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Brighter Bungo seeks new organiser…

WANTED: rubbish person to organise Brighter Bungo !

The Strathbungo Society is seeking a new organiser for its regular community clear-up events, currently held on a Sunday 11am-1pm, five times a year.

Key tasks:
• Liaise with Strathbungo Society Committee and Glasgow City Council
• Encourage participation via posters & Society’s social media
• Organise a team of volunteers on the day

All equipment provided, and handover & induction offered.

Lesley McCallum

The Strathbungo Society was saddened to hear of the untimely death of Lesley McCallum last Sunday. Lesley was a stalwart supporter of the Strathbungo Society and former Committee member. Lesley organised and ran the Society Bottle Stall at every ‘Bungo in the Back Lanes’ event since its inception and also hosted many ‘Bungo at the Bells’ events at her home at the corner of Queen Square and Moray Place. Lesley’s help and encouragement of the Society’s work will be sorely missed and the Society passes on its sincere condolences to her husband David, brother Alistair and nephew Jack. Rest in Peace.

Kevin Kane
Chair, The Strathbungo Society

Strathbungo Society AGM Monday 29th October

AGMs play a vital democratic function.  In the Strathbungo Society’s case it helps ensure we remain accountable to all of you in the local community whom we represent and is also an important means of enabling new people to get involved – without this, the Society and all the events we organise would not happen.   So, please think seriously about coming along to our AGM (details below).

We try to make our AGM as informative and enjoyable as possible.  It provides plenty of opportunity for people to contribute – we want your ideas – besides offering tea, coffee, a glass of wine and a chance to meet other people living in the area.  This year we have arranged a speaker from Sustrans, who are leading the work on the South City Way (see here) – an opportunity to talk about other ideas for improving walking and cycling links on the southside.    We will also have small group discussions about local Green Space, focusing on Queen’s Park – Glasgow City Council is currently consulting about its Open Space Strategy (see here), which is essential for everyone’s quality of life.  We would like to feed your ideas and views into that with the aim of improving what we have currently.

The formal business consists of consideration of

The four office bearers act as Trustees for the Charity and report to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator each year.  We are looking for at least one new Office-Bearer, to replace our current Chair, Kevin Kane who is standing down – as he had intended to do last year – and also for new Committee Members.

The formal agenda is set out above.

If you have any questions before the meeting please contact or

Oops… we got the time wrong

We’d love everyone to come along to our AGM, but we published an incorrect time 🙁

The AGM will start at 7.30pm, not 6pm as the event posting originally said (we’ve booked the hall from 6pm so we can set it up).

You’re very welcome to come a little early and help set up, of course, but proceedings will begin at 7.30pm. Details of the event here.


Reclaim the Strathbungo Fountain

Yes, there was a Strathbungo Fountain. I’m sure it was Victorian, as made of metal and was substantially built. I don’t know the dimensions but would estimate (from memory) that it was approx. 10-12 ft high on a circular base of slightly larger dimensions.

It was situated on a roundabout opposite the old red telephone box nr. Sammy Dows and The New Anand Restaurant. I am sure it was still there about 20 years ago when I lived in Pollokshields. Did anyone see it being dismantled? Where did it finally end up? I have searched and searched (google uk) and cant find anything relating to it. I’m sure there must be someone, perhaps a Glasgow Council dept., who could throw some light on this. Again, a photo of it from someone would be an ideal start.



I have summarised all that has come to light and moved it to the Bygone Bungo website. You can read more about the fountain there.

Further Update:
We finally have a photo of it!

Andrew Downie

Nithsdale Road 1951 Roundabout

Help Finding an Architect

Hi, I’m looking for some help. I live in Vennard Gardens and want to apply for a building warrant to install a downstairs toilet / shower room. I am keen to find an architect who has worked on similar projects locally and wondered if anyone could help with a recommendation? Many thanks.

Money available for our area!

Our Council Ward (Ward 6) has money available to spend on the area. Do you have ideas on what could be done here?

Ward 6 poster

The Council is looking to form a Citizen’s Panel to decide this, and it would be great to have a voice (or two) from Strathbungo on the panel.

You will get:

  • training
  • support
  • out of pocket expenses
  • the chance to meet new people
  • to learn more about how decisions are made about your area
  • the opportunity to change your community

Here’s the application form if you’d like to be on the panel: WARD 6 LEAFLET

Could you mentor a young person?

A request for help from MCR Pathways…

My mentor tells me that I am good enough. She makes me believe in myself as well. That alone makes me feel more confident. I haven’t had a lot of times where someone tells me that I’m good enough or ‘you can do it’.”   Shannon, MCR mentored young person

info sessions

At MCR Pathways, we know that all young people are talented. However, Scotland’s care-experienced and disadvantaged young people face challenges beyond their control that make it more difficult for them to succeed. Our vision is that every young person in Scotland gets the same education outcomes, career opportunities and life chances as every other young person, no matter their home circumstances. And we need your help to make this happen.

MCR recruits and trains volunteer mentors who are matched with a young person based on personality, interests and career aspirations. Mentors meet with their young person at their school for just one hour a week and provide a compassionate, listening ear. Our mentors come from all walks of life but what they share in common is their desire to help Glasgow’s young people.

One of our mentors, John Hetherington, says, “I have a young family and I felt mentoring would help me understand some of the things they may encounter. It has opened my eyes and will definitely help me to relate to my own children better.”

Through meeting each week, mentors and young people create a supportive relationship. It’s this relationship that makes the difference. In 2014, before mentoring was extended, only 48% of care-experienced young people left school to a positive destination while on 2018, 86% of our mentored young people did.

Can you #GiveAnHour and mentor a young person? We’re in all 30 secondary schools and the programme is flexible to fit around your schedule.

We’re hosting info sessions every week at our office at the Mitchell Library and can also come out to you! Sign up today at

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