Ever wondered about the history of the area where you live, or who lived in your house before you?
Well now you can, at our sister website, Bygone Bungo.
We aim to collect together all those interested in local history, and compile a more complete record of the history and development of Strathbungo and the surrounding area.
As the site expands, we will add documents about various aspects of local history, original sources, and photographs.
We are also compiling a database of local properties, who built them, when, and who lived there subsequently. We already know of Greek Thomson and Rennie Mackintosh, but there were also other architects, military men & footballers (and one who was all three!), ministers, doctors, and a secret service agent. We would be particularly interested in those who still have the deeds for their properties, who know of notable former residents, or have any old photos of the area. The database is live – you can now see who lived in your house before you! Just select Address Search or People Search, and start exploring. There are currently some 5000 individuals listed, mostly from 1865 to 1925.
If you are interested in contributing, please get in touch. We are looking for those with suggestions for research, or wanting help with their own projects, those with stories to tell, with old deeds to local properties, or those willing to help transcribe old records.
To keep track of developments, you can also follow us on Facebook.

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