Viennese Ensemble Plays Craft Fair, Goes Digital

Some… Starthbungoites? Strathbungoians? Strathbunyans? are probably aware of the Viennese Ensemble. (At least four people are, since there are two members from Strathbungo and I’m pretty sure our spouses have noticed us slipping out for rehearsals every week.)

The Viennese Ensemble plays pop music so old that my grandfather, who recently passed away in his mid-nineties, may have just barely remembered it from his childhood. Think of European cafe scenes from old films, gas-lit streets, waltzing in nightclubs, that sort of thing.

Though the music we play is as old and durable as Strathbungo houses, the Viennese Ensemble has now entered the digital age! We have:

  • an archive of live tracks onBandcamp,
  • a WordPress blog for keeping track of upcoming gigs,
  • and a Facebook page that you can ‘like,’ and where I’ll post links to new gig and tracks

We hope that you enjoy listening to this music as much as we enjoy playing it- and it is FUN to play.

We’ll be playing at the craft fair at Church on the Hill – kitty corner across Queen’s Park – this Saturday, March 31st, from 2:00 to 4:00.
(Please note that the fair has been moved from Sunday to Saturday.)

Come listen to us for free and buy our new CD!


  1. Sam Moir

    This looks great. I hope to pop along during a break from painting on Saturday. Btw, I love that you wrote ‘kitty corner’. I haven’t heard that since I lived in the states! You might have some explaining to do 🙂

  2. Dee

    @Sam Moir Thanks Sam! Yes, I am indeed American. And I’m working on the Strathbungo newsletter now, so you may notice some foreign slang in there as well.

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