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Safety on the footbridge

sign saying Please llow people to cross

You may have noticed that a new sign has appeared on the ‘Bungo bridge over the railway. It asks bridge users to maintain a physical distance, allowing others to cross the bridge first if they’re already on it.

Most people already do this but there have been occasional incidents when a polite request has been met with confrontation.

Network Rail Vegetation Management – 2019-20

We have amalgated a series of posts into one, so you can follow the development, or jump straight to the latest update. Older posts on the subject can also be found by searching the site for “Network Rail”.

Background to the issue

In September 2019 Network Rail notified residents along the East Kilbride line of vegetation management work. Past experience, notably in 2005, and current experience elsewhere around Glasgow, suggested “slash and burn”, or more correctly “slash and chip” approach was to be used, clearing all vegetation with little consideration for wildlife, biodiversity or environmental damage, as rail safety was prioritised above all else.

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Society AGM 2020

The Strathbungo Society’s AGM will be held at 7.30pm on 17th November 2020.

Inevitably the event will be held online via Zoom this year. Everyone is welcome to join in, hear about Society activities during the year, hear about some local projects on “Greening Strathbungo” from the new Strathbungo Eco group, and maybe join in and help out yourself. We are always looking for new people and new ideas.

Register here now, and we will email you the link to join the meeting nearer the time. Advance registration is essential.

The annual report and accounts are available to view now, as are the draft minutes of last year’s AGM. They will be presented at the AGM.

Fire & smoke alarms – new laws

Like many others in Scotland, you may have recently received information about the new law requiring all properties (owned or let) to be fitted with inter-linked smoke and heat alarms.
Although the law was passed some time ago, the government only published the information about this in early October. The first many people knew about it was receiving a leaflet from a potential supplier (Aico).
Due to the short notice, cost and pandemic, the government looks to be pushing the deadline back by a year to 2022. Hopefully we’ll hear more about that this week.
In the meantime, you can find out more about the requirements here.


Network Rail – Strathbungo Station demolition

(Latest Update on 19 July 2020: NR’s second response, background on electrification)

Only a couple of weeks ago we were concerned that Network Rail were restarting tree felling along the railway line, and sought assurances that they would abide by previous agreements. They replied to reasssure us that they would. There remains a certain lack of trust around what Network Rail say, and what they do, so perhaps this was a sign of progress.

Jump forward to this week and we discover that, without any consultation with anyone, Network Rail were to demolish the old Strathbungo Station booking hall (more recently Susie’s Shop) on 18-19 July.

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Battle of Langside

Hi, I read an article relating to Queens Park that states that inside Camphill House there were Memorabilia from the Battle of Langside.

Do you know where this is now?

I would love to see it.

Much Appreciated.


Doors Open Day in Strathbungo – we need your contributions

We’re calling for videos and pictures for “Doors Open in Strathbungo”!

Glasgow’s Doors Open Day is going digital this year and they are asking for contributions. The Strathbungo Society is helping with a couple of projects in the area, but we also proposed one of our own – made up from contributions from residents in the ‘Bungo.

We’d like to present a short film giving a residents’-eyes view of our area. It would be made up of videos and photos by ‘Bungo-dwellers to share what they love about this part of Glasgow (we’ll also include some Then & Now comparisons from the Bygone Bungo site). Overall, it will show the streets, the lanes, the architecture and some of Strathbungo’s history, perhaps with a flavour of the community events that are held throughout the year.

Here’s where you come in… We’d love to include your videos and your pictures in the film. Videos need to be short – we only have a total length of about 5 minutes and we have lots to pack in! Contributions should show off the bits of the ‘Bungo that you love – be that the railing or cornices at your home, the greenery currently along the railway line, the architecture – close-ups or panoramas – with or without a commentary… The choice is yours!

Practical stuff:

  • you don’t need any fancy equipment – using your phone is fine
  • all photos and videos sent to us must be in LANDSCAPE orientation, not portrait
  • for video, feel free to record a short voice-over saying what we’re looking at and why you love it
  • ideally, we need to have contributions in by the end of next week, i.e. Friday 24th July

Send your contributions to (we’re recycling that email address!) and we’ll do our best to include it in the ‘Bungo movie of the year 😊

The planning application for a new car park in Pollok Country Park

On 27th May Glasgow City Council applied for planning permission to itself for a new car park, road and footpath as part of the Transforming Pollok Country Park Project (see here for planning papers) and in anticipation of higher visitor numbers to the Burrell once the refurbishment/expansion is complete.

Key: blue = existing road upgraded; black = new road; brown = new footpath;  light blue – existing footpath upgraded to disability standards.  All illustrations courtesy of GCC Planning Portal.

The application form is not entirely clear but planning consent appears to being applied for:

  • a new car park for 277 vehicles on the existing unused Nether Pollok blaes pitch by Hagg’s Road
  • widening of the Hagg’s Road exit to form an entrance/exit
  • creation of a new road to the Burrell car park and
  • installation of various car barriers to limit vehicular access elsewhere in the Park.

The application is open for comment until 6th July and you can do so on the online planning portal above or at end of this blog.

The declared purpose of the application is to reduce the circulation of traffic in Pollok Country Park.  It is part of a wider active travel plan accompanying the re-development of the Burrell.  The Application contains a report of Glasgow City Council’s engagement with stakeholders that took place in 2019.   Since then, as a result of Covid-19, the world and Pollok Country Park have changed beyond recognition.

More specifically the closure of Pollok Park to vehicles during the lockdown and the large numbers of people accessing the park by foot or by bike has transformed ideas of what might be possible.  The proposals now look very dated and it is regrettable that Glasgow City Council has not re-considered them before submitting the planning application.

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