absolutely in favour of preserving the bridge as part of our local heritage. The options proposed appears to be viable solution.
    I assume the option of lowering the track is unworkable. I hope the society continues to discuss and persuade Network Rail regarding the benefits of preserving this bridge which, after all, has had considerable money spent on this for refurbishment. To remove the bridge altogether would be more evidence of short-term thinking.

    Thank you for your ongoing work and communication about the situation.

  2. Andrew McAvoy

    As a local resident using and coveting this lovely old Cast Iron Lattice bridge .
    First of all it’s not their bridge. It’s our bridge . Network Rail are Contractors looking after the Rail Network which includes protected things like Bridges.
    So look after it !
    This lies in a conservation area and is of historic significance . Do we have a listing to stop this ? They proposed 6 months ago to take out the Pollokshields west railway station without notifying any one of the intention of preparing a planning application . Ergo no consultation. This bridge is high enough and passes over the tracks and through the air and presumably the fue over the air rights is different from the tracks ?
    Right ?
    Secondly the patronising tone of their daft pseudo community centred letter uses the word consult ? They have in fact not consulted they have commissioned some hideous prison architecture plastic wrapped junk and now bring that to the table . Network Rail …If you are serious about consultation , show us the Science and call a meeting ( digital of course ) fairly easy to do .

    On the questionable reasoning regarding the height they would do well to illustrate the science to people that can read it and check it ( the Public are not stupid ).
    These ugly in humane high sided corridor like proposals take the joy in movement over the railwayaway. That joyful movement over such a lovable old bridge is a joy , it has a value , it’s our heritage and some distant desk monkey has no write to propose to take that away . Pollokshields is once again becoming street active and human vigilance is increasing , so risk of idiocy is decreasing . If someone is stupid enough to want to go out poking things into electrical lines they can do it 50 m east or west or over the road at Pollokshields West .
    Must think your head buttons up the back .
    Ref the one in a million chance that some idiot decides to poke something through the lattice work … Come on … where is the evidence that someone would actually do that … it’s bonkers … If it was proven and not an insurable risk … then what about commissioning someone to design a sympathetic secondary lattice mesh that complements the existing wonderful lattice work. But arguably none of it achieves anything except improving some blind algorithm around ironing put potential human behaviour .
    If the whole bridge really actually after study , statutory conservation area checks + consent – had to be raised … yea lift it up and add some extra steps .
    If we let them away with. this flat earth zero risk nonsense , that assumes people are evil and stupid … then what will they come up with next. That bridge is an iconic thing of huge local significance and the people suggesting this are out of touch with reality.
    Stinks of Insurance led paranoia..
    This needs to be properly consulted , interrogated and challenged to death now .
    Think again Network Rail.
    Andy McAvoy

    • adownie

      The bridge is C listed, but it is still the property of Network Rail. NR was recently fined £135,000 after a teenager was electrocuted; they do have a legal duty to protect us, even from our own idiocy.
      And the station was the old Strathbungo Station, which is still going to be demolished next year, despite our protests.

      • Andy Mc

        Their letter is not consultation , it is a faite accompli.
        Rail track is 70%. Funded from Public Purse and it therefor belongs to all of us .
        Decision making has to be inclusive of the public .
        It’s our route of travel and not theirs – they cannot just take that away in this unnecessarily top down process.
        The world is full of obstacles to safety and we don’t live on a flat Earth.
        Rail track need to find solutions that allow for heritage to remain. End of .
        Let’s look at the Stirling option, they are not getting away with remove and replace there. With the HES Engine shed sitting in proximity and being vigilant over Stirling station , they have been forced to consider heritage ? Why not here ?

        If someone has been electrocuted, they need to explain exactly where the Danger lies – so we understand the risk and can make suggestions , maybe there are ways to remove that risk that don’t involve the bridge ?

        It’s not just a bridge, it’s a location, it’s part of the historic fabric of the place.
        Are people aware that there used to be a woodland walk between road and rail.

        The Strathbungo station , if that’s what it is called – is part of the same story.. it’s our story .. the Station building like many buildings is being neglected so it can be removed .
        But no one has tried to make a decent proposal for it . As Will Alsop said – “Knock nothing down” there is a wonderful cast iron building under the hoardings and shutters , it just needs a bit of imagination.

        Of course they want to remove everything quirky or unusual , so that they can focus on their operations, but their operations are not the only operations.

        It’s that Glasgow thing , – och just demolish it – no one will bother.
        Pretty soon this city will just be shiny cladding every with hardly any of its historic fabric left – a city where humans walk with their heads down through plastic encased rat runs like these proposals . No view , no air , no joy
        Is it just me… or does anyone else enjoy stopping and just taking a breather on that bridge. It’s exciting for kids, they love it .
        Who is going to put a value on that experience .
        If people just want to get from A to B they can walk down to Nithsdale , but people love this old bridge and just the way it is .

  3. Teresa Mooney

    Network Rail’s recent communication inviting residents to vote on the three options they are proposing for replacement of the current bridge seems to have been designed to close down any meaningful discussion – given the deadline they imposed. There was no formal option given to reject all of them or for those who choose to respond to note any objections to the current plan. This does not seem right, as no doubt any responses they do get will be used to say that there is local support for their plans and any opposition or alternative proposals will be downplayed. The potential to preserve the bridge and meet Network Rail safety standards given above by Seamus Philips, should definitely be considered; on the grounds of cost, if nothing else, for comparison purposes. As pointed out above, NR has spent a considerable amount of money refurbishing the bridge and the cost of re-locating it will no doubt be high too. Also, if they can preserve a similar bridge in Stirling, why not here? I’m not sure at what point the Society is in any negotiations with NR, but is there anything that can/should be done by us all?

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