missing cat

Missing Cat

Hi please help me get home. I’ve not been home since Friday afternoon (18/3/2011) and my brother is really missing me.

My name is Parsley and I’m really curious so could you please check your outbuildings and your garden sheds because sometimes I poke my nosey nose in places I shouldn’t and get into trouble. I’ve also been known to jump into big white vans too, so if you’ve recently had people round doing work could you please give them a call to ask if they’ve seen me running out of their van when they got home?

If you see me you’ll recognise me as I’m ginger, have a stripy tail and a small white fleck on my nose – I’ve also got a wonky head which tilts to the side due to an ear infection I had when I was a wee kitten.

If you find me please don’t hesitate to call my mum or dad on:

07949 784541


07971 606798

or 423 1549

Thank you


  1. gavin frew

    missing from Regent Park Square

  2. gavin frew

    please tweet or FB to locals

  3. gavin frew

    he’s back 😀 Got himself stuck in someone’s house when they were away for the weekend – apologies to them for the mess!

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