Author: The Strathbungo Society (Page 2 of 6)

Strathbungo Society AGM 2023

The AGM of the Strathbungo Society is set for tomorrow, Tuesday 7th November. The event is again in Queens Park Church of Scotland over on Queens Drive, and will begin at 7.30pm. Doors will be open from 7.15pm, with tea and coffee available beforehand and wine afterwards.  Do come and meet fellow residents of the area.

The principal business of the evening will be the Society’s report and accounts for the year. We also welcome Iain Morrison from consultants Ironside Farrar to talk about the southside consultation on improvements to Queens Park.

Documents here:

We are always looking for new blood on the committee. Every community organisation needs to reflect the diversity of the people living in the area, and always needs a variety of different talents to make the machine work. We meet 10 times a year, in the den of The Bungo Bar on Nithsdale Road, and you can contribute as much or as little as you like, according to your interests and skills. Beyond committee work, we also need volunteers to take part in Bungo Cleanups, to help organise local events like Bungo in the Back Lanes, or even introduce new ideas for other events. Have you any time that you can give to your local community? Have you new ideas, but need some help to get them going?

The Society is only as strong as those who contribute, so it needs your support.

Please contact us for further information, before, during or after the event.

Winter 2023 Newsletter is here

The latest newsletter has arrived. If it hasn’t made it through your door already, you can

Read it now!

It’s all Bridges, Back Lanes, Bam, and Bye-bye to Heather Alexander.

And then there is our AGM on Tuesday 7th November at 7.30pm. Along with the usual business there will be a presentation on the future of Queens Park, and the results of the recent consultation.

Thanks to Rhiannon and Paola for editing. If you want to write something for the newsletter, or even better if you fancy helping edit it or laying it out, please get in touch.

You can also find the newsletter, and old ones back to the 1990s, at the BygoneBungo Newsletter Archive.

Planning application for Nithsdale Street – steel container for open air cafe & takeaway

A planning application for the vacant ground at 47 Nithsdale Street has been submitted, and can be viewed at Glasgow City Council’s Planning Portal, using reference 23/01662/FUL. The application is titled “Use of land for siting of steel containers for use as cafe and hot food takeaway (Sui generis), includes installation of flue extract, with external seating area and erection of fence.”

Whatever your views, you can respond before the deadline of 25 September. You can find some useful guidance on responding to planning applications at Planning Law Blog.

It is worth noting that this vacant site sits within the conservation area, although, oddly, the adjacent buildings (World Foods, etc) do not (there is a map on the BungoBlog).

Full site plan including the two steel containers, and open air bench seating

And here’s the site as seen on Google Maps. It’s been tidied up and the gable end wall repaired since this view however.
View from google maps of site on Nithsdale Street

Bungo in the Back Lanes 2023

Only two weeks to go! What are you planning for Bungo in the Back Lanes this year?

Saturday 17th June 2023, 1pm-5pm.

There will be the famous society tombola and bottle stalls, residents’ stalls, two tea gardens, two bars, two live music venues, a children’s garden and a craft fair.

There’s plenty of guidance on the FAQ page, from setting up stalls, to food hygiene, to donations. But, please, no sale of alcohol, nor drinking of alcohol in the lanes – it’s illegal and may get us all in trouble.

We are always on the lookout for volunteers to help out for a bit on the day, setting up, taking down, running our stalls, etc. See the volunteers page for details.

We are also looking for donations to our tombola and bottle stalls. If you can contribute details for this year are as follows:

Tombola donatons welcome at 21 Regent Park Square – Harriet Steynor (07729 451917)
Bottle stall donations welcome at 53 Queen Square – Teresa Mooney

Footbridge Update

This just in from Network Rail. Moray Place closure, and the new bridge is coming!

Good morning,

With our upcoming work involving the closure of Moray Place from 12-23 June, I wanted to send a reminder that the parking spaces at the Arnold Clark building will remain available for residents at 1-10 Moray Place.

Ahead of the footbridge installation, it would also be helpful for our preparatory works if residents could please utilise these spaces from 8 June onwards – as this will allow us to complete our work as efficiently as possible.

The actual lifting in of the new footbridge will take place overnight on Saturday 10 June from Darnley Road.

As previously advised, our work sites at both Darnley Road and Arnold Clark are scheduled for demobilisation in July.

Thank you for your continued patience.

Kind regards,

David O’Neill
Communications Manager, Scotland
Network Rail

Spring 2023 Newsletter

The latest newsletter has arrived. If it hasn’t made it through your door already, you can

Read it now!

It’s all Back Lanes: Details of Bungo in the Back Lanes, Brighter Bungo – it’s this SUNDAY 4th June, not Saturday as stated – and back lane repairs.

Thanks to Rhiannon Spear for editing this one. If you want to write something for the newsletter, or even better if you fancy helping edit it get in touch.

You can also find the newsletter, and old ones back to the 1990s, at the BygoneBungo Newsletter Archive.

Back Lane Repairs begin

With planning permission in place we reviewed our budget in the light of rapidly increasing costs. The full extent of works is beyond our available funds, and so we have elected to repair the Vennard Gardens lane entrance at Moray Place, and the central section of the Marywood & Queen Square lane that is most prone to flooding. The Vennard Gardens lane entrance at Pollokshaws Road is beyond our budget unless further funds become available.

That said, as soon as we agreed to proceed, our contractor, Richard Birch Gardens, got to work. They have already cleared blocked gulleys and have commenced work in Vennard Gardens. Access to the lane here will be impossible for the next week or so. Once this is complete, work will begin in the other lane, probably week commencing May 29th.

Work should be complete before Bungo in the Back Lanes.

Meanwhile local resident Christine Gibson has nicely documented the growth of the puddle from the early 1960s to the present day:

At left, a small child plays in a small puddle in the early 1960s, at right the entire lane is flooded

The Fate of the Footbridge

Network Rail have announced a new home for Strathbungo’s footbridge.

The bridge, recently removed into storage, will find a new home at the Caledonian Railway’s Brechin Station. The old cast iron columns that held up Strathbungo Station’s booking hall (later Susie’s) will also be re-used at Brechin.

Caledonian Railway is a railway preservation charity that runs trains from Brechin to Bridge of Dun in Angus. They previously re-used the footbridge from Dunblane station at Bridge of Dun.

Window Wanderland 2023

After a two year hiatus due to Covid, Strathbungo Window Wanderland will return, in spectacular style, on Saturday 25th February!

Date: Saturday 25 February 2023
Time: 6-9pm
Location: Strathbungo, Glasgow, G41
Cost: Free and unticketed. All welcome!

Now in its 5th year and fast becoming a cultural highlight of the community calendar, this vibrant southside neighbourhood will play host to a street party like no other as residents transform their windows into a dazzling display of colour, creativity and community spirit.

The Guardian described the last event, in 2020, as ‘a glorious psychedelic playground… a retina-shredding explosion of pop culture’ and this year’s return promises to be just as incredible, transforming our streets into a spectacular outdoor gallery for all to enjoy.

Previous years have seen incredible performances in front rooms, amazing projections onto buildings, dance parties, giant human jukeboxes, intricate installations, pop up bingo halls, hair salons and tattoo parlours and music filling the streets….

Locals are busy plotting, designing, painting, borrowing ladders and rigging lights all in the name of creating a beautiful walking trail through the area. We imagine the ups and downs of the past two years will provide rich fodder for many residents planning their displays! And the human jukebox will be back.

Organiser, Sarah Reid, explains: ‘After such an unsettled period, that has been stressful and isolating for so many, it feels more exciting than ever to be organising this event that brings so much joy and magic to so many. Window Wanderland highlights what’s so special about our community and the beautiful and incredible things we can do when we come together.’

Note: This is a walking event and we ask that visitors please use public transport to get to the event. Residents are asked to plan ahead and avoid driving in the area if at all possible.

Facebook and Instagram: @bungowindows

Kindly supported by the Strathbungo Society and Pollokshields Local Area Partnership.

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