Recently the collection of purple and brown bins has been sporadic. Do we know why? Can the Society talk to the Council about this? Thanks
Recently the collection of purple and brown bins has been sporadic. Do we know why? Can the Society talk to the Council about this? Thanks
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Will pass on to the committee. Thanks.
There is a platform for reporting issues with bin collections. Please don’t rely on others reporting issues you may have. If more people report the problems individually, then the matter usually gets resolved quicker.
True, and an app for your phone. I use it a lot. Perhaps Julyan does too. But it’s fair to ask if there is an issue when for example 4 out of the last 5 purple bin collections in Strathbungo have been missed completely. It may be a systemic problem with underfunding, I don’t know, but no harm in asking.
Thanks for letting me know about the ‘missed bin collection’ page on the Council web site, which I was not aware of.
The Society has arranged a meeting with GCC to discuss on 23 October. The Society reps would like any reports of missed bins though, as evidence of the issues. If you or anyone can identify any pattern or instances of missed bin collections that would help.
I have identified missed purple (glass) collections repeatedly in the Moray Place lane between Queen Sq and Marywood Sq, but suspect these were Glasgow wide. Can anyone confirm this?
May: missed
June: missed, collected after complaints prior to BitBL
July: collected
Aug: missed
Sep: missed, collected after complaints
Brown bins often missed, but green and blue pretty reliable.
Can someone speak to the council about Nithsdale Road recycling? I have reported this numerous times to the Council regarding over flowing bins and fly tipping in the area due to these bins not being uplifted when they should but nothing has been done. This area is turning into a disgrace and nobody seems to be interested. This is in a conservation area outside listed buildings and it is an eye sight.
Added to agenda thanks.