Category: Newsletters (Page 3 of 5)

Autumn Strathbungo Newsletter Goes to the Printer

cover-oct2014The new Strathbungo Society Newsletter is off to the printer’s. Thanks to Alison, Allison, Bryan, Stephen and Teresa for reviewing it and catching several errors and omissions. This edition features articles by Angela Fulton, Lucy Gillie, Alison Hunter, Deidre Miller, Samantha Moir, Teresa Mooney and Kris Shelton. If you’d like to read the full-colour electronic version rather than the black and white print version, then click on the image on the left to open the pdf in a new tab.

Plans unveiled for new skate park at M74 flyover at Port Eglington

Park Life, Southside style

Plans for a new urban skate park at the M74 flyover at Port Eglington have been unveiled for a  currently empty site adjacent to the main route from Strathbungo (and points south) to Glasgow city centre.  Drawing on inspiration from cities across the globe, including from Portland Oregon where skateboarders identified and built their own skate park, the projects promoters’ aim is to develop a new urban park for Glasgow to attract not only skateboarders, BMX bikers but wider local communities, including Strathbungo.

Plans for the £1m park have had funding support from Pollokshields Partnership (on which the Strathbungo Society sits), Transport Scotland, which owns the site, and Creative Scotland.

An exhibition of the plans will be at the Lighthouse from Saturday 19 July to 10 August 2014. For more information, see:

March Strathbungo News

Strathbungo Newsletter March 2014 front pageThe March Strathbungo News has gone to the printer. To access a colour pdf, just click on the picture of the cover.

Thanks to everyone who contributed, especially Teresa Mooney for her articles and photos, and Andrew Downie and Stephen Rees for their helpful comments.

The December Newsletter is Off To the Printer

Strathbungo Newsletter Dec2013The December newsletter is done and will be delivered all over Strathbungo within the next week or two. I think it’s a good issue. Thanks to a great effort by Nick Kempe, who has been attending the Glasgow Civic Forum, we have an article on saving energy in traditionally constructed buildings by Moses Jenkins of Historic Scotland, plus an article on burglary prevention and an update on enforcement from the Gorbals Police Office. We’ve also got a good local enterprise section. I had a very pleasant chat with Sam and Anna of bakery47, and interviewed Rosie Ilett about her crafting. Thanks to Sharon Schweps and Vivienne McGregor for their articles, and of course thanks to everyone who took the time to look over the draft. To view the newsletter, click on the image.

Where on earth…?

 Mystery Building in StrathbungoYou were asked to identify the Strathbungo building below, and its location.











Strathbungo Parish Church TodayNow the newsletter is out, I can reveal this was the first Strathbungo Parish Church, built in 1839, but demolished sometime after 1883. The photo dates from around 1879.

The second church was built on the same site, reusing much of the stone, in 1887-88. The facade of the second church still stands on Pollokshaws Road, even though the rest of the church was demolished in 2006. The facade was incorporated into the modern flats. The current view from the same spot is shown on the right.

You can read more about Strathbungo’s church in the newsletter, when it drops through your door, or by downloading it from this blog.







Shawlands Academy’s new outdoor digital design studio

Tonight sees the test launch of a new digital art projection facility that uses the  front facade of Shawlands Academy as its canvass. With funding from Glasgow City Council and Shawlands & Strathbungo Community Council and the involvement of Architecture + Design Scotland and the UK’s leading lighting designers Lighting Collective , the ‘Shawlands Gate’ project includes facilities that allow digital art works and designs to be projected onto the facade of the Academy.  Funded as part of the Shawlands Town Centre Action Plan, the aim is to brighten up this major gateway to Shawlands town centre, the “Heart of Glasgow’s (Cosmopolitan) South Side”.  The project has allowed the Academy’s young people to display their digital creativity and, in the future, may allow professional artists to use this unique “canvass” as part of Glasgow’s international arts festival, GI.  

Shawlands Gate has also led to new trees being planted to the front facade of the Academy (and getting rid teacher parking), given its young people the opportunity to to learn and design Public Art and get involved in the local community via their research into the history and businesses in Skirving Street.  And, as a result of the project young people at Shawlnads Academy are giving their views on new plans to upgrade Langside Halls.  Shawlands Gate is the first of many projects whose aim is to develop Shawlands as the Heart of Glasgow’s cosmopolitan South Side.


SHAWLANDS MELA, Saturday 17 March, 10am – 3pm

Now that Spring’s almost here, do you fancy something different, something that celebrates the South Side’s cultural diversity – well Shawlands Mela is just the place for you – and yours.  Organised by Shawlands Academy PTC, this first-ever Shawlands Mela has all the fun of the fair: from henna hand-painting to bouncy castles, from Asian (and other) food stalls to live entertainment and lots else besides including local coffee and bakehouse, Tapa.  So why don’t you come along to Shawlands Academy for a fun day “in”.Entrance is £1 per adult and 50p per child, open: 10 am to 3 pm.


The Strathbungo Torch

the strathbungo torch from paul of navarone on Vimeo.

I came across this video of the ‘Strathbungo Torch’ about an American newspaper of the 1950s or ’60s. It is a lovely and highly professional five minute video about a community paper with interviews and narrative from journalists and readers talking about the newspaper and its place in the community. Their editorial approach is epitomized in two lovely quotes from the editor who said:

The day we get no complaints is the day we put out a dull newspaper…

The day that the newspaper comes out and everybody reads it and nobody’s mad, you’re almost dead certain that that was a bad newspaper.

He talks about “light and dark places in the community” and the paper’s place “to suggest how things can be improved”.

The BungoBlog is, I suppose, our equivalent of ‘The Strathbungo Torch’ with the potential to better report on Strathbungo’s news, views, politics and society, but I believe is in need of an editorial refreshment (as well as the visual one we have already done) to better engage residents. In the new year I’ll draft an editorial policy which I will put on the blog and present to the Strathbungo Society for your views on how best to take the BungoBlog forward to make it more engaging, more interactive and more provocative. I’d be very interested in views on what we can do with the BungoBlog so please do leave comments or drop me an e mail to let me know who you think.

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