Category: Strathbungo Society (Page 2 of 18)

Back Lanes Funding – an update

Having reported last month about the council’s fund to refurbish private lanes, the Society have waited for the release of the details of the conditions and the regulations governing the Fund detailing who can apply and specifics of what funds can be used for. The good news is that details were finally released last Thursday. The bad news is that we have until 11 March to make an application. So we have less than a month to take things forward. This short timetable takes us to just before the local government elections, but presents a major hurdle to preparation of detailed proposals that will make a real difference in our community and that have had scrutiny by the local community.

Our original plan had been to organise to make a bid for each lane, forming sub groups around the individual lanes. That would have enabled individual solutions tailored to meet the needs of the different problems in different areas of Strathbungo. However given that the Council’s rules state that applications need to come from not-for-profit, legally constituted democratic groups with independent bank accounts, the time scales now make that impossible, given that processes for setting up individual groups is both time consuming and and subject to timescales imposed by the authorities who oversee those processes. The Society however is already such a group and can make an application covering the whole Strathbungo area.

The maximum bid to be considered is £20,000. Having examined the criteria that the Council see as being relevant for funding applications, the following would apply as problems common to our lanes:

  • Fly Tipping
  • Lane Surface Water/Drainage Issues
  • Enhanced biodiversity

Looking at the Strathbungo area, we know what the problems are but lack the expertise at this stage to specify solutions or to cost them. For example, drainage and pot holes are a common issue but dealing with them to ensure that we apply sustainable solutions that will last will require a full survey of the lanes. This should provide a costing of repairs and refurbishment. Given that there are promises on the table that the fund will continue going forward, that would allow future bids to be realistically prepared.

The Council also specify that there must be an element of ongoing future management attached to plans. In Strathbungo, we have a history of engagement in the environment, with regular Brighter Bungo clear ups taking place throughout the year. Pre-covid, those activities took place with cover from the council’s Public Liability Insurance. Unfortunately that cover has now been withdrawn. The Society believes that we should apply for money to cover the cost of Public Liability, enabling us to continue to have regular community clear-up days with the safety of volunteers in mind.

In addition, we would like to identify some immediate short projects that could be part of any bid to enhance the amenity of the lanes. Any suggestions should be addressed to To be included in the bid, they are needed by the end of this month, February, and where possible have some indication of likely costs.

The Society is committed to engaging as many local residents as possible in this process and will be holding a public meeting as well as ensuring that all residents are aware of the project.

Jane Carolan
Strathbungo Society

Strathbungo Celebrates!

A report on our recent celebration of 50 years by our Chair, Jane Carolan:

Tuesday 16th November saw a crowded Queens Park Hall celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Strathbungo Society in style .

The meeting began with the AGM, where the reports and the accounts of the Society were approved and the current office-bearers: Chair Jane Carolan, Vice Chair Paola Rezzilli and Treasurer Steven Good were re-elected. The formal proceedings were completed by the election of a new committee, blending a mixture of old members returning with several new volunteers from the meeting. However a number of people approached me as chair afterwards and suggested that they were considering joining the committee. There are always spaces for new volunteers and anyone wishing to participate should email me at

One office-bearer stood down: our secretary, Sharon. A stalwart of the Strathbungo Society for over twenty five years, Sharon spent many years as the editor, contributor and general whipper-in of our newsletter, keeping it afloat. She also played a major part in the development of Bungo in the Back Lanes from its very early days. Her back garden has provided food and hospitality during our halcyon warm June Bungo days and a refuge from the rain when the weather looked not so kindly on us. Her “retirement” was marked by a presentation from the Society, but is not expected to lessen her contribution to our events .

Sharon’s departure leaves a gap on the committee for the position of secretary and, as in the appeal for committee members, anyone thinking that they could make a contribution can contact the same email address given above.

The event moved on to a cheese and wine celebration, where the new Strathbungo Handbook was launched, with an introduction from the formidable Andrew Greig, whose knowledge of the local architecture and history proved fascinating. Thanks are due to Sharon and to Paola who, with their associates, put together the new handbook.

Watch this space for how to obtain your copy of this publication, telling you everything you ever wanted to know about your local area, or email for details.

The Strathbungo Handbook

After a marvellously busy AGM and book launch last night, we can present to you The Strathbungo Handbook.

We have published this for our 50th anniversary and it is now on sale for £5. All the proceeds will go towards the Society’s events. It’s 32 gorgeous pages of eye-opening stories of the area, amazing photographs, a walking tour and a wonderfully illustrated pull out map. So if you want one as a souvenir or a fantastic Christmas present drop an email to; we take PayPal, or cash or card on collection.

If you weren’t there last night, you will have missed Andrew Greg (No. 1 Moray Place) launching the book with a fantastic talk about all things Strathbungo, the 15 Minute Neighbourhood and thoughts of how we can make the area more environmentally viable (also in the book).

A huge thank you to all who came to the AGM last night. The Society can’t do the work we do without you. Thanks also to those who offered to join in the work. If you are also interested, come along to one of our meetings in the den at The Bungo on Nothsdale Road; there’s a social meeting on 14 December, and a back to business meeting on 18 January 2022. You don’t need to tell us in advance. See our calendar of events.

Strathbungo AGM and our big birthday – we’re 50!

AGM details

The Strathbungo Society AGM will be held on 16th November 2021.

Where: in the Hall at Queens Park Church of Scotland, 170 Queens Drive
When: Tuesday 16th November at 7pm


The required business of the AGM is first:

  • Approval of Minutes 2020
  • Chair’s Annual Report
  • Financial report of Accounts
  • Election of the management committee

Followed by other items of local interest:

  • Report of the East Kilbride line electrification
  • Bin & cleansing issues

If there are any other issues you wish to raise, please contact the chair at by October 15th.

Papers in advance:

The Trustees of the Strathbungo Society have published our draft Annual Report and Accounts 2020-21 and draft minutes of last year’s AGM. The meeting is asked to consider and then approve the Annual Report and Accounts before they are submitted to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator. They will appear on the AGM Minutes page in due course.

The Annual Report gives an indication of what the Society has been doing and achieved over the last year (up to 30th April 2021), despite the pandemic.  Do please take a couple of minutes to read it – hopefully it will inspire people to get involved in whatever way they can!

If you have questions on either the Annual Report or the Accounts and are unable to attend the AGM, do please contact the Treasurer by email.

Our big birthday!

We will also be celebrating as the Society will be 50 this year. The AGM will be followed by the launch of a new publication on the history of the Society and Strathbungo, with cheese and wine.

We hope to see you there…

Please come along, hear about our past and our future, and support the work we do. New blood on the committee is always welcome too!

Volunteers needed!

Are you a whizz at organising? Can you design simple yet effective layouts? Then you’re just the people to join The Strathbungo Society’s newsletter team! We have volunteer vacancies for a keen, versatile Project Manager to oversee the production of the Strathbungo Society Newsletter and a Design Coordinator for the layout.

The newsletter is quarterly (March, June, September, December) and it gets the Strathbungo news and articles out through the letterboxes to the local community.

We are also looking for budding journalists who can squirrel out a story and write it up with flair!

If you’re interested and want some further information, please contact Old, young, someone with some time on their hands, this is a great opportunity!

Crossmyloof Active Travel Path – Council Response

For those who read about the idea of a walking and cycling path behind the Crossmyloof Resource Centre, to provide a direct route from Moray Place to Crossmyloof Station, here is the response from the relevant Council department.

The original proposal and comments from the community are in the earlier post, Active Travel in Strathbungo – The Crossmyloof Resource Centre path



Dear Councillor

I refer to the enquiry received regarding the creation of an active travel path along the route of the rail line at Crossmyloof and traversing across the north of the site of the former care home (please refer to the attached plans).

On the face of it, the proposal would appear to have some merit. While there is existing access for pedestrian and cycles from Moray Place to the intersection of Titwood Road and Minard Road by means of turning left into Carswell Gardens and then turning right into Titwood Road, a path across the back of the care home site would be more direct and would shorten the journey. It would also be in line with Council policy on promoting Active Travel. However it would also inevitably mean a reduction in the likely capital receipt for the sale of the former care home and the investigation into the planning and viability of the path would also likely cause delay in securing a sale. While it is not possible to quantify how much the reduction might be, or what delay may occur, I think it fair to say that there would undoubtedly be some reduction in the capital receipt.

In addition, the proposed route of the path uses the lane to the north of 45 Carswell Gardens. This lane is in private ownership and is not adopted. Therefore in order to use the section of lane to the north of 45 Carswell Gardens for the Active Travel Route we would need to obtain permission of the owner of the land including permission to remove the section of wall. It is also very likely that the owners of the houses on the western side of Carswell Gardens that back on to the lane will have vehicular access rights to use the lane including the section to the north of 45 Carswell Gardens. If we were looking to restrict cars from using that section of the lane then agreement would need to be reached with each of the individual house owners on that point. Such a restriction would make it awkward for vehicles to get in and out and would likely lead to cars reversing onto Titwood Road. If a restriction on cars wasn’t required we would need to consider a path design that would accommodate both pedestrian and car users.

Clearly there are a number of issues that would need to be addressed in order to make the proposed Active Travel Route a reality. In addressing those issues there are no guarantees that agreement could be reached with either the landowner of the lane or the individual house owners, or that the terms, if offered, by the different parties would be acceptable to the Council. I would also add that the Council is committed to the development of a city-wide Active Travel Strategy which will deliver a strategic plan for Glasgow. A recruitment process is currently underway to undertake the development of this plan over the next 12 months. In advance of this, it may be premature to deliver stand-alone projects which may not necessarily fit with this city-wide strategy.

In conclusion, while recognising that the proposal has some merit, on balance we do not feel that this option should be pursued given the reduced capital receipt for the sale of the former care home; the cost of reaching agreement with the lane owner and possibly the housed holders; the amount of officers time required to negotiate and reach agreement with the various parties; the possibility that such work would be abortive should no agreement be reached; and also the development of the city-wide Active Travel Strategy may identify an alternative or more strategic active travel proposal for this locality which could negate the need for this proposed intervention.

Yours sincerely

Map of resource centre

Council map of Crossmyloof Resource Centre Site with path overlaid in blue

The response included these maps. The blue line is an exact reproduction from my sketch, and was apparently initially taken literally by the officers, who objected to it bisecting the site.

Cllr Jon Molyneux plans to go back to the council officer for clarification of some of the points raised. He, like I, feels this reads like a contrived excuse to do nothing.

What do you think? Feel free to add your comments on the council response, and in favour or against the idea of a path.

Active Travel in Strathbungo – The Crossmyloof Resource Centre path

Here’s a New Year thought.

The triangle of land behind Carswell Gardens used to be a Corporation depot & yard, but more recently was used for the Crossmyloof Resource Centre & old folks home. That has now closed, as it is considered surplus to requiremetns, and the Council is putting the site up for sale. It is likely to be bought by a developer for housing, which could in itself have significant impact on Strathbungo, although apparently care home operators may also be interested. We will have to watch this space.

Meanwhile however it also presents an unusual opportunity. The Council has the ability to reserve a strip of land alongside the railway fence extending directly from Moray Place to the end of Titwood Road, and so provide a traffic free path for walkers and those on bikes to get quickly and safely to Crossmyloof Station and Morrisons’ supermarket.
Continue reading

Society AGM 2020

The Strathbungo Society’s AGM will be held at 7.30pm on 17th November 2020.

Inevitably the event will be held online via Zoom this year. Everyone is welcome to join in, hear about Society activities during the year, hear about some local projects on “Greening Strathbungo” from the new Strathbungo Eco group, and maybe join in and help out yourself. We are always looking for new people and new ideas.

Register here now, and we will email you the link to join the meeting nearer the time. Advance registration is essential.

The annual report and accounts are available to view now, as are the draft minutes of last year’s AGM. They will be presented at the AGM.

Strathbungo Society draft Annual Report and Accounts for 2018-19

The Trustees of the Strathbungo Society have today published our draft annual report 2018-2019 Trustees-Report-(final draft AGM) and accounts Receipts and Payments 2018 to 2019 – Final 21st Oct for our Annual General Meeting next Tuesday (see Notice of Strathbungo Society AGM).  The meeting is asked to consider and then approve the Annual Report and Accounts before they are submitted to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.

The Annual Report gives an indication of what the Society has been doing and achieved over the last year.  We hope local residents will take a couple of minutes to read it and it will inspire more people to get involved in whatever way they can.

If you have questions on either the Annual Report or the Accounts and are unable to attend the AGM do please contact



Notice of Strathbungo Society AGM


Tuesday 29th October 2018 7.30-8.30pm

Queen’s Park Church Hall 170 Queen’s Drive


  1. Welcome, introductions and apologies
  2. Minute of last year’s AGM Monday 29th October 2018
  3. Matters Arising: Chair
  4. Network rail vegetation management
  5. Future of Crossmyloof Resource Centre site on Titwood Rd
  6. Other topical issues: bin collections (please notify of others before meeting)
  7. Trustees Report
  8. Accounts
  9. Election of Officer Bearers/Trustees
    • Chair; Vice-chair; Secretary; Treasurer;
  1. Election of Committee (up to 15 places)
  2. AOB

Tea and coffee from 7pm and refreshments afterwards

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