I’ll drink to that!

Bungo In The Back Lanes will be dry no more! The Strathbungo Society got confirmation this week that we have had our licence for two beer gardens for Saturday 18th June approved.

The bars will be run by Mulberry St, our local bar and bistro. As ever, no alcohol can be consumed outside the licensed areas. Our ability to secure a licence in future will be jeopardised if we break the terms of the licence.

Thanks are due to Glasgow City Council and Mulberry St for all their help and advice. Cheers!


  1. Jonathan Patrick

    Well done to those who worked hard to secure the licence. We now just need the weather to be able to enjoy an out door drink. Fingers crossed.

  2. James Limb

    I hope that picture doesn’t show alcohol being consumed outside a licensed area. Tut tut.

    Thanks from me too for all your efforts.

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