Category: Bungo in the Back Lanes (Page 2 of 4)

Our environment

When I first moved into Marywood Square 4 years ago I thought that the lane running up the back of my tenement was a brilliant opportunity to get some wild flowers growing, so I sowed some seeds. They came to nothing. I was busy, new flat etc, I didn’t really give it much thought. The next Spring I took it a bit more seriously and I and a close neighbour both sowed seeds. Same result – nothing! But this time I realised why. The lane had been sprayed by weed killer – or so it appeared to me by the burned vegetation. So last year I gave seed sowing a miss only to see a couple of new plants in my garden killed as weed killer drifted through the railings.

I’m now getting more and more aware, and concerned that we have a serious environmental problem and it seems that globally we’re in the throws of a sixth mass extinction of species (manmade this time?) including a major threat to insects which are at the bottom of a food chain that maintains birds and animals and are crucial as pollinators. Could we in Strathbungo not play a small part in countering this by challenging the Council, who I’m presuming spray the lanes with weedkiller, and consciously try and turn our lanes into a haven for wild flowers insects and birds. It seems to me that this could be a very positive experience for the children in the area who with proper parental encouragement and support might enjoy helping bring wild flowers into the lanes and learning about them and the wildlife they support. I’ll contact the Council (again) and this time try and find out just why they think it’s a good idea to spray weedkiller. It seems strange to me as they don’t seem to take any responsibility for any other kind of “maintenance” in the lanes. Would other residents, and maybe the Strathbungo Society itself be interested in trying to get the spraying stopped and encouraging wild life into our area?

Local characters – David Murray

David Murray may not be the most familiar Strathbungo character, given he lives 35 miles away on a farm in West Lothian, but he has surprisingly strong links to the community.

He has been delivering fresh organic fruit and vegetables fortnightly to the area for many years (, and regularly serves at the Society’s Back Lanes Tea Garden. His son has even provided the musical accompaniment on the pipes some years.

He recently helped clear the railway embankment at Marywood Square in preparation for spring planting, and is a dab hand at patching cobbles in the back lanes, currently restoring a section off Marywood Square. He is landscaping several gardens, including fresh turf for the tea garden this year.

Single handedly sprucing up Strathbungo – if you spot him, say hi!

Volunteers welcome

The Strathbungo Society and its events are run entirely by volunteers and we always welcome new people who want to help in any way they can. It’s important that volunteers are able to move on, so we are always looking for people to take on roles, from the small to the not-so-small, but also to develop new initiatives. Our Committee Meetings are open to all and advertised under the events sections of the bungoblog and Strathbungo Facebook page, so if you have ideas or want to know more do come along.

Current volunteering opportunities include:

  • Stewards for Window Wanderland 23rd February. We have stewards at larger events just in case anything goes wrong (stewards are briefed beforehand and we have a pick up point for lost children). Don a yellow bungo jacket for part of the evening and wander the streets. If interested either contact or come to the Committee Meeting on 19th February
  • The Spring Fling. A small group is responsible for organising this event (co-ordination of craft stalls and events on the day) and would welcome someone else to join the team Contacts
  • The Bungo Committee. At our last AGM several people retired and were not replaced. We need more people on the Committee to keep going and have up to five vacancies. Do contact our Chair, Jane Carolann, at or come along to our next meeting to see what is involved.
  • Newsletter delivery. Our distribution co-ordinator, Imelda Devlin, is always looking for new people to distribute our newsletter (3-4 times a year) whether to take on a street permanently or to act as a reserve when people are away.
  • Newsletter production. Our newsletter designer has indicated she would like to step down after many years. We now have a thriving editorial team who produce the copy so we are looking for someone who has layout skills.
  • Brighter Bungo. This is one of the easiest and most social ways to help with no commitments! Simply turn up on the day with your friends or family and help other volunteers keep our backlanes clean (all equipment provided). Next event will be probably be in April. More details from

The Strathbungo Society
January 2019

Lesley McCallum

The Strathbungo Society was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Lesley McCallum last Sunday. Lesley was a stalwart supporter of the Strathbungo Society and former Committee member. Lesley organised and ran the Society Bottle Stall at every ‘Bungo in the Back Lanes’ event since its inception and also hosted many ‘Bungo at the Bells’ events at her home at the corner of Queen Square and Moray Place. Lesley’s help and encouragement of the Society’s work will be sorely missed and the Society passes on its sincere condolences to her husband David, brother Alistair and nephew Jack. Rest in Peace.

Kevin Kane
Chair, The Strathbungo Society

Bungo in the Back Lanes 2018

It’s that time again! Bungo in the Back Lanes is back for 2018, this Saturday, 1-5 pm. It’s one of the Southside’s greatest and longest running events.

Final preparations are underway, and the Bungo map is now available, showing just some of the events you can expect.

Meanwhile it take a lot of effort to make this happen, and if anyone wishes to help out in any way, may I suggest:

  • Set up your own stall in your back garden / lane.
  • Donations to the bottle stall
  • Donations to the tombola (contact
  • Stewarding on the day – there’s a briefing at 11.45 at the Society stall in the Marywood / Queen Square lane, or just show up any time and say hi, if you can spare us an hour with one of our fancy new orange jackets!
  • Set up (and take down) the gazebos – we start 9am (ish) in the Marywood / Queen Square lane, and pause for bacon rolls at some point

For more guidance see the FAQ on this site.

Stalls at Bungo in the Back Lanes 2018

Famous for its residents’ stalls selling everything from bric-a-brac and jewellery to homemade food and crafts, Bungo in the Back Lanes is an annual community festival that takes place in the lanes of Strathbungo.

The most exciting part of the festival is seeing which DIY stalls are set up on the day. Previous years have produced snail races, jumble stalls and a guess-the-sweeties-in-the-jar competition.

This year, #BitBL2018 is on 23rd June 2018.

Do you want to put up a stall?

Are you happy to host a stall or three in your garden?

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Residents are free to open up their garden or let someone else use it. Please let us know if you are happy for your garden to be used and we can help match you with a stallholder.
  • If you are not a resident and are planning on setting up a stall outside someone’s garden, please check first that they are happy for you to do so. Alternatively, there are several spots along the side lanes that are not directly outside people’s gardens.
  • If you are selling from your garden, make sure you have good signage on the lane letting people know what awaits them. Otherwise, nobody will know!
  • Do let us know where your stall is so we can add it onto our map.
  • If you are planning on selling food, you will need a food safety licence from the council. Please contact:

Alison Lochrin, Technical Officer (Food Safety)
Business Regulation, Environmental Health and Trading Standards
Land and Environmental Services
231 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RX
0141 287 7990

There’s more detail on our BitBL FAQs page. If in doubt, drop us an email at and we’ll do our best to help.

Bungo in the Back Lanes – clearing the lanes

Bungo in the Back Lanes… It’s back, this Saturday June 17th, and better than ever!

To make sure that we make best use of the space in the lanes, we’re asking that folk could move vehicles out of the lanes, just for the day.

So, if your property backs on to the lanes, can you help by moving your car / van / etc out of the lane for the day please?

Thank you!

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