From Teresa Mooney, the Chair of the Strathbungo Society:
Annual General Meeting – Tuesday 21st October 2014
Many thanks to all of you who attended our AGM and took part in some lively discussion on areas of work that were proposed for the Society to take forward in the next year to improve our neighbourhood and address the issues that matter to residents. Thanks to David Meikle and Norman MacLeod, our local Councillors, for attending our AGM and offering information and support of our work.
On the night Office Bearers were elected:
Chair – Teresa Mooney
Vice Chair – Allison Hussain
Secretary – Alison Hunter
Treasurer – Bryan Miller
It was agreed that we will continue with our events programme, the first of which is:
Bungo Birl: Get out your tartan for this great family event! Saturday 22nd November
6 – 9pm. Tickets are on sale now (includes delicious buffet!)
Adults £12, Children £6, under 3’s free. Bookings at:
In addition to all of our events, we have agreed to take forward the following – not in rank order!:
- Improvements to the pedestrian bridge at Regent Park Square and the railway bridge at Susie’s Shop
- Improvements to the raised grass verge and roundabout at Nithsdale Road
- Traffic management in Strathbungo, including awareness raising regarding speed and parking, improvements to street lighting, pavements and possible closure of the streets in a rolling programme, to allow children to play unhindered by traffic.
- A greater focus on the history of the area and origin of the Society and its work on heritage and conservation.
I’m delighted to say that we have a few volunteers to help us to make these plans real in the coming year and beyond – some of them will definitely take a bit more than a year! If you were not able to attend on the night and would like to be part of developing any of the above areas, and/or our existing areas of work, please get in touch:
We’ll keep you updated on progress and look forward to seeing you at the Bungo Birl!
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