Railway Bridge
Sunday, 9 January, 2.30pm
In advance of Network Rail starting work on Monday on the Moray Place trackside, the Strathbungo Society is organising a short farewell ceremony on Sunday afternoon.

The felling will take out approximately 46 of the 49 mature trees that line Moray Place, including the beautiful old beech tree at the pedestrian footbridge where we will hold the event. Before it is destroyed, we intend to dress the beech tree (where it overhangs the road) in manner similar to a prayer tree so bring along your wishes written on paper, ribbons or other articles. We also hope to serve mulled wine.

Do come along for a half hour or so and encourage as many of your family, friends and neighbours as you can to join us.

There will probably be a final show of strength to greet the contractors arriving on the morning of the 10th January at 9.30 am–do come along if you can spare 10 minutes.