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Happy New Year – but no Bells

Up until recently it was hoped that 2021 could be the Hogmanay celebration that Strathbungo is used to, a gathering of the community in celebration of the end of one year and the beginning of the new. But in the current climate of a further wave of covid cases, it would not be appropriate to promote a public event encouraging gathering and socialising. Bungo at the Bells should be convivial, social and celebratory, dancing a mad Gay Gordons along the squares. And it would difficult to achieve that with social distancing, masks and self discipline.

So in this period of rising cases we are suggesting that we all make a noise at midnight 2022 from our own doorsteps…..Ring out the old and hope for a newer, better year ahead.

Strathbungo to Shawlands Primary School Bike Bus

A bike bus is a group of people cycling, scooting or wheeling together along a set route. Since 29th October a new bike bus has been taking primary school children from Strathbungo to Shawlands Primary School. It departs from the junction of Thorncliffe Gardens with Titwood Road at 08:30 every Friday. From Friday 3rd December there will be a new first stop at 08:25 at the Nithsdale Road phone box.

This has been loads of fun and hugely successful with about 7 families taking part each week and both children and their parents loving it. By travelling as a bunch parents can work together to keep the children safe while the children have fun with their friends and encourage each other. There is plenty of space for more parents and children from across Strathbungo to join in and we’d love to welcome you aboard the bike bus! The route is shown below and you are also welcome to join us on route.

Map showing route of school bus through Waverley Park

Route of the bike bus

This initiative was inspired by a joyful video of a similar bus in Barcelona, which should give you a good idea of how much fun this is.

It’s good fun in Glasgow too. If you’re not convinced, read more about it on Katherine Cory’s blog.

Cyclists approach the school in a group

Approaching Shawlands Primary School

If you would like to join the coordinating WhatsApp group please email

You can also follow the bus on Twitter.

Staying warm at higher gas prices

With gas prices hitting £4 a therm and the price cap at 70p a therm you might be wondering how you can improve the insulation of your home in Strathbungo. Loco Home Retrofit CIC is a new local community benefit co-op who are trying to help communities insulate.

Their launch event is at 19:30 on Wednesday 1st December

The Strathbungo Eco Group is excited about working with Loco Home Retrofit to achieve transformative improvements in insulation and energy in Strathbungo while preserving and maintaining our wonderful architecture.

Disclaimer: In their formative stages Loco Home Retrofit have helped Strathbungo Eco Group with information events and informal advice. Various Eco Group members have benefited from professional advice (sometimes at a discount). Tom Nockolds, a Director of Loco Home Retrofit, is also a Strathbungo Eco Group and Strathbungo Society Committee member.


Strathbungo Celebrates!

A report on our recent celebration of 50 years by our Chair, Jane Carolan:

Tuesday 16th November saw a crowded Queens Park Hall celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Strathbungo Society in style .

The meeting began with the AGM, where the reports and the accounts of the Society were approved and the current office-bearers: Chair Jane Carolan, Vice Chair Paola Rezzilli and Treasurer Steven Good were re-elected. The formal proceedings were completed by the election of a new committee, blending a mixture of old members returning with several new volunteers from the meeting. However a number of people approached me as chair afterwards and suggested that they were considering joining the committee. There are always spaces for new volunteers and anyone wishing to participate should email me at

One office-bearer stood down: our secretary, Sharon. A stalwart of the Strathbungo Society for over twenty five years, Sharon spent many years as the editor, contributor and general whipper-in of our newsletter, keeping it afloat. She also played a major part in the development of Bungo in the Back Lanes from its very early days. Her back garden has provided food and hospitality during our halcyon warm June Bungo days and a refuge from the rain when the weather looked not so kindly on us. Her “retirement” was marked by a presentation from the Society, but is not expected to lessen her contribution to our events .

Sharon’s departure leaves a gap on the committee for the position of secretary and, as in the appeal for committee members, anyone thinking that they could make a contribution can contact the same email address given above.

The event moved on to a cheese and wine celebration, where the new Strathbungo Handbook was launched, with an introduction from the formidable Andrew Greig, whose knowledge of the local architecture and history proved fascinating. Thanks are due to Sharon and to Paola who, with their associates, put together the new handbook.

Watch this space for how to obtain your copy of this publication, telling you everything you ever wanted to know about your local area, or email for details.

Imminent Network Rail works

We have received the following notification of works this weekend and next week through the local community council and Cllr MacLeod:

Please see below works scheduled in the Strathbungo area that will be undertaken by BAM Nuttall:

  • We will be undertaking ground investigation works at Nithsdale Road bridge on Sat 20th (night shift) and from Mon 22nd – Fri 26th (day shifts).
  • During the single night shift on Saturday 20th and Monday 22nd dayshift, work will involve digging trial holes using a power unit and generator that will be situated on the railway under the bridge. We anticipate a medium level of noise created from the generator, however, please note we have arranged for acoustic sound barriers to mitigate this as much as possible.
  • Dayshift work from Mon 22nd – Fri 26th will be very low impact, with no traffic management or restrictions to the public.
  • All works planned are planned for completion on Fri 26th November 2021.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Network Rail using their 24-hour helpline on 03457 11 41 41 or via their website at

The Strathbungo Handbook

After a marvellously busy AGM and book launch last night, we can present to you The Strathbungo Handbook.

We have published this for our 50th anniversary and it is now on sale for £5. All the proceeds will go towards the Society’s events. It’s 32 gorgeous pages of eye-opening stories of the area, amazing photographs, a walking tour and a wonderfully illustrated pull out map. So if you want one as a souvenir or a fantastic Christmas present drop an email to; we take PayPal, or cash or card on collection.

If you weren’t there last night, you will have missed Andrew Greg (No. 1 Moray Place) launching the book with a fantastic talk about all things Strathbungo, the 15 Minute Neighbourhood and thoughts of how we can make the area more environmentally viable (also in the book).

A huge thank you to all who came to the AGM last night. The Society can’t do the work we do without you. Thanks also to those who offered to join in the work. If you are also interested, come along to one of our meetings in the den at The Bungo on Nothsdale Road; there’s a social meeting on 14 December, and a back to business meeting on 18 January 2022. You don’t need to tell us in advance. See our calendar of events.

Moray Place greenery

A plea has been received by the Society for householders along Moray Place to manage and maintain the foliage and growth on the roadside of the black fence at the railway.

You may recall that Moray Place owners also own up to 1 metre of the ground at the railway side of the road. While this helped us argue for a set-back fence (and a good outcome on the long railings debate with Network Rail), it also means that the Moray Place owners are responsible for maintaining the shrubbery, plants and trees at the roadside, rather than the Council.

As a somewhat frustrated resident told us:

I am out every week cutting back large overhanging branches as well as sweeping and maintaining, not only my area but our whole block.

Many of the residents have said that they had no idea they had to maintain/sweep the areas in front of their own house. The Council no longer sweep Moray Place.

There has been an abundance of damaged cars recently due to vans and other traffic avoiding the railway side and veering towards the residents’ cars.

It would be helpful to all if Moray Place owners would take action to ensure the far side of the road does not restrict drivers and other users of Moray Place.

Autumn 2021 Newsletter

The latest newsletter has arrived. If it hasn’t made it through your door already, you can

Read it now!

New Bridge, NOT Brighter Bungo, New Bawn, a New Book, News in Brief…

And a very warm welcome to our new editor, Sandra Nimako-Boatey. Thanks also to James Spooner for his stint; he gets a well deserved rest.

You can also find the newsletter, and old ones back to the 1990s, at the BygoneBungo Newsletter Archive.

Strathbungo AGM and our big birthday – we’re 50!

AGM details

The Strathbungo Society AGM will be held on 16th November 2021.

Where: in the Hall at Queens Park Church of Scotland, 170 Queens Drive
When: Tuesday 16th November at 7pm


The required business of the AGM is first:

  • Approval of Minutes 2020
  • Chair’s Annual Report
  • Financial report of Accounts
  • Election of the management committee

Followed by other items of local interest:

  • Report of the East Kilbride line electrification
  • Bin & cleansing issues

If there are any other issues you wish to raise, please contact the chair at by October 15th.

Papers in advance:

The Trustees of the Strathbungo Society have published our draft Annual Report and Accounts 2020-21 and draft minutes of last year’s AGM. The meeting is asked to consider and then approve the Annual Report and Accounts before they are submitted to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator. They will appear on the AGM Minutes page in due course.

The Annual Report gives an indication of what the Society has been doing and achieved over the last year (up to 30th April 2021), despite the pandemic.  Do please take a couple of minutes to read it – hopefully it will inspire people to get involved in whatever way they can!

If you have questions on either the Annual Report or the Accounts and are unable to attend the AGM, do please contact the Treasurer by email.

Our big birthday!

We will also be celebrating as the Society will be 50 this year. The AGM will be followed by the launch of a new publication on the history of the Society and Strathbungo, with cheese and wine.

We hope to see you there…

Please come along, hear about our past and our future, and support the work we do. New blood on the committee is always welcome too!

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