Author: adownie (Page 6 of 8)

Bungo in the Back Lanes 2018

It’s that time again! Bungo in the Back Lanes is back for 2018, this Saturday, 1-5 pm. It’s one of the Southside’s greatest and longest running events.

Final preparations are underway, and the Bungo map is now available, showing just some of the events you can expect.

Meanwhile it take a lot of effort to make this happen, and if anyone wishes to help out in any way, may I suggest:

  • Set up your own stall in your back garden / lane.
  • Donations to the bottle stall
  • Donations to the tombola (contact
  • Stewarding on the day – there’s a briefing at 11.45 at the Society stall in the Marywood / Queen Square lane, or just show up any time and say hi, if you can spare us an hour with one of our fancy new orange jackets!
  • Set up (and take down) the gazebos – we start 9am (ish) in the Marywood / Queen Square lane, and pause for bacon rolls at some point

For more guidance see the FAQ on this site.

Website Welcome

Welcome to a new look to the website. It had a slightly awkward birth, and needs a few tweaks here and there over the next week or so. There are a few more developments to come. Meanwhile note you can add comments easily, and submit your own posts too.

Stalls at Bungo in the Back Lanes 2018

Famous for its residents’ stalls selling everything from bric-a-brac and jewellery to homemade food and crafts, Bungo in the Back Lanes is an annual community festival that takes place in the lanes of Strathbungo.

The most exciting part of the festival is seeing which DIY stalls are set up on the day. Previous years have produced snail races, jumble stalls and a guess-the-sweeties-in-the-jar competition.

This year, #BitBL2018 is on 23rd June 2018.

Do you want to put up a stall?

Are you happy to host a stall or three in your garden?

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Residents are free to open up their garden or let someone else use it. Please let us know if you are happy for your garden to be used and we can help match you with a stallholder.
  • If you are not a resident and are planning on setting up a stall outside someone’s garden, please check first that they are happy for you to do so. Alternatively, there are several spots along the side lanes that are not directly outside people’s gardens.
  • If you are selling from your garden, make sure you have good signage on the lane letting people know what awaits them. Otherwise, nobody will know!
  • Do let us know where your stall is so we can add it onto our map.
  • If you are planning on selling food, you will need a food safety licence from the council. Please contact:

Alison Lochrin, Technical Officer (Food Safety)
Business Regulation, Environmental Health and Trading Standards
Land and Environmental Services
231 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1RX
0141 287 7990

There’s more detail on our BitBL FAQs page. If in doubt, drop us an email at and we’ll do our best to help.

Glasgow City Consultation – Parks and Green Spaces

Hi folks

Please see the following link to a Glasgow City Council formal consultation on a Vision for Glasgow Parks and Green Spaces.

GGC Consultations.

I think we should be pushing for greater “city-wide” recognition for Queens Park – and much higher levels of maintenance.

Make your own suggestions direct to the Council, discuss them here, or pass them to me at

Btw – there is a Consultation Hub and there are several other consultation of relevance – Transport, High Street etc. – at the same GGC Consultations link which may be of interest.

Kevin Kane
Chair, The Strathbungo Society

Strathbungo Society Newsletter Archive

If you like a little recent Bungo history, I have compiled an archive of over 20 years of The Strathbungo Society’s newsletters. Thanks to the sterling efforts of the newsletter editors – John Devitt, Laura Moodie (nee Jones), Dee Miller, and especially, Sharon Schweps – the Society has been keeping in touch with residents for all these years, and at the same time documenting the events, issues and changes in the community over that time.

A surprising number of issues haven’t changed that much (traffic, bins, etc).

There may still be the odd issue missing, but I’m working on it, and it is pretty complete already.

The archive has it’s own permanent page, and it’s on the Society history page Bygone Bungo, so go have a read…

Bygone Bungo

Ever wondered about the history of the area where you live, or who lived in your house before you?

Well now you can, at our sister website, Bygone Bungo.

We aim to collect together all those interested in local history, and compile a more complete record of the history and development of Strathbungo and the surrounding area.

As the site expands, we will add documents about various aspects of local history, original sources, and photographs.

We are also compiling a database of local properties, who built them, when, and who lived there subsequently. We already know of Greek Thomson and Rennie Mackintosh, but there were also other architects, military men & footballers (and one who was all three!), ministers, doctors, and a secret service agent. We would be particularly interested in those who still have the deeds for their properties, who know of notable former residents, or have any old photos of the area. The database is live – you can now see who lived in your house before you! Just select Address Search or People Search, and start exploring. There are currently some 5000 individuals listed, mostly from 1865 to 1925.

If you are interested in contributing, please get in touch. We are looking for those with suggestions for research, or wanting help with their own projects, those with stories to tell, with old deeds to local properties, or those willing to help transcribe old records.

To keep track of developments, you can also follow us on Facebook.


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