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Local man on a mission

Ian Stark of Vennard Gardens is waging a one-man war on obesity and welcomes feedback or debate on his perhaps provocative theories. Here, with a nod to Sir Isaac Newton, he observes the blackbirds who feed on his apple tree.

[This article has been posted by a blog admin on behalf of Ian Stark.]

A proper Eureka Moment!

blooming apple treeI have a very small apple tree in my back garden which each year gets loaded (usually around 1,000) with cooking apples. I distribute with difficulty most of the apples, but this year there were well over 1,000 and I left over 100 on the tree and on the ground. While eating my breakfast one morning, I watched a blackbird eating from one of the apples on the ground. It just ate what it wanted then flew away.

Most of us have heard of the last apple that fell to the ground and, according to legend, led to a Eureka Moment that changed science in respect of gravity. Well – the bird on the ground was a very real eureka moment for me. One thought led to another and an especially good feeling went through my body. Think of all birds, light, thin with their little hearts beating 19 to the dozen. Except that is, the birds that walk on the ground – turkeys and hens to name but two.

You see, (or I hope you soon will) for the past four years I have been writing a book that goes slightly askew from current advice. I completed the book, checked all the facts and science, found definitive proof and arranged for the book’s publication. I had written in my book that 90% of the nutrients in apples are sugars! (Check nutrients online.) Also, that sugars are the fuel most used in fast exercise – without the food being stored as body fats before use. This is a key!

Sorry about that, it was such a pleasant little story and I’ve just turned most of you off, but please bear with me and keep an open mind if you can. This leads to better lives for all of us and hugely better for some of us!

So what happens to birds that stay on the ground? They can’t do fast movements and they get heavy therefore can barely fly. Cheetahs and greyhounds burst with fast energy but strangely are never heavy or fat! Elephants and Hippos don’t often use fast movements, grazing’s their way and heavy they stay.

Wrongly, I’d guess, this triggered my brain. I had completed a book that I had been writing as a hobby. However I had based my original conclusion that fast exercise (not food or lack of food) was the key to reducing weight gain and therefore obesity and Type 2 diabetes. I arrived at this by observation and the science of how the body works (my idea had formed over 40 years) and I was happy that my book showed this.

However, I had found no science that could verify completely that obesity would be reduced by people taking fast exercise in any given population (although my belief was that it would reduce obesity). Until, that is, I found a relatively new study of 132,793 British women which looked at how they had been living and this proved conclusively that sufficient fast exercise does make a population thinner! Look up – (“Physical activity in relation to body size and composition in women in UK Biobank”) and argue with it if you can!

My conclusion is that if anyone takes a lot of fast exercise – they won’t get fat. Those who take a moderate but very regular amount of fast exercise will need to keep an eye on when they eat and what they eat—and watch that they don’t take very large amounts at one sitting. Those who only take minimum exercise will be extraordinarily lucky not to put on gradually increasing amounts of weight, as well as watching when, what, and how they eat. So there you are:

A bird on the ground,
not looking around.
Has led to a thought,
that hasn’t been taught.

Fast Exercise is the primary means of avoiding obesity!

bare apple tree

Brighter Bungo @ Moray Place this Sunday!

The next Brighter Bungo will be the weekend before Bungo in the Back Lanes, so everything looks spick and span.

However this coming Sunday, 5th June, we will be out trimming the vegetation on the railway side of Moray Place for a third time. This time we will concentrate between Queen Square & Regent Park Square, although we may do more if we have the volunteers. The council will deliver a cage in Moray Place in advance to aid clearing up; please don’t obstruct it. Bring loppers, spades, wheelbarrows, etc between 11 and 1 and give us a hand!

Hope to see you there.

Andrew & Stephen at Marywood Square

Two hours of hard work, and it took a council bulldozer to remove it.

Mar 13th: Three hours of hard work, and it took a council bulldozer to remove it!

Roll Up Roll Up – Be a Bungo in the Back Lanes Stallholder!



There are only just over six weeks to go until the area’s favourite annual event best underway: Bungo in the Back Lanes!

As most know, BITBL is a DIY event where people are encouraged to set up a stall somewhere in the back lanes and use the opportunity to sell all manner of items – from bric a brac and secondhand clothes to records, food and lemonade stalls. If you’re interested in being a stallholders, please contact us on

Spring Fling and Bungo Bake-Off Success

This year’s Spring Fling, which hosted the first ever Bungo Bake-Off, was a great community success. Over 200 people made it along over the course of a beautiful morning to a packed Queens Park Baptist Church to enjoy a variety of craft stalls and consume a LOT of tea and cake.

The Bungo Bake-Off competition grabbed the imagination of budding bakers in the area and 13 cakes were entered. There was an array of wonderful cakes on offer and we really were amazed at the effort people made! Thanks so much to everyone who entered, though a special mention goes to the winners:

Sharon Schwepps (1st prize)


Polly Le Grand (2nd prize)


Alison Crystal (3rd prize)10418254_10153244275266735_1902092788938897553_n

Alexander Thomson (Children’s prize winner)12042709_10153244275476735_2561737577910276798_n

They won prizes kindly donated by Gusto and Relish, Locavore and Rock n Rollers.

With so many cakes in the competition and tonnes of home baking made for the Spring Fling, we were still left with a lot of sweet treats at the end of the event. Not wanting it to go to waste, all leftover cake and biscuits was donated to Oxton House Care Home in Marywood Square and Glasgow City Mission.

We’re already thinking how we can better the Spring Fling for next year and possibly expand upon that baking competition….

Countdown to first Bungo Bake off!


cakes 2


There are only a couple of days left to get baking, ahead of the first Bungo Bake-Off at this year’s Spring Fling. All entrants are asked to drop off their Spring-themed cake by 10am on Saturday 19th March, to be judged before the Fling starts at 11am. Any type of cake is allowed, the tastier the better!

The competition is open to all and there’s a host of prizes up for grabs. For adults, this includes getting to be star baker at Gusto and Relish, Locavore vouchers and a free haircut. For the younger bakers, free milkshakes at Gusto and Relish and exciting baking goods are on offer. If you haven’t decided yet whether to enter, there is still time to don your pinny and get baking. See you on Saturday!

Make your Mark – public meeting 20th March

Following the Make Your Mark community planning consultation, a public meeting is to be held at 553 Shields Road, attended by Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Alison Thewliss MP, Cllr David Meikle, Bailie Norman MacLeod and Bailie Hanif Raja. There will be a Q&A session as well as an introduction by Bill Fraser and a presentation of findings by the planners.


2.00pm          Arrivals/Welcome (15-20mins)

2.20pm          Introduction to Make Your Mark (5mins)

Bill Fraser, Chair Pollokshields Community Council

2.25pm          Presentation of Findings (15 mins)

Jude Barber, Collective Architecture and

Andy Campbell, Dress for the Weather

2.40pm          Political Panel in Conversation (20 mins)

(Chaired by Bill Fraser)

Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister/MSP

Alison Thewliss, MSP

David Meikle, Local Councillor

Bailie Norman MacLeod, Local Councillor

Bailie Hanif Raja, Local Councillor

3.00pm          Make Your Mark – on-going involvement (30-45 mins)

Opportunity to note interest in Community Forum, share local information, sign up to short term actions etc.:

  • ‘A week in Pollokshields’ – Share information about activities on a large ‘day-by-day’ chart
  • ‘The Vision – 5 areas for action’ – Get involved/sign up to take short-medium term action

3.45pm          Event ends

Planning Application Lebowski’s

(posted on behalf of Fiona Mackinnon and some other local residents)

Another year, another planning application for Sammy Dow…or Lebowski’s as it is planned for the future.

People living close by may have got a Neighbour Notification of the plans a month ago but this process was suspended as the wrong plans were uploaded to the Planning website meaning residents were unable to judge the proposals.

The Planning Department has re-issued the notification and the new date for final comments on the full planning permission is Friday 18 March 2016. For the Listed Building Consent plan the date was Wednesday 9 March 2016 (sorry this has been posted after the deadline).

The main proposal is to create a commercial kitchen at the rear of the extension. This means having to have a very low level kitchen venting system which has the potential to be very noisy and to create unpleasant odours from cooking burgers for neighbours. Some residents will know of the problems with the vent from The Bungo installed a few years ago. The Bungo vent is a high level one, so cooking smells are discharged above the roofline (though there is I believe still a problem with noise); these will vent into the back court gardens and near ground level!

There are also issues of overlooking and noise leakage with their desire to replaced solid glass brick light wells with new windows that will overlook homes in Nithsdale Road and Moray Place.

Please take a look at the plans online at the Glasgow City Council website – there are two applications but only one is still open

Attached is an objection written by local residents which should offer inspiration if you want to object. You can cut and paste from it or re-write as you like. Make sure that if you want to object, you put the word ‘object’ near the start of your response   69NithsdaleRdObjection2016

The Strathbungo Society will consider this at the meeting on Tuesday

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