Category: Local interest (Page 5 of 6)

Help for Hedgehogs

In response to recent sightings of hedgehogs in and around Strathbungo’s Gardens, the Strathbungo eco-group, ably assisted by local children, has put together a leaflet on helping hedgehogs to thrive. Printed copies are being distributed to houses in the Gardens, but if any one else would like a copy, here it is.

Hedgehogs Page 1

Hedgehogs, Page 1 – click to open pdf

Hedgehogs page 2

Hedgehogs, Page 2

Those weblinks from the poster:
Hedgehog Street
Hessilhead Wildlife
Eco Group:

Heating Strathbungo for the next 100 years – Tues 11th May, 8pm

heating old homes
Southside locals Chris Carus and Tom Nockolds are starting a new community interest company, aimed at helping reduce the carbon emissions from heating our homes.
At this event on Tuesday 11th may at 8pm, they will tackle the question: how will Strathbungo residents keep their homes warm for the next 100 years?
The presentation will cover the broad landscape of options and technologies available for low carbon heating. Afterwards, there will be time for questions and a discussion.
All welcome!
You can register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Crossmyloof Active Travel Path – Council Response

For those who read about the idea of a walking and cycling path behind the Crossmyloof Resource Centre, to provide a direct route from Moray Place to Crossmyloof Station, here is the response from the relevant Council department.

The original proposal and comments from the community are in the earlier post, Active Travel in Strathbungo – The Crossmyloof Resource Centre path



Dear Councillor

I refer to the enquiry received regarding the creation of an active travel path along the route of the rail line at Crossmyloof and traversing across the north of the site of the former care home (please refer to the attached plans).

On the face of it, the proposal would appear to have some merit. While there is existing access for pedestrian and cycles from Moray Place to the intersection of Titwood Road and Minard Road by means of turning left into Carswell Gardens and then turning right into Titwood Road, a path across the back of the care home site would be more direct and would shorten the journey. It would also be in line with Council policy on promoting Active Travel. However it would also inevitably mean a reduction in the likely capital receipt for the sale of the former care home and the investigation into the planning and viability of the path would also likely cause delay in securing a sale. While it is not possible to quantify how much the reduction might be, or what delay may occur, I think it fair to say that there would undoubtedly be some reduction in the capital receipt.

In addition, the proposed route of the path uses the lane to the north of 45 Carswell Gardens. This lane is in private ownership and is not adopted. Therefore in order to use the section of lane to the north of 45 Carswell Gardens for the Active Travel Route we would need to obtain permission of the owner of the land including permission to remove the section of wall. It is also very likely that the owners of the houses on the western side of Carswell Gardens that back on to the lane will have vehicular access rights to use the lane including the section to the north of 45 Carswell Gardens. If we were looking to restrict cars from using that section of the lane then agreement would need to be reached with each of the individual house owners on that point. Such a restriction would make it awkward for vehicles to get in and out and would likely lead to cars reversing onto Titwood Road. If a restriction on cars wasn’t required we would need to consider a path design that would accommodate both pedestrian and car users.

Clearly there are a number of issues that would need to be addressed in order to make the proposed Active Travel Route a reality. In addressing those issues there are no guarantees that agreement could be reached with either the landowner of the lane or the individual house owners, or that the terms, if offered, by the different parties would be acceptable to the Council. I would also add that the Council is committed to the development of a city-wide Active Travel Strategy which will deliver a strategic plan for Glasgow. A recruitment process is currently underway to undertake the development of this plan over the next 12 months. In advance of this, it may be premature to deliver stand-alone projects which may not necessarily fit with this city-wide strategy.

In conclusion, while recognising that the proposal has some merit, on balance we do not feel that this option should be pursued given the reduced capital receipt for the sale of the former care home; the cost of reaching agreement with the lane owner and possibly the housed holders; the amount of officers time required to negotiate and reach agreement with the various parties; the possibility that such work would be abortive should no agreement be reached; and also the development of the city-wide Active Travel Strategy may identify an alternative or more strategic active travel proposal for this locality which could negate the need for this proposed intervention.

Yours sincerely

Map of resource centre

Council map of Crossmyloof Resource Centre Site with path overlaid in blue

The response included these maps. The blue line is an exact reproduction from my sketch, and was apparently initially taken literally by the officers, who objected to it bisecting the site.

Cllr Jon Molyneux plans to go back to the council officer for clarification of some of the points raised. He, like I, feels this reads like a contrived excuse to do nothing.

What do you think? Feel free to add your comments on the council response, and in favour or against the idea of a path.

Langside Halls – view new proposals and have your say

Langside Halls Trust, working with funding Glasgow-based Hoskins Architects and culture & heritage consultants, Jura Consultants, have develop proposals for Langside Halls as an inclusive and sustainable venue for the Southside. Working with partners Glad Café, Southside Fringe, Southside Film Festival and others, the Trust want to create a regular cultural and social programme at the Halls, use them as a platform for Southside organisations and continue their traditional role as an affordable community-venue-for-hire.

Proposed improvements to the Halls would see them become fully accessible, with greater flexibility and more useful spaces as well as creating a new welcoming entrance space and new meeting spaces to accommodate all user groups – and to allow Langside Halls to fulfil its full potential as an important community and cultural hub.

Kevin Kane, Chair of Langside Halls Trust said:

The feasibility study proposals seek to breathe new life into Langside Halls and make them a fully accessible and attractive venue for communities across the South Side. The Trust wants to share the proposals with the wider community and to hear what folks and local organisations think of them – as well as what would make them use the Halls more.

The proposals can be viewed at the Langside Halls Trust’s website at where you will also find a community questionnaire where you can have you say on what is proposed. The community engagement runs until this Sunday, 28th February.

Langside Entrance Hall

The Strathbungo Eco Group

The wind is biting and there’s still frost and snow lingering in the Bungo. However, if we look closely, green shoots are peeping up from the earth in our gardens and snowdrops are blooming. The days are growing longer and we can sense that new life is beginning to stir after the dark days of winter. So thoughts will be turning to our gardens and green spaces which are such a solace for us in trying times. Our worlds have shrunk but nearby nature has drawn us to look more closely.

A deeper sense of community, a love of nature and a desire to address climate change prompted a group of us in our WhatsApp support group in the red sandstone terraces of Strathbungo to form an Eco group. We’ve been looking at how to make our homes greener, how we can encourage biodiversity, and reimagining our local environment as a space for people by reducing traffic and pollution. We now welcome everyone interested in all of Strathbungo so please get in touch if you’re interested; email us at

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Bike Hangars are coming…

The Glasgow Times today announced that the Council are finally going ahead with plans for bike storage lockers, including in our neighbourhood.

Streets will include amongst others

  • 48 Waverley Street
  • 4 Nithsdale Road
  • 95 Nithsdale Drive
  • 16 Kildrostan Street
  • 2 Balvicar Drive
  • Balvicar St/Pollokshaws Road

More details in the Glasgow Times article.

Don’t see anything on the council website about it though.

Active Travel in Strathbungo – The Crossmyloof Resource Centre path

Here’s a New Year thought.

The triangle of land behind Carswell Gardens used to be a Corporation depot & yard, but more recently was used for the Crossmyloof Resource Centre & old folks home. That has now closed, as it is considered surplus to requiremetns, and the Council is putting the site up for sale. It is likely to be bought by a developer for housing, which could in itself have significant impact on Strathbungo, although apparently care home operators may also be interested. We will have to watch this space.

Meanwhile however it also presents an unusual opportunity. The Council has the ability to reserve a strip of land alongside the railway fence extending directly from Moray Place to the end of Titwood Road, and so provide a traffic free path for walkers and those on bikes to get quickly and safely to Crossmyloof Station and Morrisons’ supermarket.
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Greening Strathbungo

image of tree

Thank you to the Strathbungo Eco Group, which presented on a variety of topics at the Society’s AGM on Tuesday 17 November.

The group was formed by a group of Bungo neighbours, inspired by cleaner air and audible birdsong during lock-down. There is a variety of projects under way, ranging from the practical to the exploratory. You can find out more from the slides that were presented here.

If you’re interested in being part of this informal but enthusiastic group, email to request to join the WhatsApp group.

Doors Open Day in Strathbungo – we need your contributions

We’re calling for videos and pictures for “Doors Open in Strathbungo”!

Glasgow’s Doors Open Day is going digital this year and they are asking for contributions. The Strathbungo Society is helping with a couple of projects in the area, but we also proposed one of our own – made up from contributions from residents in the ‘Bungo.

We’d like to present a short film giving a residents’-eyes view of our area. It would be made up of videos and photos by ‘Bungo-dwellers to share what they love about this part of Glasgow (we’ll also include some Then & Now comparisons from the Bygone Bungo site). Overall, it will show the streets, the lanes, the architecture and some of Strathbungo’s history, perhaps with a flavour of the community events that are held throughout the year.

Here’s where you come in… We’d love to include your videos and your pictures in the film. Videos need to be short – we only have a total length of about 5 minutes and we have lots to pack in! Contributions should show off the bits of the ‘Bungo that you love – be that the railing or cornices at your home, the greenery currently along the railway line, the architecture – close-ups or panoramas – with or without a commentary… The choice is yours!

Practical stuff:

  • you don’t need any fancy equipment – using your phone is fine
  • all photos and videos sent to us must be in LANDSCAPE orientation, not portrait
  • for video, feel free to record a short voice-over saying what we’re looking at and why you love it
  • ideally, we need to have contributions in by the end of next week, i.e. Friday 24th July

Send your contributions to (we’re recycling that email address!) and we’ll do our best to include it in the ‘Bungo movie of the year 😊

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