Reclaiming Our Streets

I’ve lived here for more than ten years. It’s a community I know and feel safe in but with the news of a gang rape in a lane off Pollokshaws Rd this weekend, I’ve been struggling to think of ways to show this is not a community that turns a blind eye to such acts – that this is not a place where people can commit crimes and expect to get away with it.

The Society will be writing to the local police to request increased patrols, particularly in the back lanes, and to our councillors to push for improved street lighting but the bottom line is:

This is OUR neighbourhood and we all need to make sure it is not a safe place for people to carry out vile criminal acts.

We need to be vigilant about what is happening outside our windows once the shutters are closed.

We need to take a stand, to call the police when we have concerns and to challenge those whose behaviour makes us feel insecure in our homes and on our streets.

What can we all do to make our community’s spirit visible? What can we do to demonstrate that this will not be tolerated?

Anyone with information about the attack on Saturday night should contact London Road Police Office on 0141 532 4600 or call the non-emergency Police Scotland number 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


  1. Commenter

    There’s been suspicious activity going on day and night for at least the past two years. During the day people go up and down the lanes raiding the bins literally every single day and at night there’s suspicious activity on the back lanes (im a very light sleeper). Ive spoken to the police numerous times about it but if this is the first that people have noticed it then thats very worrying!

  2. Elizabeth Goodwin

    I reported the light in the lane at Torrisdale st being out on the 13 th of April sadly on the morning of the 14 th awoke to find out a crime had be commited

    • Laura Moodie

      How awful to hear that, though heartening to know people were vigilant enough to report it. Hopefully there will be a positive outcome. All the city councillors for our ward have agreed to push for improved lighting and residents on the other side of the ward dividing line have also contacted their councillors to request the same for their lanes.

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