Category: Planning (Page 2 of 6)

Staying warm at higher gas prices

With gas prices hitting £4 a therm and the price cap at 70p a therm you might be wondering how you can improve the insulation of your home in Strathbungo. Loco Home Retrofit CIC is a new local community benefit co-op who are trying to help communities insulate.

Their launch event is at 19:30 on Wednesday 1st December

The Strathbungo Eco Group is excited about working with Loco Home Retrofit to achieve transformative improvements in insulation and energy in Strathbungo while preserving and maintaining our wonderful architecture.

Disclaimer: In their formative stages Loco Home Retrofit have helped Strathbungo Eco Group with information events and informal advice. Various Eco Group members have benefited from professional advice (sometimes at a discount). Tom Nockolds, a Director of Loco Home Retrofit, is also a Strathbungo Eco Group and Strathbungo Society Committee member.


Langside Halls – view new proposals and have your say

Langside Halls Trust, working with funding Glasgow-based Hoskins Architects and culture & heritage consultants, Jura Consultants, have develop proposals for Langside Halls as an inclusive and sustainable venue for the Southside. Working with partners Glad Café, Southside Fringe, Southside Film Festival and others, the Trust want to create a regular cultural and social programme at the Halls, use them as a platform for Southside organisations and continue their traditional role as an affordable community-venue-for-hire.

Proposed improvements to the Halls would see them become fully accessible, with greater flexibility and more useful spaces as well as creating a new welcoming entrance space and new meeting spaces to accommodate all user groups – and to allow Langside Halls to fulfil its full potential as an important community and cultural hub.

Kevin Kane, Chair of Langside Halls Trust said:

The feasibility study proposals seek to breathe new life into Langside Halls and make them a fully accessible and attractive venue for communities across the South Side. The Trust wants to share the proposals with the wider community and to hear what folks and local organisations think of them – as well as what would make them use the Halls more.

The proposals can be viewed at the Langside Halls Trust’s website at where you will also find a community questionnaire where you can have you say on what is proposed. The community engagement runs until this Sunday, 28th February.

Langside Entrance Hall

The planning application for a new car park in Pollok Country Park

On 27th May Glasgow City Council applied for planning permission to itself for a new car park, road and footpath as part of the Transforming Pollok Country Park Project (see here for planning papers) and in anticipation of higher visitor numbers to the Burrell once the refurbishment/expansion is complete.

Key: blue = existing road upgraded; black = new road; brown = new footpath;  light blue – existing footpath upgraded to disability standards.  All illustrations courtesy of GCC Planning Portal.

The application form is not entirely clear but planning consent appears to being applied for:

  • a new car park for 277 vehicles on the existing unused Nether Pollok blaes pitch by Hagg’s Road
  • widening of the Hagg’s Road exit to form an entrance/exit
  • creation of a new road to the Burrell car park and
  • installation of various car barriers to limit vehicular access elsewhere in the Park.

The application is open for comment until 6th July and you can do so on the online planning portal above or at end of this blog.

The declared purpose of the application is to reduce the circulation of traffic in Pollok Country Park.  It is part of a wider active travel plan accompanying the re-development of the Burrell.  The Application contains a report of Glasgow City Council’s engagement with stakeholders that took place in 2019.   Since then, as a result of Covid-19, the world and Pollok Country Park have changed beyond recognition.

More specifically the closure of Pollok Park to vehicles during the lockdown and the large numbers of people accessing the park by foot or by bike has transformed ideas of what might be possible.  The proposals now look very dated and it is regrettable that Glasgow City Council has not re-considered them before submitting the planning application.

Continue reading

South West City cycle way extension – is this the best route?


If interested but unable to go to the drop-in you can access the online consultation here

The proposed route extends the current South West City Way from the Shields Rd/St Andrew’s Drive junction along St Andrew’s Drive to Pollok Park.

The proposed route bypasses the main centres of population in East Pollokshields and Strathbungo.  Were it instead to continue up Shields Rd to Nithsdale Rd, then on to Terregles Ave joining St Andrew’s Drive after Maxwell Park, it would be almost the same distance and much more helpful to any local resident wanting to use a dedicated cycle lane to get to Pollok Park or into the city centre by the South West Cycle route.    The Strathbungo Society could then work on the missing link between the Darnley/Nithsdale and Shields/Nithsdale junctions!

What do people think?

The Nithsdale Rd cul de sac – the fourth AGM discussion group

Sorry folks, failed to get report of the fourth discussion group at AGM out for last week (see Heather’s post 27th).  This group discussed how we might progress the ideas that came out of the Pollokshields charrette or community planning event, subsequent walkabouts for the Nithsdale Rd area (which includes the phone box) and the stall we ran at Bungo in the Back Lanes.  Since then very little has happened but recently we were informed by the Pollokshields Trust  that it has been approved funding in principle to help the local community develop proposals further – good news.

While it was acknowledged that numerous good ideas for improving the area had been collected, the unanimous view was we should develop proposals to redesign the Nithsdale Rd deadend as a whole, with a view to greening it and changing the road layout.   It was felt there was huge potential to improve the street from how it is at present to the benefit of the people who live there, local businesses and the wider local community.    The big idea here was there should be a line of trees down the centre (could be in planters) with parking on either side of this central line around which cars could circulate.  Coupled with this the pavement areas could be improved (eg removal of rubbish bins).

There was support for setting up a steering group to take this forward, with their first task being to consult and involve local residents and businesses in making the street a better place – with support hopefully from the Pollokshields Trust.  While this could include some smaller projects  – some “quick wins” (the phonebox?) would encourage people to get involved – central to this should developing proposals for street redesign.

And two new ideas were suggested, a city tree (see here) to reduce the pollution from Pollokshaws Rd and subterranean rubbish bins as happens in many parts of Europe.

If you are interested in getting involved contact

Online planning

Glasgow City Council has put details of planning applications and building warrant applications since 2007 online. This includes all the paperwork that is usually found in applications, such as the forms, the plans, supporting documents from the applicant, comments from interested third parties such as neighbours, community councils, amenity societies and anyone else who might have an opinion on the application.

Because this information is available on the Council website, all old posts containing planning application notifications on the blog have been deleted. The blog can still be used to highlight local applications of interest to Strathbungo.

Planning applications can also be made online – see the Planning section of the Council website for details.


Your views wanted! Shawlands Town Centre Customer Survey (2016)

Shawlands Civic Square

Shawlands Civic Square

Make your views known on how to make Shawlands one of Glasgow’s most attractive town centres.

Shawlands is on the up with the £3.3m Town Centre Action Plan (TCAP) moving on apace.  New pavements have been laid as have new and better crossings. Most recently the Council gave final planning permission for a new Shawlands Civic Square, to be located in front of the A listed Langside Halls, at the junction of Pollokshaws and Langside roads – creating a new focal point for Shawlands and Strathbungo and the wider South Side.

As part of this on-going work, the Shawlands Business Association is updating the Shawlands Town Centre Customer Survey and is seeking the views of those who live, shop and visit Shawlands to help them – and the Council – identify how to make Shawlands one of Glasgow most attractive town centres. So how can Shawlands be improved?  What should the priorities be?  What would make you and others use it more?  Make your views known.

To take the survey visit: –

Make your Mark – public meeting 20th March

Following the Make Your Mark community planning consultation, a public meeting is to be held at 553 Shields Road, attended by Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Alison Thewliss MP, Cllr David Meikle, Bailie Norman MacLeod and Bailie Hanif Raja. There will be a Q&A session as well as an introduction by Bill Fraser and a presentation of findings by the planners.


2.00pm          Arrivals/Welcome (15-20mins)

2.20pm          Introduction to Make Your Mark (5mins)

Bill Fraser, Chair Pollokshields Community Council

2.25pm          Presentation of Findings (15 mins)

Jude Barber, Collective Architecture and

Andy Campbell, Dress for the Weather

2.40pm          Political Panel in Conversation (20 mins)

(Chaired by Bill Fraser)

Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister/MSP

Alison Thewliss, MSP

David Meikle, Local Councillor

Bailie Norman MacLeod, Local Councillor

Bailie Hanif Raja, Local Councillor

3.00pm          Make Your Mark – on-going involvement (30-45 mins)

Opportunity to note interest in Community Forum, share local information, sign up to short term actions etc.:

  • ‘A week in Pollokshields’ – Share information about activities on a large ‘day-by-day’ chart
  • ‘The Vision – 5 areas for action’ – Get involved/sign up to take short-medium term action

3.45pm          Event ends

Planning Application Lebowski’s

(posted on behalf of Fiona Mackinnon and some other local residents)

Another year, another planning application for Sammy Dow…or Lebowski’s as it is planned for the future.

People living close by may have got a Neighbour Notification of the plans a month ago but this process was suspended as the wrong plans were uploaded to the Planning website meaning residents were unable to judge the proposals.

The Planning Department has re-issued the notification and the new date for final comments on the full planning permission is Friday 18 March 2016. For the Listed Building Consent plan the date was Wednesday 9 March 2016 (sorry this has been posted after the deadline).

The main proposal is to create a commercial kitchen at the rear of the extension. This means having to have a very low level kitchen venting system which has the potential to be very noisy and to create unpleasant odours from cooking burgers for neighbours. Some residents will know of the problems with the vent from The Bungo installed a few years ago. The Bungo vent is a high level one, so cooking smells are discharged above the roofline (though there is I believe still a problem with noise); these will vent into the back court gardens and near ground level!

There are also issues of overlooking and noise leakage with their desire to replaced solid glass brick light wells with new windows that will overlook homes in Nithsdale Road and Moray Place.

Please take a look at the plans online at the Glasgow City Council website – there are two applications but only one is still open

Attached is an objection written by local residents which should offer inspiration if you want to object. You can cut and paste from it or re-write as you like. Make sure that if you want to object, you put the word ‘object’ near the start of your response   69NithsdaleRdObjection2016

The Strathbungo Society will consider this at the meeting on Tuesday

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