Category: Strathbungo Society (Page 7 of 18)

Bungo In The Back Lanes – all systems go!

The gazebo crew have been hard at work (fuelled by Gusto breakfast rolls), the rain is easing, the sun is currently shining but whatever the weather Bungo In The Back Lanes is always on.

The lanes are looking clean and tidy but if you’ve forgoteen, please put your bins in your garden. The first hardy stallholders have started setting up shop and the neighbourhood is waking up.

Thanks, as ever, to our fantastic volunteers and the team of organisers. This is definitely the first year we’ve had time to blog on the day of the event! Do pop by the Society stall to say hello and, above all, enjoy yourselves!

Weather Watching

So, through interlaced fingers and bated breath, the Society has had a first peek at the long-range forecast for Saturday and the weather runes currently say…

sunshine and showers, temperatures in the mid-teens.

We’ll keep our eyes on it as the weather is decidedly changeable just now and, remember, Bungo In The Back Lanes always goes on, whatever the weather.

Volunteers last year will remember erecting gazebos in torrential rain, only for the clouds to clear and the sun to appear for most of the event. We live in hope!

Strathbungo Society May Monthly Meeting

The Strathbungo Society committee meets on the third Monday of every month.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 20th May in the Den at The Bungo, Nithsdale Road.

The meeting is open to all, so please come along. If you are unable to attend and wish to be involved with the work of the Strathbungo Society keep up to date with all the goings on via or via our Facebook page

Free Bungo Animation Workshop At Spring Fling

Come and make a paper puppet and bring it to life in your own animation! Design and make a mini bike for your puppet, entirely out of recycled old food and rubbish.
This 1 hr workshop is led by Red Kite Animation and all your cartoons will go on our website
Saturday 9th March – 2pm to 3pm
Suitable for ages 7-11
Very limited places, contact Jim Stirk to book your free place.
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