Spring Clean In The Sun!

What a gorgeous morning for our community clean-up!

A thousand thanks to the many volunteers who turned up to help. This was definitely the first clear-up where we had to ask people to come back later as all our litter-pickers were in use. Over a couple of hours a team of 30-40 people cleaned:

  • All the back lanes between Nithsdale Rd and Vennard Gardens
  • Nithsdale Rd
  • Moray Place railway embankment
  • Nithsdale toll
  • Torrisdale Lane (behind Pollokshaws Rd)

We had to leave some items that were too bulky or had clearly been left for a planned bulk uplift but among the rubbish was:

a mattress, two vacuum cleaners, a TV, a garden’s worth of fencing, an ironing board, a plastic car and at least 40 bin bags or litter. We also gave away 8 window boxes and 15 packets of wildlife-friendly wildflower seeds as well as discussing plans to create more green space along Nithsdale Road and improve what’s already there.

Couldn’t make it but like what you hear? We’re trying to get a crew together of green-fingered or at least green-minded enthusiasts to help bring some of our gardening projects to life. If you’re interested, just comment below or email chair@strathbungo.co.uk

1 Comment

  1. Dee

    Pollokshaws Road was cleaned up as well!

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