Rubbish collections – or lack of them!


can anyone help? I live on Queen Square, and for some reason my Wheelie has not been emptied of rubbish on three occasions over the last 6 or 7 weeks. One week, they just didn’t collect any rubbish from the lane, and it all lay there for two weeks. This week they appear, wait for it, to have emptied some wheelies, randomly, down the lane! Why, I ask myself? I have tried phon ing the Cleansing Dept but no help there.

Anyone else finding the same problem? Any suggestions?
What can I do??? Advice most welcome.



  1. Rosie Ilett

    Hi, there has been a sporadic bin collection over the last month or so, for two weeks it wasn’t collected at all (I’m in Moray Place) and they have also got into a habit of not taking black bags from the bin whose contents they don’t class as household waste. I spoke to someone at the Council re the lack of collections who was very helpful and the next day there was a collection. We just have to keep phoning if this happens. Rosie

  2. Joan

    Thanks, Rosie,

    yes, I have been onto the council about this every time it happens, so at least if we do it, they may take notice. I didnt find them that helpful, but anyway, having said that, they did turn up the next day and shifted it all. Lets keep at them!

  3. Trisha Jones


    Here we are in September and still the problems continue. Apparently the problems have been lack of vehicle (it broke down!), new staff who didn’t know how to get down the lanes, and for anyone in Queen/Regent Park lane this week it was a lorry blocking access. Have phoned on numerous occasions and now refuse to speak to anyone except a Manager! Found them helpful-ish but all they do is relay what the Depot Manager says. Just wondering what the next excuse will be wrong kind of cobbles – maybe! Guess we will just have to keep phoning, but would be useful to know how many people are doing the same… trisha

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