Ignorant Dumpers

Strathbungo is a great place to live however there is one area that lets us down. It sickens me that people think its acceptable to dump rubbish on other peoples property or anywhere for that matter. I stay in Queen Square and went out into the lane this morning to find that rubbish had been dumped outside my house. The rubbish had been ripped open and the personal details of the dumpers was visible, credit card receipts, hotel bills and even a receipt for last years ski holiday. If people don’t care about their personal and financial security then how do we convince them to respect the Strathbungo area.



  1. Maggie

    Carol, couldn’t agree more. I had the same problem just after New Year. Problem is I have a good idea who did it, as, like yourself, there was mail amongst the items of clothing. It’s a difficult one.

  2. Bungo Blog

    Fly tipping has been a problem in the area for quite some time now. To report illegal dumping, you can call 0800 027 7027. To arrange bulk uplift, call 0141 287 9700. On the Squares, bulk uplift items should be left in your front garden for collection. There should be no bulk items left in the lanes.

    The council has recently started a bulk uplift by appointment scheme for householders but it currently has a 20 week (yes, 20!) backlog and callers have been told that despite this they should put their rubbish out when they call in case the collection truck happens to be in their area! As you can appreciate, complying with this request is going to lead to large amounts of waste being left outside properties and potentially for quite some time.

    Tenements in our area are still supposed to get weekly collections on Tuesdays, however this has not occurred for the last two weeks!

    As ever, it’s wise to contact the authorities first to hopefully get the items cleaned up and it’s worth remembering that people may well have put items out for collection correctly and legitimately, only to be let down by the collections system. If you feel there is a particular householder who is flouting the rules, you can also contact the society in confidence and we will liaise with the community safety teams to attempt to resolve the problem.

  3. Maggie

    Thanks for that…maybe if we also encourage people not to leave small items which could be taken straight to the Polmadie dump…although I do appreciate not everyone has transport.

  4. Scott Mackay

    I fully agree with this thread and agree it is the biggest drawback to living in Strathbungo. The problem is city wide, but particularly bad here because the back lanes provide a place to dump stuff. Unfortunately, the problem is not just outsiders and the fact that the City Council’s bulk uplift policy is a shambles, but also strathbungo residents who for whatever reason do not dispose of their rubbish themselves, but leave it in the back lane.

    In order to address this, the Society recently agreed to arrange another clean up day, perhaps in the Spring when the weather has more chance of being dry and less cold. We are currently seeking volunteers and particularly our young people to take the lead in organising such a day, perhaps in conjunction with the planned Spring Event and with assistance from Clean Glasgow campaign and Glasgow Community and Safety Services.

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