Slowing down

Speaking, I admit, as one of the lucky ones who didn’t need to use a car this week, was it really so bad walking to work? Has anyone else seen things they would never normally have had time to look at? There’s a lot going on between here and the West End, and the sunrise over the Clyde on Wednesday morning with mist swirling over the ice pancakes on the water was glorious. I just wish I had taken a proper camera.

Next time.

Though hands-up who thinks their house rivals Altnaharra for the coldest place in the UK…


  1. Laura Moodie

    Yes, walking is definitely the easiest way to get around when it’s icy – although not so good if you’ve got a buggy! It was truly, heart-stoppingly beautiful on Wednesday. There’s a picture on Facebook by a fellow Bungoan showing the temperature outside their shed as -10 at 11am on Wednesday.

  2. Dee Miller

    I walked to Queen St. Station on Wednesday, and I’m kind of shocked that nobody shovels or salts the sidewalks here. The sidewalks were very icy and I wouldn’t recommend that anyone who didn’t grow up ice skating and skiing try to walk a long distance on them. When I lived in Toronto and Ann Arbor, I walked to work during the winter, but the sidewalks there are much better maintained (shoveled and salted). I won’t make walking long distances on icy sidewalks a habit, to be honest. It’s dangerous.

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