Many of you will already know that Network Rail (NR) have postponed the planned works along Moray Place in the wake of individual and Society objections and also from the intervention of our Councillors, MP and MSP on our behalf.

NR have noted to our political representatives and also to the Society that the postponement is to enable them to: “review our procedures whilst working in and around a conservation area as well as looking at various title deeds.  The work will be re-scheduled and we will be in contact with all interested parties once the review is complete.”

From discussion I have had with Community Relations at NR, this will not be before the Autumn and they anticipate contacting the interested parties in the summer.

As a result they felt that there was no point in attending the meeting scheduled to take place on the 16th January with Nicola Sturgeon.  Very disappointing!  However, we are very grateful for the time and effort given to setting this up by Ms Sturgeon and her team.

For the same reason, NR have declined our invitation to our Committee meeting on Tuesday 20th January.  However, a full discussion and planned response to NR’s proposals is now essential! Please come along on Tuesday and give your views and any support that you can offer.

There is a real possibility that NR may remove every piece of vegetation along the whole of Moray Place and put up completely inappropriate fencing.  That will definitely not be a pretty sight, nor enhance this area! One thing is for sure, the issue is not going to go away and we need to do something about it!

We have been assured of the full support of our political representatives and I want to thank Anas Sarwar and David Meikle as well as Nicola Sturgeon for writing to NR on behalf of all the residents of Strathbungo.

If you can’t make it on Tuesday, but have a comment, question or want to offer support, please contact:

Look forward to seeing you at Queen’s Park Baptist Church Hall (large lounge), 20 Balvicar Street – the lane at the back of the Church.



Chair, The Strathbungo Society