The Strathbungo Society is pleased to open the entries for this year’s Children’s Art Competition.

Now in its third year, the event is going from strength to strength with more than 200 entries in 2011. You can still view a slide show of all last year’s winning artwork here: Strathbungo Art Competition 2011.

The theme for 2012 is “Strathbungo From My Window” (literal or metaphorical!) and as well as great images of our local architecture we suspect there might be more than a few pictures of diggers this year!

The competition is open to all children from 0-16, split into four age groups. You can download an entry form below, or pick one up from the local venues who will be displaying the winning artworks for two weeks from 19th March.

As ever, the only place to see all entries displayed and all the winners together is at Strathbungo’s Spring Fling in Queens Park Parish Church Hall on Saturday 17th March.

You can download the rules and prize information here: prizes & rules info for art competition Spring Fling 2012

And the entry forms for each age group here: entry form 2012 Under 5 years

entry form 2012 5 – 8 years

entry form 2012 9 – 12 years

entry form 2012 13 – 16 years

Please note, the deadline for entries has been extended to Wed 29th February.