Strathbungo Society Meeting, 15th August, 7.30, Grianach

Come along to the first Strathbungo Society meeting of the new term to play your part in organising BUNGOfest on October 8th, or to bring your ideas for new society events or projects.

We will also be losing the Chair and the Treasurer this autumn when they move away from the area, so we really need any keen volunteers who can help out running the society at regular meetings or even on the committee.

Come along and let us know what you can do to help. All welcome.

Grianach, 7.30pm, 15th August


  1. Laura Moodie

    Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-chair, newsletter editors, website contributors, committee members. We need lots of fresh voices to join the Bungo banter. If you’d like to get involved, come to the next meeting on September 19th.

  2. david

    dear sir/ madam

    i am a former resident of strathbungo, 40 years in fact, i return to visit friends from time to time.
    our special place, which holds privileged status, also pays for it’s post code ie associated property values. i have a problem though, a big one, which, i would like to raise in dismay.

    how possibly, can those who reside in strathbungo, enjoy it’s attraction, reputation and plaudits, totally contradict it’s status ie buildings enjoying conservation stature, then undermine the area’s integrity, by a complete lack of respect for it’s image? this with specific focus/emphasis to horrendous levels of rubbish, lying unattended? this is totally unacceptable, in fact, those who represent the community, at strathbungo society level, are in my opinion, letting everyone down. it’s all well and fine, organising “bungo in the lanes” events, which celebrate our sense of community. problem being, if those who reside in what are, important architectural buildings, can’t uphold some sense of housekeeping, the area may start to become known for it’s lack of protective consideration.

    start making some clear communicative statements to residents please, if you consider yourselves to be representative voices of the community. if households can’t be relied upon to dispose of their weekly household refuse, in a considered manner, than it is upto you to formulate suggested ways, which improve this quite pathetic situation.

    not happy


  3. James Limb

    Dear David,

    I share your frustration at residents’ lack of care in their environment. The issue of refuse rears up again and again, and there are two issues; first, that residents won’t take responsibility for their own discarded items, and second that we seem unable to rely on the Council to attend to highlighted issues in a timely manner.

    The Strathbungo Society organise 3-4 lanes clear-ups each year, clearing all the lanes we can, but have never managed to get more than 10 people turning up to help, many of them committee members; there is a limit to what we can achieve, and how long you can prevail upon these same peoples’ generosity to continue this. We have provided continual requests in the newsletter asking residents to help themselves by bringing bins into their own gardens after collection to avoid the bin-raking, but these are ignored. We have had contacted and had support from local councillors who have sent letters to all residents asking for the same. We have regular contact with the LES officials, and have recently managed to resolve a number of issues with a new fortnightly collection service. Amongst many others, I notify the council regularly about items requiring bulk uplift, but as I write 19 days after I reported things next door, they are still there.

    We have made our clear communicative statements. We have formulated a number of ways to improve, and got our hands dirty on may occasions clearing up problems, on an individual and society level. We have been involving those , the Council, who time and time again in this city ultimately carry the responsibility for picking up the pieces when people won’t look after themselves, and I really don’t know what more to do. If you have ways you have found yourself to solve this problem then we would be happy to hear them, because until people take responsibility for their own actions I believe this is difficult to solve.

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