The 2010 AGM will be held on Monday the 18th of October at 7.30pm in the Queens Park church hall, 180 Queens Drive.
We are ready to invest our Landfill Communities Fund Grant to develop our local park. Choose between the Queen’s Park Performance Project and new play equipment. Also on the agenda:
- Bungo in the Back Lanes – can it continue?
- The value of volunteering – your society needs you
For full details, see the AGM flyer (PDF).
I am not sure of the history of the following – but I would like to pursue something along the following lines. – Could you advise?
In view of the success of cafes in Roukenglen Park, Bellahouston Park, and Pollok Park (all of which have car parking within the park) – that the Strathbungo Society changes the previous input to “The Friends of Queens Park” which objected to a Council proposal to permit a private development in Queens Park, and, to actively lobby Glasgow City Council to reconsider limited private development where they find it advantageous.
@Ian Stark
Glasgow City Council are currently consulting on Development and Management Plans for 7 of the larger parks in the City including Queens Park. The weblink is and the deadline for responses is Fri 17 Dec 2010