
Strathbungo Society AGM

The Bungo-lo, Nithsdale Road, Strathbungo

7.30pm 24rd October 2013


1. Sederunt and apologies

2. Approval of the Minutes for the AGM held on 23rd October 2012 and matters arising

3. Adoption of the Trustees Report and Annual Accounts

4. Election of Office Bearers

New – Chair

Vice Chair



5. Presentation of Non- Elected Officers

Newsletter Editor

Newsletter Distribution Officer

Pollokshields Area Partnership Representatives

Brighter Bungo Organiser

Events Organisers

6. Open Session/ forum

Possible topics for discussion might include -.
•Ideas to improve the environment. Could cover: litter/fly tipping, lighting, dog fouling, landscaping, cycle lanes etc
•Crime prevention and neighbourhood watch
•Ideas to mark the Commonwealth Games in 2014
•Involvement in any local area competitions: best gardens etc
•Planning issues: the bridge, Titwood Road Care home?

7. Any other business

8. Date of Next Monthly Meeting – 18th November 2013

The meeting is open to all, so please come along. If you are unable to attend and wish to be involved with the work of the Strathbungo Society, keep up to date with all the goings on via or via our Facebook page.