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Bungo bird fest

Fieldfare feasting on rowan berries Queen Square today

The last two weeks or so has seen Strathbungo’s greatest annual wildlife spectacle.  Hundreds of birds, most obviously  fieldfare from Scandinavia, have come in to  feast on bungo’s berries.  The spectacle seems to be later than in previous years and to have gone on longer.  This is probably a consequence perhaps of this year’s excellent berry crop.  I saw hundreds of fieldfare up in Kintail in October but with so much food they have been able to idle their way south and will stay as long as the food source lasts.

Fieldfare on the large willow on the back lane between Queen and Marywood Square

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Bungo bin collection and litter update

Overflowing bins Nithsdale Rd 20th October

Representatives from the Strathbungo Society  had a very helpful and productive meetings  with officers from the new super department at the Council, Neighbourhoods and Sustainability, which is responsible for bin and litter collections, on Wednesday.  We reported a wide range of issues including missed bin collections (see here for example) and overflowing public litter and recycling bins.

There have been specific issues with the collection of the purple (glass) and brown (garden and organic waste) bins which have been partly caused by staff shortages.  These are being addressed and, as many residents will have noted, the glass collections have been brought back in-house.  The Council Officers also explained that they are currently working on collection schedules for the new larger public litter bins (which appear to be filling up quicker than anticipated).  We raised a number of specific issues .e.g about reporting of contaminated bins (wrong type of rubbish in bin), reporting of bulk waste, repair to broken bins etc which the Council have agreed to look into and get back to us.  We will then meet again with a view to putting out updated information for local residents and updating our web page “

Meantime, we have also decided to try and collect information on problems locally.  So, if you report a problem to the Council (eg missed bin collection) and its not satisfactorily resolved please let us know at  (photos are very helpful).


Strathbungo Society draft Annual Report and Accounts for 2018-19

The Trustees of the Strathbungo Society have today published our draft annual report 2018-2019 Trustees-Report-(final draft AGM) and accounts Receipts and Payments 2018 to 2019 – Final 21st Oct for our Annual General Meeting next Tuesday (see Notice of Strathbungo Society AGM).  The meeting is asked to consider and then approve the Annual Report and Accounts before they are submitted to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.

The Annual Report gives an indication of what the Society has been doing and achieved over the last year.  We hope local residents will take a couple of minutes to read it and it will inspire more people to get involved in whatever way they can.

If you have questions on either the Annual Report or the Accounts and are unable to attend the AGM do please contact



Notice of Strathbungo Society AGM


Tuesday 29th October 2018 7.30-8.30pm

Queen’s Park Church Hall 170 Queen’s Drive


  1. Welcome, introductions and apologies
  2. Minute of last year’s AGM Monday 29th October 2018
  3. Matters Arising: Chair
  4. Network rail vegetation management
  5. Future of Crossmyloof Resource Centre site on Titwood Rd
  6. Other topical issues: bin collections (please notify of others before meeting)
  7. Trustees Report
  8. Accounts
  9. Election of Officer Bearers/Trustees
    • Chair; Vice-chair; Secretary; Treasurer;
  1. Election of Committee (up to 15 places)
  2. AOB

Tea and coffee from 7pm and refreshments afterwards

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Update – Meeting with Network Rail

Some really positive news from today’s meeting with Network Rail regarding the line clearance through Strathbungo

As recents posts have indicated, Strathbungo Society had a meeting this morning -Friday – with senior managers from Network Rail. Kris Kinnear, Director of Capital Delivery and Alan Ross, Director of Engineering plus Niamh Hegarty, Senior Public Affairs Manager were in attendance.

This was made possible by the support of our local constituency MSP, Nicola Sturgeon, who kindly hosted and chaired the hour long meeting. The ongoing contribution offered by Nicola is very welcome and has already helped concentrate minds.

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