Looking for a book group

Is there an existing book group in Strathbungo looking for a new member, or anyone want to start one up ? I live in Moray Place and read everything, but especially contemporary fiction, and wouldn’t mind reading and discussing this, as well as some of the classics that I never got round to earlier in life !

Thanks, Rosie


  1. keith

    I’d be interested in joining or helping start up something like this too. Previous attempts to locate one have been unfruitful. Also possibly interested in any writers groups in the area.

  2. sharon

    Hi Rosie –
    As we discussed at BiBLs, I’d be interested in joining a local book club – recently joined one in the west end but their second get together was in Balmaha. Next month John o groats? I also joined the Strathbungo club which started up three or four years ago, but felt out of synch with their choices. Not that I’m that picky – I just want to read things that provide a modest stretch and hear some good chat. I wonder if you, Keith and I each asked someone else to join us, would that be enough to start a circle?


  3. Rosie Ilett

    Sorry both of you but I don’t think I am going to have time to do this, so hope you two will be able to take it forward. Good luck, Rosie.

  4. Joan


    I would be interested as well – especially as I am new to the area – in one of the squares – what do you think? Could be fun!


  5. sharon

    Yes, please! How do we progress this? could Joan and Keith email me at sharon@swithey.co.uk and we can go offline to discuss how to get together.

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