Category: Planning (Page 4 of 6)

Sammy Dow – Planning Application – Information for Objections

Rear Elevation14

If you want to object to the Spirit Pub Company creating a new way in and out of Sammy Dow’s, a new gate into the lanes, a raised outside deck and a large new window looking out over the back of Nithsdale Road, Moray Place and Regent Park Square , you need to do it soon…

The last date for objections to be in is Friday the 25th of April 2014 – unless you got a letter from the council about the application, in which case it is the 29th of April 2014.

The proposed deck and stairs leading to a new door into the back of the pub, will create noise and disturbance for anyone in the first block of Moray Place, the homes at the end of Regent Park Square and the homes nearby in Nithsdale Road.  The music will be much louder with open doors and windows…   It is also likely that footfall will increase in the lanes across much of Strathbungo, as people take shortcuts to and from this new entrance and exit.

It’s vital that as many people as possible object to the plans so, if you would like some ideas and pointers, please download the document below.  Feel free to adapt, add, subtract and personalise it.


You can see the application on the city council website – link below.

Objections can be done via the council website if you create a login or you can simply email the planning department.



Sammy Dow – Another planning application

Last year many Bungo residents were relieved to hear that The Spirit Pub Company of Burton on Trent were refused planning permission to create an outdoor deck at the back of the building for smoking and drinking and to give access to the rear court and side lane.  They were also refused permission and Listed Building Consent to change the frontage of the Sammy Dow.

Families living within meters of the pub were understandably very worried about the impact of people being on a raised deck, smoking, drinking and creating noise so close to bedrooms.

The company, which controls 750 pubs across the UK, has now put in another very similar application.

The deck is still in the plan but smaller.  It is now being described as a fire escape.  The worry is that the glass door out will be opened all the time by customers using it as an alternative entrance and exit and that people will stand on this deck to smoke.  This will be a noise nuisance in it’s own right, but the noise from the venue will also be much louder if there is an open door.

New access to the lane is still to be created by removing part of the wall.  They also want to create a large rear window which will look straight into the back of properties on Regent Park Square and Moray Place.  It will also leak noise.  Existing windows on the Moray Place side (which are currently filled with glass bricks) are to be clear glass causing an issue with overlooking and again with noise leak.

There is renewed concern that this new application for an exit at the back of the property will still cause the leaking of noise, will constantly be opened by customers to smoke outside and will cause a huge increase in footfall in the lane as people come and go all day and night at the private side of our houses.

There is nothing in the plans which would prevent these uses for the new deck, stairs and access gate.  It is puzzling that something as basic and workaday as a fire escape (which we all would hope is never needed except in an emergency) is being created in costly materials like glass balustrading and has features like a privacy screen which would surely be redundant.

The date by which you must lodge any objection is Tuesday the 29th of April – so if you want to object please do it as soon as possible.

I intend to share more ideas and information on the relevant grounds for objecting as soon as possible so keep checking the Bungo Blog.

Details of plans are available by clicking the link below.



Sammy Dow’s Planning Application – Still time to object before Friday 28th June

You still have time before Friday the 28th, to put in an objection to the plans by Spirit Pub Group to create a drinking and smoking area in the back garden of the tenement at 69 Nithsdale Road.  They also want to completely change the frontage of this B-Listed building, losing traditional features and adding ugly metal roller shutters.

The intrusion of people on a 2 meter high deck looking into the homes and gardens of residents in Nithsdale Road, Regent Park Square and Moray Place is unacceptable.  There will also be the noise and disturbance on the traditionally quiet side of residential homes – year round.

You can see the plans by visiting the Glasgow City Council Online Planning website :

If you would like some pointers on issues that the planners will consider to be ‘material’ or relevant have a look at this document :


Send your objection via email to the Planning Department at :

It is important that people in Strathbungo make their feelings about this development proposal clear.  If one business gets permission then others could follow and the residential amenity, which makes this a great place to live and bring up a family, will be lost.  The proposal for a hostel in Marywood Square was thankfully rejected and community objections were an important part of that process so please take a moment to respond to this equally disruptive plan.

No Hostel For Marywood

The City Council’s planning review committee met this morning to decide on the appeal against the planning application refusal for the proposed hostel at 23 Marywood Square.

The committee voted unanimously to uphold the planning department’s decision to refuse planning consent, citing City Plan 2, RES 15 and the conservation area appraisal.

Four objectors managed to attend the review meeting, including the chair of the Society. The applicant was also present.


Glasgow City Council has noted that objections to the Spirit Pub Group’s application for Full Planning & Listed Building Consent for Sammy Dows, will be accepted up to Thursday 6 June.  You can make an objection either online or by writing to Development & Regeneration Services, 231 George Street, Glasgow G1 1RX.

The proposals – which include a raised 2.2 m (7ft) decking area for drinking and smoking to the rear and adjacent to the private, residences and gardens of Nithsdale Road, Moray Place and Regent Park Square – are damaging to the area’s amentiy and contrary to several City Council planning policies.

It is important that neighbours use this opportunity to formally object to the proposal, not least as it could, if won, be used by other local establishments to pursue the same (ie intrusion into private, residential amenity of our back courts, gardens and homes).

FinalPlanObjections-Sammy Dows gives full details of key planning policies relevant to this application. Compotent objections must refer to key planning policies and be in your own words.

To object online, use this link here:

To see Spirit Pub Group’s proposals use this link here:



The owners of Sammy Dows (Spirit Pub Company) have lodged a Full Planning Application with Glasgow City Council for “Internal and external alterations including frontage alterations, installation of canopies and formation of rear access deck (associated with external seating area for public house)“.  The first time adjoining neighbours – only 67-57  Nithsdale Road, 1-6 Moray Place and 38-42 Regent Park Square – heard of this was on Saturday 18 May 2013, when they received a Neighbour Notification Notice. It appears that comments are required to be filed by Thursday 24 May 2013

The application, is here – with drawings and key dates etc.:

That this is the first time that near-neighbours have been made aware of an application that was first recived by the Council on 14 February 2013, validated the following month and then (quietly?) advertised on 3 May 2013,  perhaps shows the way the applicant wishes to play this: strictly by-the-book without any local pre-consultation.

Hopefully, it will be discussed this evening at the monthly meeting of the Strathbungo Society.






Cash Machine Converters

The eagle-eyed among you will have spotted that the free cash machine in the shop window on the corner of Pollokshaws Rd and Nithsdale Rd (obscured by the bus stop and pollution monitor – both installed without planning consideration) has been removed and replaced with a picture of a cash machine!

This is due to enforcement of planning regulations, however there is a free cash machine inside the shop which can be accessed during opening hours and the shop owner plans to work with the planning department and apply afresh for planning consent, so Strathbungo can once again have 24-hr access to cash.

The nearest alternative free cash machines are at Maxwell’s on Nithsdale Rd, the BP Garage and the Sainsbury’s Local shops. We’ll keep you posted of developments as the Society is well aware how well-used the machine was and how difficult it is for some residents to make a one-mile round trip just to get hold of their own money!

23 Marywood Square – Update

If you wish to comment on this planning application and did not receive a neighbour notification from the Council, you must do so by tomorrow – Friday 19th October. You can send your comments by email.

Read more about the application and how to comment (plus a lively debate about the application in the comments section) on the blog post further down the page:

The issue has also been added to the agenda for the AGM on Tuesday. Residents who received a notification letter have until Tuesday 30th October to comment.

Backpacker’s Hostel On Marywood Square

A backpackers’ hostel in Hillhead

A planning application has recently been submitted to convert “offices” (the former dance school) at the ground and basement level of 23 Marywood Square into a hostel with 24 beds.

Full details can be found here:

The Society has in the past objected to sub-division of properties in the area and HMO licences as we feel these conflict with the Conservation Area appraisal. We also raised concerns over the running of the Queens Park Hotel. Once the Society has drafted a response I’ll post it on the blog (please see update below).

In the meantime, the planning application reference number is Ref. No: 12/01693/DC

If you wish to comment or object to the application, you might want to consider the impact on the conservation area, referring to the conservation area document, which is available online (PDF), amenities such as bins and car parking, the current city plan and its design guides for listed buildings and those in conservation areas which you can find here.

You can send a comment or objection via email to or by post to Development and Regeneration Services, Development Control, 231 George St, Glasgow G1 1RX. The case officer is D Drummond. The comments and objections of neighbours will always count for more than those of a single organisation.

The deadline for neighbour comments is 30th October, so I suspect this subject will also be discussed at the Strathbungo Society AGM on Tuesday 23rd October, 7-9pm, Queens Park Church, 170 Queens Drive.

Update: If you wish to object, you can download and use this document as a starting point. It outlines the main grounds for objection and is based on the objection letter the Society has submitted: 23_Marywood_Objection_Letter

There is strength in numbers on issues like these. The Society has already been in touch with elected representatives and the community council to seek their support and has objected to the plans as an organisation but neighbour objections do carry great weight.

New Conservation Areas

As planning authority, Glasgow City Council is required to consider which parts of its area are of special architectural or historic significance and where appropriate designate these as conservation areas.
In regenerating the area, developing and maintaining a quality, historic environment plays an important role. The Council are therefore considering the potential designation of two distinct new Conservation Areas in Shawlands and have recently completed a Draft Conservation Area Appraisal for both Shawlands Cross and Waverley Park.
These have been issued for consultation and can be viewed online at Draft Conservation Area Appraisal
There will be a public meeting to discuss the proposals on:-
Thursday 27th September 7.00PM
Main Hall, Shawlands Academy
31 Moss Side Road
To Comment E-mail: no later than 2nd November 2012
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