Sammy Dow – Another planning application

Last year many Bungo residents were relieved to hear that The Spirit Pub Company of Burton on Trent were refused planning permission to create an outdoor deck at the back of the building for smoking and drinking and to give access to the rear court and side lane.  They were also refused permission and Listed Building Consent to change the frontage of the Sammy Dow.

Families living within meters of the pub were understandably very worried about the impact of people being on a raised deck, smoking, drinking and creating noise so close to bedrooms.

The company, which controls 750 pubs across the UK, has now put in another very similar application.

The deck is still in the plan but smaller.  It is now being described as a fire escape.  The worry is that the glass door out will be opened all the time by customers using it as an alternative entrance and exit and that people will stand on this deck to smoke.  This will be a noise nuisance in it’s own right, but the noise from the venue will also be much louder if there is an open door.

New access to the lane is still to be created by removing part of the wall.  They also want to create a large rear window which will look straight into the back of properties on Regent Park Square and Moray Place.  It will also leak noise.  Existing windows on the Moray Place side (which are currently filled with glass bricks) are to be clear glass causing an issue with overlooking and again with noise leak.

There is renewed concern that this new application for an exit at the back of the property will still cause the leaking of noise, will constantly be opened by customers to smoke outside and will cause a huge increase in footfall in the lane as people come and go all day and night at the private side of our houses.

There is nothing in the plans which would prevent these uses for the new deck, stairs and access gate.  It is puzzling that something as basic and workaday as a fire escape (which we all would hope is never needed except in an emergency) is being created in costly materials like glass balustrading and has features like a privacy screen which would surely be redundant.

The date by which you must lodge any objection is Tuesday the 29th of April – so if you want to object please do it as soon as possible.

I intend to share more ideas and information on the relevant grounds for objecting as soon as possible so keep checking the Bungo Blog.

Details of plans are available by clicking the link below.




  1. Gerry


  2. Gerry

    Hi Fiona

    I have noticed that a planning application has been lodged again for 23 Marywood Square. It may not have been brought to people’s attention as it has been lodged using this address rather than Flat 0/1. It is for a nursery under Class 10 – which means once changed the property can be used for:

    (b) for the provision of education;
    (c) for the display of works of art (otherwise than for sale or hire);
    (d) as a museum;
    (e) as a public library or public reading room;
    (f) as a public hall or exhibition hall; or
    (g) for, or in connection with, public worship or religious instruction, or the social or recreational activities of a religious body; or

    It is again proposing a non residential and commercial use into an area in which the conversion back to residential use is supported. In addition, the pavement is too narrow to accommodate buggies or to walk with children on, so people will walk on the road.
    Drop off and pick up time will lead to congestion on an already congested road.
    25 children in the back garden will lead to an unacceptable impact on residential amenity.
    Indeed all of the uses within Class 10 are unacceptable as they are contrary to the development plan which supports residential use in the Conservation Area.

    Do you plan to bring this application to the residents attention and will you be objecting to it?

    Kind regards


  3. max

    So you dont want a nursery coming to the area yet we have one on regent park square that no one wants. in the mornings the road is blocked by parents, if you work night shift you cant get any sleep and they make a lot of noise. shut all the nurser’s down in the area.

  4. Deidre Miller

    You can’t just shut something down once it’s got planning approval and is running. That’s why people are so concerned about what gets approved.

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