As the name implies, Bungo in the Back Lanes is a neighbourhood festival held in the back lanes, usually on the Saturday closest to the summer solstice.
When announced, the date will be on the calendar of upcoming events and in the FAQ.
For more info
- The BitBL map is ever evolving, watch this space.
- Got a question? Have a look at our FAQs page.
- Want to help? Our volunteers page.
The event began in 2000 (and before that the summer Bungo knees-up took place in Queens Park) with the aim to bring the back lanes to life and put them to use. The famous facades of Strathbungo have earned the area conservation status, but the cobbled back lanes give our neighbourhood quite a different character. The rambling lanes, the original granite setts we walk on, the less than upright brick walls are familiar, friendly, sometimes disgraced by the dumping of rubbish or the foraging of an urban fox – but they’re ours!
There are almost two acres of back lanes there for us to play with or play on, two acres of performance area, music venues, playground, exhibition space and dance floor!
We hoped that by realising the great potential of this shared space we might discourage its abuse. Indeed, every Bungo in the Back Lanes has stimulated a giant clear-up with residents and the Council joining forces to remove graffiti, uplift rubbish and strim the vegetation that springs eternally between those cracked bricks and paving stones.
Bungo in the Back Lanes encourages everyone to open up their back gates, set out their stall and sell their wares – whether it’s home baking, barbecued burgers, craft goods, or junk from their attics (which becomes someone else’s treasure). Just set up your own table and get going.
The Strathbungo Society brings in some added value with live music, beer gardens, tea gardens and, more recently, the Makers’ Market – all the fun of the fair!
Each year since 2000, Bungo in the Back Lanes has attracted more and more people, and more and more households have opened their doors and taken part. We’ve Bungoed in the Park, we Bungo at the Bells, but Bungo in the Back Lanes is the biggest and best event.
All the best people do it in the Back Lanes! What will you do this year?
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