Tag: greener bungo

South West City cycle way extension – is this the best route?


If interested but unable to go to the drop-in you can access the online consultation here

The proposed route extends the current South West City Way from the Shields Rd/St Andrew’s Drive junction along St Andrew’s Drive to Pollok Park.

The proposed route bypasses the main centres of population in East Pollokshields and Strathbungo.  Were it instead to continue up Shields Rd to Nithsdale Rd, then on to Terregles Ave joining St Andrew’s Drive after Maxwell Park, it would be almost the same distance and much more helpful to any local resident wanting to use a dedicated cycle lane to get to Pollok Park or into the city centre by the South West Cycle route.    The Strathbungo Society could then work on the missing link between the Darnley/Nithsdale and Shields/Nithsdale junctions!

What do people think?

Bungo bird fest

Fieldfare feasting on rowan berries Queen Square today

The last two weeks or so has seen Strathbungo’s greatest annual wildlife spectacle.  Hundreds of birds, most obviously  fieldfare from Scandinavia, have come in to  feast on bungo’s berries.  The spectacle seems to be later than in previous years and to have gone on longer.  This is probably a consequence perhaps of this year’s excellent berry crop.  I saw hundreds of fieldfare up in Kintail in October but with so much food they have been able to idle their way south and will stay as long as the food source lasts.

Fieldfare on the large willow on the back lane between Queen and Marywood Square

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