We’ve had a few queries recently about food stalls and BBQs so we thought it made sense to have all the info in one place.

The Society obviously can’t dictate what people may choose to do in their private gardens but we do have to make sure we’ve considered all the risks to the public during the event and how to minimise them.

If you’re planning to serve food, you must contact the food safety department of Glasgow City Council who will examine the cooking premises being used prior to the event and spot-check on the day. Phone 0845 2701558 or email: foodsafety@glasgow.gov.uk

We’d prefer to keep BBQ and camping stoves etc to a minimum but if you are going ahead, as well as contacting Food Safety you also need to consider the fire risks involved. We have been informed by Strathclyde Fire and Rescue that The Scottish Executive has published guidance entitled “Practical Fire Safety Guidance for Places of Entertainment and Assembly.”

It’s free to download here: http://www.firelawscotland.org/v2893b.html?pContentID=221

The bottom line – keep flammable liquids safe, make sure you have extinguishers to hand and make sure anyone coming in your garden can get out easily and the Fire Service can enter easily!

If you have any concerns about potential health and safety risks, do let us know either before the event or by speaking to a Bungo steward on the day. We’ll also be out walking the back lanes every day next week to check access and hazards and keep on top of litter and fly-tipping (we hope!) Extra volunteers welcome!