Author: The Strathbungo Society (Page 4 of 5)

Proposed development on Arnold Clark site

The Arnold Clark showroom has been a prominent feature in Strathbungo for a century, sitting on the corner of Pollokshaws Road and Nithsdale Drive. It was built as The Queens Garage in the 1920s, and it has operated as a motor showroom ever since. Although the building looks a modern replacement, it is actually the original building with a new fascia.

However the showroom has now closed, and the land earmarked for housing. Today the first proposal for the site has been released by South Side Housing Association and Keppie Design, and they are looking for your comments. Note that while this is just an initial proposal, they hope to lodge their planning application in March or April.

You have a brief opportunity to discuss at this stage. Feel free to discuss on the Keppie Design web site, on here, on social media, or email if you would rather the Society reflect your views anonymously.

The consultation dates are as follows:

  • 24th February 2022 – 17th March 2022 (21 days): Public consultation period, with website available throughout.
  • 3rd March 2022: A ‘live’ and interactive/two-way consultation event between 3pm – 6pm (3 hours), hosted as a ‘chat box’ function on the website.
  • 17th March 2022: Final date for submitting comments via contact details on the website.

Their sketch above is based off Google Streetview, so here is a more realistic rendition of what is to come, and what it replaces.

Artist’s rendition, superimposed on Google Streetview

The Queens Garage

The Arnold Clark showroom


There’s a proposal gone in for the other part of Arnold Clarks on Nithsdale Drive today, beside the railway line. Not much detail:

Network Rail – Bridge replacement

Network Rail have provided details of the major bridge works planned for 2022-23 at Nithsdale Road, including demolition of the old Station building, replacement of the bridge, and subsequent replacement of the footbridge.

You are invited to take part with an engagement exercise with Network Rail. This will be online, and you need to book a slot. Exactly what form this will take isn’t clear to us yet.

The Society emailed Network Rail with some of our concerns late last year after the AGM, but have not had a reply. Some of the issues are discussed in a previous blog post.

Access to the consultation is here:

Scotland’s Railway

There is a timetable of road closures, etc, and more information in the letters circulated to residents.

Network Rail letter

Network Rail letter p2

Nithsdale Road rubbish

Our stretch of Nithsdale Road is a mess.

Come along to a community meeting to discuss options for keeping the street cleaner.

Saturday 22nd January 2022, 11-11.30am, outside on street at the Pollokshaws Road end of Nithsdale Road. If the weather is bad, it’ll be at The Deep End instead.

Note this is a locally organised meeting, and not a Strathbungo Society event, though the Society will continue to help where it can.

Autumn 2021 Newsletter

The latest newsletter has arrived. If it hasn’t made it through your door already, you can

Read it now!

New Bridge, NOT Brighter Bungo, New Bawn, a New Book, News in Brief…

And a very warm welcome to our new editor, Sandra Nimako-Boatey. Thanks also to James Spooner for his stint; he gets a well deserved rest.

You can also find the newsletter, and old ones back to the 1990s, at the BygoneBungo Newsletter Archive.

Help for Hedgehogs

In response to recent sightings of hedgehogs in and around Strathbungo’s Gardens, the Strathbungo eco-group, ably assisted by local children, has put together a leaflet on helping hedgehogs to thrive. Printed copies are being distributed to houses in the Gardens, but if any one else would like a copy, here it is.

Hedgehogs Page 1

Hedgehogs, Page 1 – click to open pdf

Hedgehogs page 2

Hedgehogs, Page 2

Those weblinks from the poster:
Hedgehog Street
Hessilhead Wildlife
Eco Group:

Replacing the footbridge – Network Rail proposals

The East Kilbride line electrification project means our dear footbridge is likely to come down next year (although there is at least one proposal on how to keep it below). Network Rail have sent letters to residents within 500m of the bridge asking their opinion on three suggested replacements. They want a simple A, B or C vote, and the return envelopes are individually numbered, presumably so they can ignore comments from anyone else. Before you return yours, we include some thoughts on the proposals, notably from Society committee member Fiona MacKinnon. There are plenty more on social media. And if you haven’t had a letter, don’t let that stop you commenting anyway; Network Rail’s contact details are here. As the phone number is their 24hr national helpline, you may be better with the email address.

Contact Number: 03457 11 41 41

Their proposals can be downloaded here but are reproduced below.

Bridge A

Description: a bespoke design with the parapet height forming a curved feature with a high metal rail on top and lattice frame overlain on toughened glass to achieve a solid but visually open parapet.

Continue reading

Volunteers needed!

Are you a whizz at organising? Can you design simple yet effective layouts? Then you’re just the people to join The Strathbungo Society’s newsletter team! We have volunteer vacancies for a keen, versatile Project Manager to oversee the production of the Strathbungo Society Newsletter and a Design Coordinator for the layout.

The newsletter is quarterly (March, June, September, December) and it gets the Strathbungo news and articles out through the letterboxes to the local community.

We are also looking for budding journalists who can squirrel out a story and write it up with flair!

If you’re interested and want some further information, please contact Old, young, someone with some time on their hands, this is a great opportunity!

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