Category: Social and Recreation (Page 3 of 6)

Langside Hall – Working Better for the Community

langside hallDo you know Langside Hall? Been inside or passed by it a thousand times, but don’t know much about its history? Well it is a rich one at that, and it is said to be a story of architectural excellence and survival!

It was first constructed on Queen Street in 1847 as the National Bank of Scotland. The beautiful and elegant building was designed by London architect, John Gibson, who stated after his first experience in Glasgow: “I was much gratified by the kindness shown to me in Glasgow, and surprised to see so many public monuments and all by the best sculptors.” (I think we can agree that this would still be said about Glasgow today!)

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Plans unveiled for new skate park at M74 flyover at Port Eglington

Park Life, Southside style

Plans for a new urban skate park at the M74 flyover at Port Eglington have been unveiled for a  currently empty site adjacent to the main route from Strathbungo (and points south) to Glasgow city centre.  Drawing on inspiration from cities across the globe, including from Portland Oregon where skateboarders identified and built their own skate park, the projects promoters’ aim is to develop a new urban park for Glasgow to attract not only skateboarders, BMX bikers but wider local communities, including Strathbungo.

Plans for the £1m park have had funding support from Pollokshields Partnership (on which the Strathbungo Society sits), Transport Scotland, which owns the site, and Creative Scotland.

An exhibition of the plans will be at the Lighthouse from Saturday 19 July to 10 August 2014. For more information, see:


spring fling


Saturday 29th March 10.30-13.30

Queen’s Park Baptist Church Hall,

180 Queen’s Drive

Come along and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and scrumptious cake with your family neighbours and friends, which is included in the entrance price of £1.  All children get in FREE.  Lots of stalls and activities to sample:  chocolate lucky dip, guess the birthday, guess the weight of the cake, raffle, artists stalls, up-cycling stalls, Red Kite animation workshop (must be booked in advance), Bike Doctor and more!  And, of course, all art competition entries will be on display for you to enjoy! Plus the chance to vote for the entry you would like to see as the poster for Bungo In The Back Lanes and our Commonwealth celebration.  See you there!

For Red Kite workshop bookings, please request through:

Any donations of home baking, raffle prizes or chocolate items would be much appreciated and please use  to arrange delivery or collection.  Many thanks.


Siamese cat Queen / Marywood Square


Does anyone know who owns the Siamese cat that seems to live in the back lane between Queen and Marywood Square?  Seems to be mainly around the 30s and 40s of the streets.  Description below.

It’s been appearing at my back door fairly regularly for a few months, and having very loud, very vocal “discussions” with one of my cats.  (If anyone has heard the “discussions” you’ll know how loud they are!)

The cat seems to be out at all hours and all weathers, and I just wondered if it is in fact owned, or if it’s a stray.  I’d love to hear from the owner, or anyone who might know them.

Description: the Siamese is a fairly large, but quite skinny cat with soft brown head, vivid pale blue eyes and a very light cream front that shades to soft brown at its back, with soft brown legs and tail.  It is a bit wary of people but not really shy.


Talking about Dancing…

I just got back from a dance fitness class down in Battlefield. It has started up this week and I wanted to tell everyone about it because it’s really fun and I (selfishly) want it to have more attendees so that it keeps going. The style is based on ballroom dances steps, but there’s no partner dancing. If anyone out there enjoys Strictly Come Dancing, then here’s your change to pretend you’re training to compete. The low-down:

  • The Studio: Stepz in Time
  • £4 a class, walk-in.
  • Monday 7.15 – 8.15 pm
  • Tuesday 9.30 – 10.30 am

The teacher, Lorraine, has just opened her own studio. It’s located in an old Glazier’s workshop on a lane just off of Battlefield Road, a block south-east of The Battlefield Rest and Beanscene. It takes 1/2 hour to walk there from Strathbungo and by car it would only be about 10 minutes, if that. There’s plenty of parking on the street and I saw several spots open. The address is 176A Battlefield Rd.

If you like Zumba, this class would be a great way to mix it up. If you used to do aerobics in the 80s or 90s and enjoyed it, then it would be right up your street. It’s focused on dance with no “blah, blah, blah, burn that fat, whatever,” which I consider a plus. Also, Lorraine encourages you to modify moves if you want, which is nice if you, like me, are a bit less bouncy than you once were (but I feel sure that if I keep it up, I’ll get bouncier again!)

Lorraine has adult tap classes and children’s dance classes, too. You can connect with her through her website. She also has a webpage and a Facebook page dedicated to StrictlyFitSteps.

If you’re a freelancer, a consultant, an independent creative professional, a stay-at-home mum or dad or anyone else who has flexible hours and this sounds like fun to you, please check out the Tuesday, 9:30 am class. It’s hard to find this kind of thing being offered during the workday, and it will get cancelled if there aren’t at least 4-6 people every week.

Free Bungo Animation Workshop At Spring Fling

Come and make a paper puppet and bring it to life in your own animation! Design and make a mini bike for your puppet, entirely out of recycled old food and rubbish.
This 1 hr workshop is led by Red Kite Animation and all your cartoons will go on our website
Saturday 9th March – 2pm to 3pm
Suitable for ages 7-11
Very limited places, contact Jim Stirk to book your free place.

Listen In Lights Out

The candle-lit acoustic fundraising night is returning to the Southside in a new venue. Listen In Lights Out raises funds for South Seeds, a local environmental and sustainability charity and one of the partners in this year’s Spring Fling event.

This unique musical evening will take place downstairs at The Bungo on Nithsdale Rd on Friday evening, 1st March. Tickets are available now.

March St Planters – Progress

After residents were given less than a week to remove the planters on March St, the Society leapt into action to try to save this much-admired corner of the neighbourhood.

The root causes of the problem (excuse the pun) were more complicated than they first appeared but after meeting with Councillor Meikle and representatives from the Council today, the planters are being allowed to remain.

The Society, Cllr Meikle and Council agreed on the following:

First, we’re pleased to say LES will take no action immediate action on the planters next to the building but would like the small planter at the kerbside removed and the self-seeded butterfly bushes that have grown in the pavement to be cut down.

Environmental Health will be arranging visits to the March St ground-floor flats to assess the level of damp and try to work out if this is caused or exacerbated by the planters.

The Society will work with residents to help carry out the removal of bushes and the kerbside planter. Should the planters be found to cause damp we’ll also work with residents to rectify the problem. We will also be consulting with other groups to clarify the law around the use of planters and similar structures on the public road so situations like this don’t crop up again. Please do get in touch if you’d like to help out with this little bit of guerrilla gardening!

Save Our Beautiful Plants!

What do you think the Council could do to most improve Strathbungo – planning enforcement? Better street-cleaning? Fixing broken street furniture and hard landscaping? Sorting out dog fouling?

Well, they could do all of the above but this week residents on March St were informed that what the Council thinks would really improve Strathbungo would be…removing all the lovely planters which have brightened up the front of their flats for well over a decade.

The lovingly-tended plants have been mentioned several times in the Newsletter, at meetings and just in general chit-chat as being a real highlight of the Strathbungo Summer and are a great example of what residents can do for themselves to make our environment cleaner and greener, something the new citizenship handbook states is a duty for everyone living in Britain.

I’ve already contacted our city councillors to ask if they can help us reverse this barmy decision and would love to pass on the comments of other residents who appreciate this and other attempts to create an oasis in our sandstone desert!

I’m also on the look out for pictures of the plants in full bloom as this pic does not do them justice. They look great on streetview but I can’t find any good pics in our archive, so if you have some please do post!

You can read the letter residents received here:

I had hoped to set up a petition but, under the Council’s recently changed rules on public petitions, can not do so before the deadline in the letter as it needs to be approved by a meeting of the Community Council.


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