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Sorry yet another comment about traffic related things! The 20’s plenty concept seems somewhat inappropriate for our community, let’s face it, anyone with any sense already doesn’t go much faster than this and doesn’t need signs to point this out. The people who do drive faster than this round our streets, will simpy ignore the signs anyway. All this will do is add yet more inappropriate road signage to our streets further compromising the architectural integrity of our community.
So let’s move on from this and start to tackle the real issues about traffic, which include the poor condition of the lanes which discourage the creation of parking spaces at the rear of our properties – surely the answer to parking problems and the ownership for responsibility of the problem by all residents who own more than one car and fail to use our excellent public transport links or who have those wonderful “status symbols” – 4×4 which when parked leave pedestrians squeezing passed on the pavements! If this is a community then we all owe a responsibility to each other and should recognise that in many ways we are conributing to the problem and not solving it.
If you want to improve the area, get out there and do something about it. Perhaps even join the Strathbungo Society and get involved rather than sniping from the side lines. I would be interested to hear your explanation of how 4×4’s narrow the pavements any more than other cars, or people carriers, or vans? I dont think Ive seen any parked on the pavement.! Your comments read like good old fashioned jealousy dressed up in psuedo community responsibility. Put your time and effort where your mouth is.
Hey, Mr ‘Common Sense’ – your coment isn’t exacty polite! I think you’d be better to stop ‘lowering the tone’ of the debate with your personal jibes (jealousy?, what are you on about) – and instead respecting the opinions of others. It sounds to me that yours is the response of someone feeling rather threatened!
The Chancellor’s pre-budget statement – and the finding of the Edington Enquiry show that the 4×4 has a dis-proportionately negative effect.
Dis-proportionately negative effect on what? What is the relevance of this comment?The budget and the Edinton Enquiry are irrelevant to our discussion and Richard’s comment that 4×4’s are status symbols and block the pavements in Strathbungo We are talking about parking problems in Strathbungo and my suggestion was that 4x4s are no worse than people carriers, vans or even estate cars for that matter which can take up even more parking space than 4x4s.
Yes, I may not be very polite, but misguided comments focusing on ‘status symbols’ being to blame for our parking problems in Strathbungo does annoy me by its shortsightedness and stupidity.