Lights Out Night

Hello bungoites

I’m thinking of trying to organise a Lights Out Night in Queens Park. This would be of the nature whereby as many people as possible come out to hang out together in the park on an evening with the dual themes of saving on home energy and generating a more positive impression of the park.
Local cafe’s providing food, some acoustic music/spoken word, bicylce powered cinema, lantern making that type of thing. I will be talking to the South Side Transition group and local cafe owners among others to see who is interested in making this happen. I wonder what the society would think about bringing to the table? One option mooted is to go for this on the 10th October to coincide with the International Day of Doing on Carbon Reduction.
Look forward to hearing any thoughts/ideas/input from anyone. Best Wishes

1 Comment

  1. kenneth montgomery

    Hello Chris,
    Don’t know if you made any progress with this – just saw it in the newsletter. I’ve got access to a bicycle powered cinema tho, so get in touch if it could be useful.


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