Glasgow City Council has published a Climate Emergency Implementation Plan, to which the Society has responded as part of the consultation that ended on 24th January. The response mentions, among other things, the “active travel path” suggested earlier.
You can read the Society’s response here (PDF file).
Come along (virtually speaking) to our online Christmas Market!
After the success of Bungo (Not) in The Back Lanes this summer, we’re hosting another online market just in time for Christmas. Focused on local business, crafters and makers, it will be perfect for original, local presents for your loved ones, or to treat yourself.
It will be available for two days on 5th & 6th December on the Bungo Blog (the link will be published here once the event is live). In the meantime, if you are a local maker or business and you would like a free stall that weekend, just fill in the appropriate form that you’ll find here.
Thank you to the Strathbungo Eco Group, which presented on a variety of topics at the Society’s AGM on Tuesday 17 November.
The group was formed by a group of Bungo neighbours, inspired by cleaner air and audible birdsong during lock-down. There is a variety of projects under way, ranging from the practical to the exploratory. You can find out more from the slides that were presented here.
If you’re interested in being part of this informal but enthusiastic group, email strathbungoecogroup@gmail.com to request to join the WhatsApp group.
You may have noticed that a new sign has appeared on the ‘Bungo bridge over the railway. It asks bridge users to maintain a physical distance, allowing others to cross the bridge first if they’re already on it.
Most people already do this but there have been occasional incidents when a polite request has been met with confrontation.
The latest newsletter has arrived. If it hasn’t made it through your door already, you can read it here.
You can also find it, and old newsletters back to the 1990s, at the BygoneBungo Newsletter Archive.
We’re calling for videos and pictures for “Doors Open in Strathbungo”!
Glasgow’s Doors Open Day is going digital this year and they are asking for contributions. The Strathbungo Society is helping with a couple of projects in the area, but we also proposed one of our own – made up from contributions from residents in the ‘Bungo.
We’d like to present a short film giving a residents’-eyes view of our area. It would be made up of videos and photos by ‘Bungo-dwellers to share what they love about this part of Glasgow (we’ll also include some Then & Now comparisons from the Bygone Bungo site). Overall, it will show the streets, the lanes, the architecture and some of Strathbungo’s history, perhaps with a flavour of the community events that are held throughout the year.
Here’s where you come in… We’d love to include your videos and your pictures in the film. Videos need to be short – we only have a total length of about 5 minutes and we have lots to pack in! Contributions should show off the bits of the ‘Bungo that you love – be that the railing or cornices at your home, the greenery currently along the railway line, the architecture – close-ups or panoramas – with or without a commentary… The choice is yours!
Practical stuff:
Send your contributions to bitbl@strathbungo.co.uk (we’re recycling that email address!) and we’ll do our best to include it in the ‘Bungo movie of the year 😊
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