The Society has had the following communication from Network Rail:
Following successful demolition of the Nithsdale Road bridge deck, I wanted to update you on some aspects of the project taking place within the Strathbungo area.
During one of our previous discussions with the Strathbungo Society, the four columns under the road bridge were discussed, and how these could possibly be saved and re-utilised. We weren’t able to confirm the condition of the columns until the bridge deck demolition was carried out. Now that has been done, I can confirm that we were able to retain the columns in good condition.
We’ve had some interest from Caledonian Railway, but we are keen to establish if there is an appetite within the Strathbungo community to re-use these locally. If you have any ideas for local re-use, could you please let me know by the end of next week?
Note: please contact Jane Carolan (chair) at if you have suggestions (or comment on this post).
As you will be aware, last spring we carried out a public vote for the design of the new footbridge between Moray Place and Darnley Road. Three artist impressions of bridge designs were given to the community, based on construction drawings of the bridge built at Aristotle Lane in Oxford. The vast majority of residents voted for Bridge A.
The chosen bridge was taken forward through a detailed design process. We also took on board feedback around concerns raised about certain specific aspects of the bridge. As part of the detailed design phase, the designs were adjusted accordingly to address these comments and concerns.
I’ve included detailed visuals of the bridge below, which include a few enhancements to the original images:
- Height of top chord (curve) – the 3D visual showed parapets at a significant height (+2.3m). This did not meet the aspirations of a simple, modest structure and the designers were asked to reduce the height to 1.8m (the parapet height standard over electrified lines).
- Colour – the structure is black and white to reflect the colours used in the current footbridge. It was previously shown as all grey.
- Stair units – only the lower part of the stair unit is to be clad in stone. The balustrades are now open steelwork and will match the railings found at Moray Place in profile and colour (black).
- The entrance to either end of the bridge has been fanned out to address concerns of some residents for a more open approach to improve visibility for users.
The designs will now be submitted to the council planning team for Prior Approval. At the same time, we are submitting a listed building application for the removal of the existing C-listed footbridge.

Network Rail’s latest bridge design proposal. Apologies for the low resolution, but that’s what they supplied. Click to enlarge.
Network Rail suggest a design based on Aristotle Lane, Oxford. There is some video of that bridge here. Note however they are proposing glass sides for the Strathbungo bridge.
Thanks for this – drawings look more accurate and more representative of how the bridge will actually look rather than the previous misleading ones . It looks an improvement but would be good to see better resolution to check the heights etc. 1 . 8 m ( 6ft) is still pretty high – but I guess if that’s the standard no chance of lowering it a bit . The glazing will help though and the steps straight on to the bridge better for visibility.
I’m more concerned about the carnage on the embankment. Will this be levelled and re planted once the construction period is over?
Depot will be there for a year, but re-landscaping may take longer as they have to eradicate the Japanese knotweed once finished.
HOW do I get them to “eradicate”the Japanese knotweed that they DELIBERATELY planted and has now INVADED MY property, in my “garden” in my neighbours vegetable plot?
I have already PLEADED with my Councillors, my MP & my MSP as well as “Network Rail” & “Scotrail” – NOBODY CARES, because of where I live. (Overlooking Queen’s Park Station”
Good excuse for them to eradicate even more trees. Slowly but surely they are achieving what they have always wanted.
I am with you on this Ann – i think what Network Rail have down is very disappointing. I contacted them and asked them to explain why they had removed the trees, the response is very much in line with what has been stated here previously.
I asked why the compound at the Minard Rd had not been used.
NR response “It was mostly due to access for artics etc. SPL reviewed both sites and the access point they have chosen was proven to cause the least disruption. SPL also extended BAM’s existing traffic management so I imagine this would also be considered to try and minimise disruption in too many areas.”
I’m not sure “least disruption” is a good reason for taking out the trees.
I asked about replanting
NR response “As previously stated, the site contains Japanese Knotweed. In terms of future environmental management plans for the area, it is intended that the top compound surface will be inspected and removed along with the knotweed membrane. Depending on the results of the inspection, these materials will likely be classified as waste and treated accordingly. A review of the stockpiled soil material will be undertaken to determine if it should be left in place I.e., if there has been suitable wilding taken place. The wall will be reinstated with matching stone, rather than engineering brick, and opportunities for biodiversity improvement assessed. The Network Rail environmental team will be involved throughout this process, but we cannot confirm at this time if replanting at this site is an option”
I asked about reinstatement of the wall using original materials
NR response “Yes, out team took away the wall in full pieces rather than cutting through them for this reason.”
I’d advocate for them being used to form a bandstand on the grassy area adjacent between Nithsdale Road and Kildrostan Street
thanks for your update