Queens Park Arena go-ahead

Nearly ten years ago, the Strathbungo Society was awarded a grant from ENTRUST which was originally destined for revision of part of the back lanes.

The cost of relaying even a small part of the lanes in a conservation area proved prohibitive, and we were faced with either using the money or having to give it back. The criteria were stringent, and the two options of a piece of equipment for the Balvicar Street playpark, or donating to the Queens Park Arena project were voted on by you at Bungo in the Back Lanes and the AGM in October. Following this, we offered around £20000 to the Queens Park Arena, which will restore bandstand and seating to it’s former glory. The winning design is shown.

Planning has now been approved, and work should begin this year on the £230000 first phase of the project – and the Strathbungo Society is acknowledged alongside Glasgow City Council through the local area committees and the Scottish Government as a major contributor.

Find out more from the Queens Park Arena website: www.queensparkarenadesigncompetition.co.uk/


  1. Dee

    This sounds like a great project, but you know what else we maybe could have helped with? The Govenhill Baths. Wouldn’t it be great to have a functional local pool? I haven’t lived here for long and am not up on everything that’s been going on, but 10 years is too long to have something like that closed down. I guess it must have relatively high running and maintenance costs, but when you look at a map of Glasgow and where the public pools and rec centers are, there is a definite gap in the east part of the south side.

  2. Laura Moodie

    Hi – just to say that the pool (GBCT) was one group the Society also considered giving money to but we couldn’t under the strict rules laid out in the terms of the grant.

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